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Biggest luxury for American in China

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I think that is the problem for a lot of us squatting is not a natural posture, because we were not raised doing that we were taught to sit. For most the bathroom at home has turned into a reading room, I have even seen them with telephones and TV's :o A person here does not just go to the bathroom, it is a ritual, you get comfortable and bring the newspaper with you, have a cup of coffee and a smoke.


Just about everywhere I stayed had the hole, shower, wash your underwear setup and the only problem was squatting would cut off the blood to my lower legs and feet and they would go to sleep.


Oh what a subject to discuss :blink: lets hope they cut some P-4 loose soon, liven this place up a little :D

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As far as my limited travels in China go, the squat pot is the norm. Sweet Jiening has one in her apartment, as do her parents. The shower of course just hangs on the wall in there. It was a bit embarassing the first time, but now we both laugh that I just strip from the waist down to do my business rather than risk the mess. Also allows use of the hand shower rather than tissue for that fresh clean feeling (just before the bucket flush!).


Best advice:

Don't drop your toothbrush.

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My wife's home, the homes of her friends and her family all had western style toilets. I tried to avoid using the squats for anything other than taking a whiz. I remember the trouble I had digging a hole and doing my business during my military years and the anxieties I had from the bombsite toilets I used in Korea.


Old bones and old joints, not to mention the stability of somebody my size and age :blink: makes using the squats a little difficult to handle.


My wife kept the bathtub full of water which was used to flush the toilet as needed.

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Garagegoddes is right - and I myself tend to avoid public sit down toilets. Not usually very clean, and if someone used it they may have put their feet on the stool - yes, that's right, squatted on a sit down toilet. I've seen foot prints. I've become quite accustomed to squatting, except at home.


People do take their time in the toilets here too. I saw a China-made movie once that showed these men in the public squat toilet with their newspapers in front and just chatting away for ages... just don't go to the countryside hole in the ground if it really puts you off (my friend once had to do it in an outside trench with all the village woman watching).


But I agree, let's hope for some P-4's or something to keep us from getting so potty ...

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I lived with a muslim family in Xi'an's Muslim quarter for a brief period (got reprimanded by the gov't and was nearly deported for doing so....long story for a separate post), our "bathroom" was outside...a hole in the ground to squat over and a bucket of water for flushing....We kept a barrel on the second floor that had a hose with a valve attached to the bottom, so for showers we had to heat up water in the camping stove and mix it with straight tap water to get the right temp and fill the barrel. It was about a 15 gallon barrel. Quick showers!

I have way too many Chinese potty stories...most of them would sicken even the strongest stomach.


So, the prettiest toilet view in all of China must be at the Halfway guest house in Tiger leaping gorge. A stunning view right from the shitter...it is actually quite famous...the owner of the house thinks it is absurd that so many foreigners flock to his guesthouse just to see the view from the W.C. :lol:

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In my old apartment in Qingdao, there was a very sketchy connection between the gas tank in the kitchen and the shower. Never could get it to work, and frankly, I dared not tinker very much with it. I eventually got pretty good at the cold showers. Now those were some quick showers!


There was a teacher I knew who once had the misfortune of having the toilet back up in the midst of a shower. Now that must have a been a pretty sight :lol:

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