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Lost in translation

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My Sweetie has asked me if the interview is conducted in English or Chinese. I seem to remember reading a long time ago that the consulate has interpretors available, but I am not sure. I am not worried either, but she is. Her English is perfectly sufficient for the task, she just worries alot sometimes.

Do any of you know if there are indeed interpretors there, or better yet, has anyone used one?

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My wife says the same thing. Her english is very good. Execellent, if she gets angry. In the beginning of the process I was stressing more than her, but now at the (knock on wood) half way point of 6 months, she is beginning to stress more than me. :P


Good luck trying to find a person that speaks both English and Chinese at an American Embassy in China. (kidding.)


bu dong

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It doesn't matter how good her english is- but it does matter how confident she is speaking. If she goes in there with confidence and can figure out what they are saying she will be fine- she talks to you- just tell her it's the same thing and not to be nervous- but I think if she voices doubts- like perhaps her english isn't very good- to the VO- that could be bad. Confidence is the most important thing.

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Hi Phil,


My Ningning has the same concern as yours. I've told her the advice I've heard from others: talk in English, even if they offer an interpretor. Be confident, listen closely. Always reply all answers in English, even if they talk to you in Chinese.


In addition to that, we go over all the questions as often as possible. The main thing is for her to take her time and listen carefully so as not to reply the wrong answer to the wrong question. This tends to be a problem when they practice the questions and answers. They need to listen very carefully and that is the hardest part, especially if the VO talks fast. But mainly, they need to show sincerity of their love. After all, the test of language is to ensure the relationship is genuine. The idea being that if they can't communicate, then how can the relationship be genuine? But body language and other things also show sincerity. These are trained specialist. They know what to look for. And their main purpose is to ensure the relationship is real.


-jim and Ningning

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But mainly, they need to show sincerity of their love.  After all, the test of language is to ensure the relationship is genuine.  The idea being that if they can't communicate, then how can the relationship be genuine?

it make sense. Phil, u can let ur wife relax, just like talking with a freind(VO) and introduce ur both relationship. Let her speak slowly, then VO would follow her speed. Good luck! :rolleyes:

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You're white, your wife is supposed to speak English for interview.:):)

Hmmm.... so is my wife supposed to speak Basque or Sanskrit? :P

Ebonics would've been my guess since we're going with stereotypes.


Moon you do have your girl well versed in 'hood smack' right? (I have this absurd image of her interview starting with 'Whaddup!')


Damn, this means I've got to teach ShuPing German, Gaelic and Cherokee. Not sure which one the VO will ask her for.

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Moon you do have your girl well versed in 'hood smack' right?  (I have this absurd image of her interview starting with 'Whaddup!')


Damn, this means I've got to teach ShuPing German, Gaelic and Cherokee.  Not sure which one the VO will ask her for.

Heeheee, ebonics! Ebonics? I'm Irish, 100% Irish I tell ya!


As funny as it might have been to educate my wife on the finer points of hoodsmackology, I am unable to do so having never actually lived in the hood, and as a youth developing a preference for dance-industrial over rap.


I might attempt to instruct my young lady in the proper oral reproduction of syntax commonly used by those well versed in classical literary works... but then BOTH of us would sound like we have a stick up our bums. :)


(I've taught my wife basic use of the f-bomb.)

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I have already been teaching her some German, and a lot of lingo "like, oh my god, whatever!" to say to people being annoying etc. I wonder how it would go if she broke out in some german in response to a question for which the interviewer already had the information?


Not a good idea I guess (she knows not to do this), but it sure would be funny!!!

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I think the F bomb is a good start. Throw that around several times during the interview and I'm sure she'd get a white slip. Start the interview with "Whaddup Mother f***er!" and I'm sure there will be no more questions, just a white slip handed through the window.


Of course a Shakespearean greeting might produce the same effect.


Try one or more of these:


If the VO is female: "Why my dear Lady Disdain, are you yet living?"


"Ceremony was but devised at first to set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow welcomes, recanting goodness, sorry ere 'Tis shown; but where there is true friendship, there needs none."


"Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love."


"He that filches from me my good name robs me of that which enriches him and makes me poor indeed."


"I will name you the degrees. The first, the Retort Courteous; the second, the Quip Modest; the third, the Reply Churlish; the fourth, the Reproof Valiant; the fifth, the Countercheck Quarrelsome; the sixth, the Lie with Circumstance; the seventh, the Lie Direct."


"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me."


"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?"


Any one of these will surely impress the VO and get your girl a white slip.


Oh, and don't forget to perfect that English accent required to recite Shakespeare.

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