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It has been a long, long wait for you in a situation over which you had very little control. We all share everyone's frustration and should let off some steam now and then. Steam may be the lubricant that will get things moving for the rest of us.

It is your day brother,


Our best to you and YaYa

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Yes yesterday was a roller coaster day. Unbelievable. Still do not understnad HOW they can tell me to wwait another one or two months when it date was already assigned...but WHO cares anymore. We are finally in the home stretch!


We are SO happy. I called Yaya at probably her 3am as soon as I heard form DoS. She screamed...which woke her parents...LOL. Her hands were shaking for a very long time. She did not want to go back to sleep and got online and chatted with me and some other people on 001.


And now she has SO many things to do and get done. Some things she got for P3 are expired and will need new ones. Luckily I JUST resetn her my expired things last 2 weeks ago when we first heard "shortly". And she has many freinds & family to see and say goodbye to. She will be very busy this month. And I can start making plans for the trip. The early quotes are very promising pricewise.


Xmas will be very nice this year. And this good news this month is an excellent birthday presnt too. Look like I will get to take her to mom's house in MS for Xmas this year after all.

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Dunno how we kept our sanity at times either. We would both get depressed. But, we were there for each other to help each other feel better.


We chat everyday on webcam (except when I bowl) for a couple of hours. We chat on the phone frequently too. So, I think that helps a lot. To be able to see & hear your SO and know if things are or are not ok. I could not imagine doing this without a webcam.


But, we finally got thru it and are very happy right now. And Yaya, of course, is now getting a few jitters knowing she will be leaving soon...LOL...but looking forward to her new life very much.


I will be flying over for her interview. I, essentially, have managed to take the whole month of DEC off from work. This month will be a very busy month for her making plans and visiting people and gettin the last few things for her interview.


Hopefully NOV goes by very fast...LOL. :D :D

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