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Everything posted by CaliforniaDreamin

  1. Congratulations,Tony and Quan! Very happy to hear the interview was a breeze, best luck to both of you! California (Vaughn)
  2. Congratulations and good luck to the both of you.
  3. Hey Jim- Thanks so much for the details and sharing your experience. I think it's like everything else with this process, things tend to be random. At any rate it's better to be safe than sorry, so your your suggestions are appreciated. Thanks again & hope! California (Vaughn)
  4. Hello, I am assuming that the customs check K1 visa entries more carefully than us American citizens in the airport. Can anyone shed some light on the process that your fiance went through at immigration. Anything besides the passport, visa (with package) and ID that she needs to bring? What is the limit for jewelry and valuables that can be brought (not as gifts) and not taxed? I understand that for cash it is US$5000.00 Thanks, California (Vaughn)
  5. Alex, Since you plan to use China Southern (the only direct flight from GZ to the US), I would suggest you call them directly and I believe their phone number is (323) 653-8088. I have flown LAX to GZ 3 times via China Southern and would never use another carrier, because the direct flight is so much easier. I think you can pay for them directly (credit card), but you need to clarify this point with them. Good luck on the interview!
  6. Cosmic lobster- Ok, Dukes it is, I will be waiting to hear when your fiancé arrives. Anyone else within driving distance is also welcome to join. Dale, regarding your question: My position was a bit different from yours, as I had employee tax returns for 2001/2002. I believe that the VO is primarily interested in your level of personal income, which they considered to be 'liquid' income, not the income that your business generates and pays this bills with, although that is still a good thing to show them I feel. I gave the past three years of income (1040 for the first 2 and 1120 for last year). Frankly, my company has not turned much of a profit, so technically I have no personal income. With that said, at the last minute I decided to get a cosponsor just in case there was a problem, as I did not want to give the VO any reason to deny the case. As I said in my original posting, the VO was very keen on this point during my fiancé's interview and grilled her about my current income. She tried to explain that I now have a fledgling business and showed my company documents, website, etc.....for all intents and purposes he cut her off and asked "So, does he have any income now or not?" She said 'No', then proceeded to inform him of my cosponsor and looked at those documents. I would suggest you give copies of all your company info to your fiancé along with tax returns for the company (regardless of revenue) and prep your fiancé to explain and give the I134 (with all supporting documents) to the VO. You have probably guessed that to some degree the interview and requirements for passing are not an exact science, so if you cover all your bases you should come out with flying colors. Hope this helps, California (Vaughn)
  7. Hey guys- Yeah, Dukes is really cool, great location and vibe. Actually, the original Dukes is in Waikiki I think, then the spread out to quite a few resturants now. Not many people know that Duke Kahanmoku the father of Modern surfing and he was America's first swimming super star. Duke was in four Olympiads (1912, 1920, 1924, 1932). He was one of the first men to break the one minute barrier in the 100y freestyle. His times were so fast, that the A.A.U. (American Athletic Union) refused to sanction them. A registered surveyor had to measure the course three or four times, to make sure the pool lenght was legal! He was also a fearless lifeguard and to my understanding one of the gentle and kind men you could ever know. Sorry about that history, he is just someone I have admired. Jerikun!!! Thanks for the note and yes, I am really hoping your Jun will be with you very soon! I will be watching for your post about it in the future! Thanks California (Vaughn) Spin
  8. Thanks guys, Sounds good cosmic lobster, just let me know when and where you will have hte gathering, Santa Monica sounds good, but the surf there stinks. Malibu is close or we can go to your neck of the woods....would that be the Rincon area? Hey Maui, nice to see a Kama'aina on here, I was pretty much raised in Honolulu as a kid. Thanks and Mahalo to everyone, Vaughn
  9. Thanks for all of your kind wishes, I do appreciate it and wish everyone a wonderful life! I plan to still post here and help others when I have time. For any of you Southern California people, send me a message and maybe we can get together sometime. Thanks again, Caifornia Dreamin' (Vaughn)
  10. Hi everyone, I just wanted to let CFL know that my fiancé passed her interview on the 9th and she will be coming here in about a week. It has been a long, hard fought battle for us (about 18 months), as it seemed we were first in line for nearly every slowdown in the process; e.g., CSC coming to a near shutdown in late 03' and of course the slowdown from March-July hat we all faced (p3, p4). Fortunately, we did not have any 2nd name checks or problems with the paperwork. Regarding the interview, it was pretty straight forward and my fiancé stated she saw the white slip on the VO's desk before the interview even began, although he unskillfully tried to keep it discreet. They asked the basic questions, such as when did we meet, how many times did I go to China and what was my job. The only glitch we had was when my fiancé explained that I had changed jobs and in fact started a company, thus having a substantially lower income. The VO proceeded to 'grill' her on my company, revenue, etc...fortunately I included my corporate documents that he did look at carefully. This is a new company, so I had no taxes to show for last year. Our VO was described to me as a relatively 'stocky' gentlemen with a kind demeanor. My fiancé also commented that her friend had an interview the same day with 'Miss Pearl', which lasted 3 minutes and she asked for no documents. Hopefully this is encouraging news for everyone. At last, she was given the white slip and picked up her visa the following day. I'm not sure how it is for everyone else that has gone through this, but for me it was a bittersweet experience. Bitter because every moment away from her gave me a lack of peace and it seemed cosmically unfair that two people with such a unwavering fate must be apart while bureaucracy takes it's own sweet time and sweet because with each passing day our love has grown stronger and I feel like the luckiest guy on planet earth (I know I am not alone on this feeling). The whole concept of love has taken on a new meaning for me, as with time and experience, love takes on new meanings...and evolves. My grandmother always told me when you meet 'the one', you will just know, It is not something that can be reasoned, analyzed or figured out (nor should it be), it just is. I have also added one more to the three certainties in life; we are born, we die and we pay taxes.....now I can add the fourth, I have found love. Sorry about the long winded geyser of words here and for any of you who have bothered to read this far I wish you all the best of luck, it is worth it a hundred times over...ok ok, let's not exaggerate, a few times over I will leave you all with one relative quote that has stuck with me through this experience: "Regret for things we did can be tempered by TIME; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." Sydney Harris This one is for all of you brave souls who took the chance and did it (k1/k3, etc). Thanks for the support any of you have given! California (Vaughn) Dreamin'
  11. vegetarcat- Happy to see your great news, I'm sure both of you are elated! Good luck on the interview-shoot for a Christmas together! Take Care, California
  12. Go Alex! Luck is on your side after all, happy to hear it buddy! Good luck- California
  13. Neal & Yaya- Very happy to hear that you guys finally got a date!!! I think just about everyone who has followed your story was pulling for you. Anyway, good luck on the interview and maybe you can sleep a little better at night now. Regards, California
  14. Congrats Jim & Juxin! Very happy things went smoothly for you two, now you can really begin to realize your dreams together. Thanks for the elaborate story too, that gives everyone good insight to the entire interview/ pick up the visa process. Good luck! California
  16. Can anyone shed some detailed light on what the interview stations are like in specific? From what I know it is a public place(meaning not isolated) and the fiance stands in front of glass window for the interview. A few Questions; 1. Is it noisy and hard to hear? 2. Is there hole in the glass or is there some type of amplification system? 3. Assuming there is a hole to talk through, can anyone tell me how high from the ground it is? My fiance is quite tall by Chinese standards, so I am concerned she will need to hunch over during the interview or risk not hearing the VO clearly. Thanks! California
  17. Thanks Guys- I guess the moral of the story is be confident and honest-regardless of who is sitting on the other side of the glass. I don't think wearing a sign reading "US or bust" would help the cause. Cheers, California
  18. Interesting post Steve, my fiancé also mentioned such a lady, I was hoping it was more of an 'urban legend' than anything else, but I guess the black pearl does exist. Anyway, I am also anxious to see if anyone else has actual experience with her that they could share.. My fiancé's interview is coming up shortly. California
  19. Mark and Bea, Thanks for the wonderful news. ENJOY! California'
  20. Great News! Wishing you both the best of luck- I hope more of us can have smooth interviews in the months to come. Congrats! California
  21. Hi- It's good to see more people getting p4 this week, happy for you two. congratulations! California (is not dreamin anymore)
  22. Hey- Thanks for all of your warm wishes and to all of you waiting-keep your head u,p there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel. For all you fellow Californians, I live right on the border of LA and Orange county, somwhere in between Disneyland and Hollywood- City called Rowland Heights (manay many Chinese here by the way). Where are you guys? A get together sounds great, let me know and we will be there!!! Again, I can't say enough how supportive you all are and if you have any concept of karma then you know that help and support have a way of circulating and coming back to you in the future...whether in this life of the next. '...Two things stand like stone, KINDNESS in another's troubles, and COURAGE in one's own.' Adam Gordon- Thanks again!!!! California (Vaughn is my name)
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