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Finally got visa!

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Hi everyone, I thought I'd pass on a bit about our experience in gz last week. Our interview was on wed the 20th. We arrived gz on the 18th, in the middle of the canton fair. On the 16th we had learned that our travel agent had cancelled all of our hotel reservations, so we were pretty desperate to begin with. We stepped off the bus from shenzhen and followed one of the "hotel hawkers" to a pretty shabby place on the other side of town from shamian island. 478 per night, but a 40 rmb cab ride to the island. Anyway, medical exam on the 19th was pretty easy. We went to the place on shamian island. Arrived a bit past 8:30 and were slightly reprimanded for being "late" (place opened at 8:00, and we wanted same-day results). Exam was pretty easy, no vaccinations. Results ready by 4:00. 20th was the interview. We got there just after 7:00, got in line. We were one of the first 5 to arrive. My fiancee got into the embassy around 8:00, and I waited in the parking lot with a bunch of other people. Waited and waited. Around 10:30 the first people started coming out. Kept waiting. Some chinese guy told me that people coming out later would almost certainly be refused, so I got pretty worried. Kept waiting, until nearly the entire group in the parking lot had already left. My fiancee was just about the last person out, around noon. Thankfully passed with no problem! Just 5-6 questions-- who applied for you? Where is he now? What's his job? How did you meet? My fiancee offered her our pictures, and she looked over the whole album. No other questions. Very easy. The vo had my whole packet I sent to the NSC in front of her during the interview. My fiancee estimated that about 90% (at least) of all the people interviewing passed (k1 k3 and others). That chinese guy who warned me about late interviews was totally wrong, it's just luck of the draw who gets interviewed when. Anyway, next day showed up at 4:00 to get the visa. Again very easy. They gave back most of my hefty application packet (did not give back the photos I sent, though). Anyway, thanks to all here on candle for their help during this process. Best of luck to all of you still waiting!!!

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Hey Turtle, Way to go for both of you ~!


I was hoping to get a report from some of you August p-4ers!


Bet your travel agent canceled your booking because she could make MUCH more from another source during Trade Fair, probably under the table --- heard that one before...


.... But otherwise, seems like you had a nice smooth process....


Jim's Juxin had her interview on the 20th. --- he must have been standing outside in the crowd with you -- did you get a chance to meet him? Any idea how it went for them?


Well, glad you finally made it, and hope you will keep us posted from Olympia!


--- Kim

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turtle, i remember reading some of your posts when you were very frustrated about this long wait. you were saying just what i was feeling. now all of the b.s. is over. it must feel so good. just having an interview date is great, but now we just hope it's easy like yours, and not the capricious and arbitrary denials like a few have gotten. that's the fear factor.


so many congrats, and i hope you two have every bit of the wonderful life that you have been dreaming of. thanks for sharing the interview experience, too.


steve parker

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Congratulations! And thanks for taking the time to share some encouraging news. During this entire process its one thing after another, this time for you was cancelled hotel, bad advice from some guy on the street, doctor exam, etc. Its as if we are hoping to get away with something illegal...it shouldn't be that way...we all have a right to do this, should never feel any doubt along the way for pass/fail.


I am curious about the doctor exam as you mentioned you had to come back later for the results...what results? Do they do some blood work or something? Just curious...

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Congrats Turtle! :D :D :D


Thanks so much for posting your "experiences" for the rest of us to read. I'm glad you got the visa with little grief!


I was very pleased to see your estimate that 90% of the people got white slips that day! Someone on 001 is saying that 75% of the people are not passsing the interview. It's nice to hear from someone who actually went to the interview say otherwise. I'm sure my sweetie will be very pleased.


Yes, I'm sure your "reserved" hotel room went for a premium price to a Canton Fair businessman. :lol: :lol:


I was also happy to hear that the VO had your entire P1 packet. I wrote a very luvy dovey proposal of marriage to my sweetie (and she to me also!). I hope that when her VO reads it, it will have more of an effect than reading a plain jane business like statement of fact.


Again, congrats! You good fortune is a blessing for us all!

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