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Wife gets visa: full report...

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Well, the most nerve racking part is over for us, I guess. We left Hangzhou on a nearly empty 777, what a monstrous thing that was! I hate to fly, but it was smooth sailing in that baby, like a sky-caddilac or something.


We got to Guangzhou and well, what can you say about Guangzhou except that it's a dirty mess! I was glad to get to the island. It's like a little oasis in that city.


We stayed in the youth hostel across from the White Swan(make sure your lady stays in the White Swan!!!). When we checked in they made us show our marriage certificate. That's a first for me.


The first night we rested, got photos, and made an appointment for 8:00 am. Do make sure your lady gets there at 8 because the place we were in(near the new Victory Hotel) got busy very fast.


With that taken care of, we rested and shopped some.


The next day we picked up her results and we were pleased to see she is in perfect health. Then we shopped some more :greenblob:


On friday, april 9 she had the big interview. She went there around 8 and did not come out until 12:20. She had to wait in 4 different lines for this period of time. They were outdoors in the hot sun. When my wife was interviewed finally, she went to window 11 where a young woman with brownish-blonde hair interviewed my wife. My wife chewed her out for being made to wait so long! :redblob: The interview went very smooth and there were no snags or hitches.

We were both tired and relieved. She interviewed on Friday so we had to wait until Monday to pick up the visa.


We decided to go to ShenZhen for the weekend. It turned out to be a pretty fun city. Lots of touristy things to do and plenty of shopping. We went to a amusement park called "Window on the World" where you get to see all the wonders of the world in miniature. Pretty cool place to waste a day. Next morning we went to "Minsk World" a real Russian aircraft carrier, the Minsk, turned into a theme park. I enjoy military history, so it was a real treat! To my surprise, my wife was into it too. It does seem like one of the stranger amusement parks ever. I guess it was once used to showcase military might, but I'm glad those missles don't have live nukes in them anymore, personally.


We returned by train (1hr.) and got the visa. A pleasant time was had by all :D




The Food on the Island:


Buffet at the victory was good. Thai resturant was good and hot! French resturant was great(wife downed a few tequilas in there after the interview). Lucy's was great(went there twice).


If you have any questions at all please ask and I will try to help in any way.


My heart goes out to those of you who are not with your lady yet. Best of luck to all of you and thanks for the help, we could not have done it without this website.


More Tales Later...



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what can you say about Guangzhou except that it's a dirty mess!


Huh? :o Some of our wives live in GZ ya know. Personally I think the city is about as messy as Los Angeles. Some parts or quite nice (Especially around the East Centrail rail station) others... not so nice.


Check out a Park-n-Shop, or a Carrefour. Blue & White is cool. McDonalds is for teenagers.

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Congratulations!!! Matt, it is good to hear a good report to balance out all of the bad unexplainable things that happen. Have a safe trip home with your new Bride.

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hi, you guys, this is my interview talk , could be a little help i hope. (treetree)


I: Hi! Finally! O, I felt like I was waiting in a dentist office. plus lines outdoors.

VO: I am sorry, I am sorry. (she looked tired too) We have too many people this morning,(i can't remember the exact words).

I: I understand. You must have had a rough morning too. I mean, standing all the time…

VO:I am sorry…May I have your passport?

I:Sure. Wait a second…

VO: Raise your right hand,…

I: (read the stuff on the right side of the window)

VO: O.K.. so, who applied for the visa for you?

I: my husband Matthew

VO: Oh~, Matthew, good. How did you meet each other?

I: ********and he is really a wonderful man.

VO: umm.. umm….that’s good. when did he come to China?

I: after the Christmas in 2002.

VO: when did you get married?

I: *******in Hangzhou.

……..(i can't remember what i said ,but suddenly she realized matt is still in china)

VO:Oh, he is still here?

I: Yeah. He never left.

VO: what does he do?

I:he is teaching english in hangzhou.. ***university....

VO: that’s good. So, he was a student in 2002? ( She’s reading GG’s explanation letter on his ONLY tax return in his life for last year)

I: Yes, Last year was his first year of working. He had to get his master’s degree before he came over.

VO: O.K….

( A long pause…. I noticed her nice blue shirt, it really goes well with her brownish-blonde hair.)

VO: Since your husband’s income is so low, we…

I: Yes, that’s why we made his dad be our co-sponsor…

VO: Oh, here, ok. Let’s work on this…

(checking on dad’s 864 and tax returns…)

I: Dad is really a nice guy.

VO: that’s very good.(still checking..)

I: yeah, I am very lucky.

VO: you two plan to go back to u.s.?

I: yes, my husband is bored here.

VO: when will you leave?

I: well, I guess we will wait for him to finish up his contract.

VO: when will that be?

I: in the end of this semester. This summer.

VO: ok, (slide a piece of paper under the window) please sign here ( that’s my DS230II )

I: ok, umm. In Chinese characters?

VO: that is fine.

(I saw her signed her name on some documents too.)

VO: (get a white piece of note, give it to me through the window by a nice way ) could you come back on 12th to pick your visa? 4:00 pm.

I: O.K. Monday, 4:00. Thank you.

VO: You are welcome. Byebye.

I: Thank you! Byebye.



treetree from 001

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Congratulations! I wish the best for both of you.


Forgive me for noticing the irony, but it sounds like the same woman that denied Bing. Such tragic and happy news all from the same lady.


From the recount of the interview it doesn't sound like this VO is such a pleasant person. It sounds like your wife's English skills and your being there really made things move quickly. In some ways it sounds as if VO #11 grudgingly granted the visa.


But I digress from a positive mode, so I will focus on your happiness and wish you both, again, all the happiness and joy to you that we all desire.

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hi, dear Resp,


I live in Shenzhen too, and I know your wife, she is my good buddy, we met in person on Feb when my husband is here in SZ on Feb, so gald that your wife's CR1 is so quick, and I just sent mine and my adopted daughter's K3 and K4's p3 to GZ, now waitting for my p4, wish all of here good luck :lol: , oh by the way, how to download the pics on this forums. Xie Xie ni, LOL

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