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The light at the end of the tunnel has finally arrived. Now, with her visa in hand, we can prepare for our happy future together without ever again being seperated.


I'm sure many of you wish to know some details of the interview. We arrived outside the consulate at 8:00 with about 150 others and entered at 9:30. I was not permitted to wait inside with her or be present at the interview. There is a waiting/visitors room somewhere on the second floor, but I opted to wait outside for her. No bags, purses, pouches, cell phones can be brought in, only papers not in a bag of any kind. She was out by 11:30. The VO she had was very nice to her, she described him as old and fat (but everyone is fat to her). He asked her when we met, how many times I came to see her, and why she loves me and why she wants to marry me. He then asked her for some phone records, she said she didn't have any (in our excitement we left much of the paperwork in our room at the Victory hotel), he asked for some photos, she said none with her, he asked for some letters, she did have one she always carries with her. He said by the way she answered his personal questions he was completely convinced our relationship was genuine, and told her the visa was granted. He then asked to see the financial support documents, she handed him the I-134 and the employment letter (both dated in March 2003, yes, we left the updated ones in the room). He took a brief glance and handed them back to her. The topic of her CPC membership never came up.

The next day at 2:00 the visas were passed out, the local dialect was difficult for her to understand over the PA system. But her name was called and her visa was given to her.

Celebration time!!!!



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Congratulations!!!!!!! makes it sound easy. You mentioned no bags of any kind are allowed. I was under the impression that plastic bags were permited. Would you mind elaborating on how you presented the packette? It seems the system is ever changing.

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Congratualtions Pat, I'm very happy for you both!!! And thanks for the great info, it's really good to hear the details of how the interview went. Yeah, you make it look and sound so easy :D


I hope you can answer a question of mine. You said you didn't have many of the documents which the VO asked for, yet he approved her visa anyway. Do you think it was because you were there for the interview (albeit outside) waiting for her? I wonder if that made a big difference. I'm planning to be with my honey for her interview, but after learning that I will be forced to wait outside, I wonder if it is worth the trip?


Anyway, congrats again, thanks for the inspiration, and enjoy your new life!!!!!!!

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Our thanks to all of you for your congrats. I wish for all that are still waiting to soon have this fantastic feeling I'm now enjoying.


Carl, they mean no bags of any kind. A girl was turned away at the door for having a purse, then turned away again for having a plastic bag. The main "packet" is compiled at the medical exam with her documents (medical, birth certificate, police report, visa fee receipt, etc.) and sealed in a manila envelope with a cut corner, so the contents can be seen. Your supporting papers you bring with you, relationship papers and financial papers, are to be in a folder or a binder for easy viewing by security.


Mike, Bobby, the reply my Chang gave to the VO on his question on why she loves me and wants to marry me, was worth more than a boat load of papers. When she speaks of our relationship it comes strait from her heart and she is completely sincere. This is what they want to know.


Jim, when she told the VO this was my fourth visit and was outside, he did say he was impressed I came all this way just to be here with her for the interview. So, yes, I do think it did carry some weight, even though we could have produced all the other stuff he asked for. But as a deciding factor, no. I would be sure your lady has all the proof they request. Most there were without their fiance, Chang seen only one in an argument with the VO at the interview.



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