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man im crossing my fingers we make it and every thing works out real good,im about to mail her all the paper we need at the interview next week,here is my check list if i leave anything out let me know,

I-134 notrized

2001 and 2002 tax returns from irs and copys of my tax return with the w2 forms attached

2003 projected income from my pay check stubs this yr its shows how much i made on each one of them,i will send like 4 of them

employee letter

pics from our last trip

video from our last trip togther

emails printed out how many should i send?is 10 enough or what

if there is anything else i forget let me know,i mite be just forgetting something i know i should send,Thanks,Chris^_^

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man im crossing my fingers we make it and every thing works out real good,im about to mail her all the paper we need at the interview next week,here is my check list if i leave anything out let me know,

I-134 notrized

2001 and 2002 tax returns from irs and copys of my tax return with the w2 forms attached

2003 projected income from my pay check stubs this yr its shows how much i made on each one of them,i will send like 4 of them

employee letter

pics from our last trip

video from our last trip togther

emails printed out how many should i send?is 10 enough or what

if there is anything else i forget let me know,i mite be just forgetting something i know i should send,Thanks,Chris^_^

Don't forget to take a deep breath :(


I think you've got most of the stuff covered - from your end. I am a firm believer is overwhelming them with evidence, so I'd load up on the emails.


Also make sure her stuff is current, particularly the police certificates, which are good for only a year.


Good luck.

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has anyone ever brought or inquired about bringing the emails in on a disk? is it necessary to have hard copies of the emails (we have both) but it would just be easier if it were able to be submitted in the interview, should they ask for it, by inserting a disk into the computer and looking at them all that way...any thoughts or ideas?

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I always wonder what they'd do if we just presented our son as proof of our relationship.  


"No Sir, we don't have any other evidence.  Just this...." and Youyue plops Sonny down on the interviewer's desk.   :unsure:



GZ would probably ask if he was notorized..........!

I think it would take about 3 years for them to finish the DNA tests on Sonny to prove the maternal and paternal relationships!!!!!!!!!


Of course, you do have a passport and birth certificate.


Why don't you get a nice notary stamp tattooed on his hiney!!!!!!! :lol:

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I always wonder what they'd do if we just presented our son as proof of our relationship.  


"No Sir, we don't have any other evidence.  Just this...." and Youyue plops Sonny down on the interviewer's desk.   :D



GZ would probably ask if he was notorized..........!

Don't forget having a translation into English!



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has anyone ever brought or inquired about bringing the emails in on a disk? is it necessary to have hard copies of the emails (we have both) but it would just be easier if it were able to be submitted in the interview, should they ask for it, by inserting a disk into the computer and looking at them all that way...any thoughts or ideas?

If you want to give GZ information for a computer I think you need to have it in ORS (Old Radio Shack) cassette tape format.


lol, just kidding, I for one will just bring the hard copies.

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