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Here is a thought

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rocksplit, when you say "open letter" are we saying a letter to the editor or are you talking about taking out an add or finding a friendly reporter. We will also need to distribute the respective e-mail addresses of the powers to be for all who sign up. I think a couple people on here have most of them. I'm willing to participate once we find a consensus. :unsure:


warpedbored, sorry I'm in the midwest, but its Indiana and too far for Minneapolis. :ph34r:

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Hi all,



Avastar questions should open a discussion of the most effective media campaign.


What are your ideas? Where are the voices necessary to be effective?


The greatest editorial control on how and whom to address is to be had by taking out an add.

Friendly reporters of course are welcome any time. :unsure:

Letter to the editor are great, getting them published is the trick.


The e-mail addresses and fax numbers necessary are no problem, finding consensus in an articulate statement is.


Let's make our voices heard.

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Remember Kevin?  He appeared as a spokesperson for our plight on an Aaron Brown CNN report.  A few days later his sweetheart had her visa.


How about Mick and Owen's visit to GZ consulate to talk to Richard Adams?  Shortly afterward, visas were issued and 2 more pics were removed from the GZ dartboard.


The Angry Texan went to GZ determined not to leave without some answers.  His fiancee mysteriously received EMS and visa soon after his arrival.


What about Markimwating, who was perhaps the most proactive CFL member ever?  The visadelays.com was originally his brainchild.  Soon after its inception - precluded by much letter writing, faxing, phoning, emailing to the gov't officials - Mark's fiancee received her visa and you never heard from him again.


JonInDenver even went to his congressman and was able to get them to rattle some cages.  Visa received.  One more pic removed from the GZ dartboard.


Eric?  Visa received and still here because he wants to help, but how did he get to be such an authority on the BCIS?  That's easy - Every single day his agenda was to get his fiancee home, and he querried so many officers for information, and did so much research on how to get his fiancee home, that he eventually came to be more informed than the officers themselves.  Eventually visa received and one more pic removed from the GZ dartboard.


I have mentioned only a few of the more proactive past members, but hopefully I have illustrated my feeling that you have to make getting that visa your number one priority.  You need to contact someone - or institute part of a definite plan toward achieving this goal - each day.  


Most of the things you do, the people you contact, the faxes and emails you send will have absolutely no singular result.  But all your actions together WILL.  Make them know that you will not disappear until you have visa in hand.  Make them want to give you the visa so you will go away.  I suspect that after a while, every time someone got a letter from Eric, they would say, "Oh no, not Eric again.  Won't someone please give him his D!@# visa so he will go away and leave us alone!"'   He made his problem THEIR problem.


Media attention is only one avenue you should explore.  If you can get it, fine; if you can't get it, don't stop the pressure in other ways.  Lawsuit?  I am against that.  I think the time, effort, and money would be better spent making yourself and your plight known to each official.

Good points, AZ, and the one singular complaint that I have been making. Unfortunately, the Chinese/Americans have no voice in this country even though they make up the second , now, largest minority group. The reason---Chinese/Americans are historically apolitical due in large part by past practices of our government towards the Chinese. Out of sight, out of mind is the confuscious policy of the day. Much of this board is now made up of many Chinese or Chinese/Americans and the ones that are not, are not listening. Bill Clinton was on Larry King last night ( a recap) and he made the statement that this is a very discriminatory administration. Duh? Seems now that NVC was instrumented to slow up the process. People have been stuck there since mid March! It is difficult to get public attention because the vast majority of the public has now been convinced that it is the immigrants fault for not having a job. Seems it is easy to redirect attention to them then the fact that Corporations are the ones responsible. They are exporting jobs by the millions but have the control of the media and politicians to divert attention. We should all know this by now. Especially Nam vets that saw a shell game before. In mass we are, and were a force to be recognized, alone - we are trying to catch the wind. I say let us unite and try to enlist the people that will help us, like Clinton, Kennedy, and others that are pro multicultural and do not have an affiliation with Bob Jones U.- seems to be a prerequisite for higher authority with BCIS or Justice. :unsure:

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Unfortunately, the Chinese/Americans have no voice in this country even though they make up the second , now, largest minority group. The reason---Chinese/Americans are historically apolitical due in large part by past practices of our government towards the Chinese. Out of sight, out of mind is the confuscious policy of the day.

Hello my friend,

Actually the Chinese are a distant third "largest minority group." Hispanics are 1st, with 12.5 % of the population, African Americans are next at 12.3%, and Chinese are next, with 3.7 % or a mere 2.7 million. :lol:

I would also suggest that their collective lack of involvement may be much more complicated than simply a response to American racism. There are many cultural/historic reasons as well.

Lastly, why would you believe that Kennedy would be any help at all? I have seen nothing on this board to suggest that he cares. I have seen several Boston area folks express their extreme disappointment with his efforts.

I do agree that unified efforts are the only means by which anything will be accomplished. :lol:


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Hi, R2D2,


All well said.  However, we need a plan to take this idea into action.  Any suggestion? 



Yes, start contacting newspapers, radio, and TV shows about the blatant bias towards Chinese, Chinese/Americans, and Americans that have wives, fiances, and children that are separated by 12,000 miles because of a government that not only does not want to address the issue, but at every turn, puts up more road blocks to prevent family unity. Once you get a bite, invite them to visit the board or have people here, sympathetic to our plight - (here, some no longer are), get in touch with them to give their stories of injustice. A few months ago, I had a tirade of reporters visiting this board. We can do it united. If enough people here want change and justice, then they will have to fight for it. Freedom does not come without a fight - only more complacent injustice. :lol:

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Hi, R2D2,


All well said.  However, we need a plan to take this idea into action.  Any suggestion?  



Yes, start contacting newspapers, radio, and TV shows about the blatant bias towards Chinese, Chinese/Americans, and Americans that have wives, fiances, and children that are separated by 12,000 miles because of a government that not only does not want to address the issue, but at every turn, puts up more road blocks to prevent family unity. Once you get a bite, invite them to visit the board or have people here, sympathetic to our plight - (here, some no longer are), get in touch with them to give their stories of injustice. A few months ago, I had a tirade of reporters visiting this board. We can do it united. If enough people here want change and justice, then they will have to fight for it. Freedom does not come without a fight - only more complacent injustice. :lol:

Hi r2D2,

Me again!

I have tried doing all that you suggest here but have completely failed. Maybe it's because I am the only one in theis area trying - I don't know. In the last five months our local newspaper has had no fewer than five articles about the effects of visa delays an scientific research and two more on how it has affected students trying to return to colleges. Nothing on families. Each time I wrote/emailed the editors and reporters who did the stories, thinking our story was a natural follow up. No bites. Nothing, not even a returned phone call. It was really discouraging - it just seems that nobody gives a damn. :lol: I agree with you that only a targeted chorus of voices can make a difference.


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Hi, R2D2,


All well said.  However, we need a plan to take this idea into action.  Any suggestion?  



Yes, start contacting newspapers, radio, and TV shows about the blatant bias towards Chinese, Chinese/Americans..... . Freedom does not come without a fight - only more complacent injustice. :lol:

Hi r2D2,

Me again!

I have tried doing all that you suggest here but have completely failed. Maybe it's because I am the only one in theis area trying - I don't know. In the last five months our local newspaper has had no fewer than five articles about the effects of visa delays an scientific research and two more on how it has affected students trying to return to colleges. Nothing on families. Each time I wrote/emailed the editors and reporters who did the stories, thinking our story was a natural follow up. No bites. Nothing, not even a returned phone call. It was really discouraging - it just seems that nobody gives a damn. :lol: I agree with you that only a targeted chorus of voices can make a difference.


Dave, my admiration, that is wonderful, thank you, again also for your original thought.

Oh yes, what a sadly discouraging lack of response :lol:

From "thinking our story was a natural follow up" to "Nothing, not even a returned phone call"!

But why isn't there? What are the biases and stereotypes we have to fight concretely?

Why can we not find any representation? This website by itself is a testimony. Regardless what can we do?


R2D2 and Christy, Juz, Avastar I am with you! Let's get to work!



A short history with facts?

A letter which has to get attention?

(Yesterday my eyes glazed over reading up on name check, in IBIS recommendations, the mention of premium processing got my attention as a great idea next to fair, reasonably efficient regular processing)


What is necessary to get a public debate so letters to editors become relevant, reporters see a good story?


Let's brainstorm topics and goals towards a consensus... I love to be part of a "proactive" effort.



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Wow, everybody. Now it is great to see the forum back to full speed again.


Can we do some demonstration in front of FBI/DOS office? I mean peacefully of course :-) Like 5 - 6 people showed up for hald a day or so?


Just a wild thought.

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I am the person from Hawaii who contacted Roshini, just this past week. I was suppose to call her this weekend, but just returned from a festival so missed her. She is the one to contact. She's from Fox news and is really trying to find someone for a face to face on TV. This would definatly turn the tables. I told her I would travel from here to do it, but I may have to go to China, I have already cancelled to trips to China this month because of flight problems> JAL most hate me by now< :blink:

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Can we do some demonstration in front of FBI/DOS office? I mean peacefully of course :-)

Of course we can. But what good does it without at least one articulate statement and references for possible media attention?


(Personally I feel much better in front of the Freer or Sackler galleries. :lol: )


So far it locks like we are the smallest fringe of fringe groups without a single convincing slogan and most minimal membership. :blink: . Even if that is the problem we still ought to be able to be effective.


Should we try to get an audience with Kathryn Cabral as the Public Inquiries Division Chief at the Office of Diplomatic and Public Liaison in the Bureau of Consular Affairs?

(I am willing to speak up, but the group or someone else has to petition an audience since none of my e-mail inquiries or phone calls get a reply since more then a month).


For all future petitioners an official statement ideally with clear guidelines within a stated timeframe is worth a civil fight. Having such a statement becoming part of the record will take the worst uncertainty out of the process. We have a right to plan our lives around reasonable realistic timelines. The uncertainty and the absolute lack of accountability, fairness and recourse are outrages.


My perception is colored by GZ and name check "efficiencies". Clearly no recourse in lengthy on-hold status, as well as processing speed at NVC coming in again under name check, are the main areas in dire need of improvements. What is missing?

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I am the person from Hawaii who contacted Roshini, just this past week. I was suppose to call her this weekend, but just returned from a festival so missed her. She is the one to contact. She's from Fox news and is really trying to find someone for a face to face on TV. This would definatly turn the tables. I told her I would travel from here to do it, but I may have to go to China, I have already cancelled to trips to China this month because of flight problems> JAL most hate me by now< :blink:

Hi, Everyone,


Anyone interested in doing the FOX story with Roshini? I really would like to go, but I have jury duty during this time frame, so I cannot travel at all. (isn't this ironic? I am not able to help in trying to get my loved ones over here because I have to serve my civil duties...). I think this is a good opportunity for us to get some attention.


Thank you everyone!



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Hey guys and gals I think we are moving in the right direction. I have had an additional thought. Would it be possible to find a spokesperson from the entertainment industry to plead our cause? Someone like Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon , I don't always like their politics, but when they speak people listen. Or maybe a Chinese spokesperson like Jackie Chan or Jet Li or Michelle Yeoh or Zhang ZiYi or even Ang Lee, some one who would be recognizable to the american public. Or can anyone think of an "A" list actor/actress married to someone with a Chinese background. Just a thought. :blink:

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Hey guys and gals I think we are moving in the right direction. I have had an additional thought. Would it be possible to find a spokesperson from the entertainment industry to plead our cause? Someone like Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon , I don't always like their politics, but when they speak people listen. Or maybe a Chinese spokesperson like Jackie Chan or Jet Li or Michelle Yeoh or Zhang ZiYi or even Ang Lee, some one who would be recognizable to the american public. Or can anyone think of an "A" list actor/actress married to someone with a Chinese background. Just a thought.  :angel:

How about the publishing baron Rupert Murdoch. Isn't he married to a Chinese woman? :redblob: :redblob:


Then, of course, there is always Yao Ming. He seemed to get a visa pretty fast. :greenblob:

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