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Another question

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Hi All,


I have another question about living in China, maybe someone could help answer ...


At first, I figured I would take a trip to China, travel to a number of cities, and then come back to the U.S. and apply for a job in a city I'd like to live at for a while.


However, that seems too, umm, structured. You know, too much planning and thought involved. I'm thinking I would like to travel to China on a tourist visa (those are 30 days right?!) and just go find a job when I get there and see if they can get me a 'Z' work visa when I find a city I like.


Has anyone done this before? Would I be able to just travel on a tourist visa and go and find a job in a city when I find one I like?


Well, I've got a general list of places I'd like to see, cities I'd like to explore, and a small but rapidly growing Mandarin vocabulary. Anywhere that speaks Cantonese I figure I'll be fine, since I studied Cantonese intensely for a year. Also have a list of the lovely vaccinations I will need *sigh* I hate getting shots.





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I know a number of teachers who originally entered China on a tourist visa and then went to work once they arrived. Most universities are able to get the tourist visa changed to a Z visa without much difficulty.

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Yes sure you can enter China on a tourist visa and my husband had tourist visa while he arrived China and after that 30 days you can ask local police station to add 30 days more with a little pay. and if you can find a job with tourist visa then your work place will help you to get a working visa after you sign the contact.


But also i remember my husband told me that you can apply tourist visa for more than 30 days too before you come to China but you would wait for longer to get this visa. Well my honey didnt have problem stay in China with tourist visa so you dont need to worry about that too much.

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Can it be done? Yes. Is it done? Yes. Is it legal? No. Just as you are not supposed to work in the US on a tourist visa and are not supposed to enter on one with the intent of securing work, you are not supposed to do so in China either.


99% of the time if you stay out of trouble, the PSB ignore it nowdays. What with the SARS scare and teachers leaving early in droves, it will be entirely possible to find a job, I am sure. Only make absolutely certain that the new employer will be converting your tourist visa to a legal working visa (Z visa). I have known of people working for private training centers that did not have the proper Z visa (the boss had enough influence to keep getting the tourist visa extended) that the local PSB decided where an opportunity for making a few bucks. Arrested and held until someone coughed up the "administrative fee". Rare and usually in the more remote areas, but it happens.


Staying with official government schools is much safer for the first timer. The pay is usually lower, but you don't get cheated as often or at least as badly.

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Good advice Owen! One should make sure they are dealing with a reputable state run university. Most foreign affairs officers are skillful at getting the tourist visa changed to a Z visa. It is such a common practice that at both universities where I taught, the Foriegn Affairs Office frequently advised new foreign teachers to come in on a tourist visa, then apply for the Z.

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Hey everyone,


Thanks for the info. Hehe, this takes more planning and work than I thought.


Well, to be honest, I suppose I could just hop on a plane. But even though this will probably be the most spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life (foresaking the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder in favor of living abroad for an extended period of time), I still can't let go of my meticulous planning tendencies.


I will definitely be sticking with an official government school, thanks Owen. I don't really need to worry if the pay is lower, and don't want to spend a lot of time/energy fighting a battle about being cheated.


Hehe, I'll keep everyone posted on my trip and progress. :P :blink: This will probably be the most exciting trip and interesting thing I've done in my life.



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You can apply for a two entry Visa. This is good for 6 months and after the first 30 days you can go to the local police station and have them give you the second 30 days.

You can also find some jobs on different web sites. If ShenZhen appeals to you, this is a very modern city about an hour from HongKong in the south of China. Go to the web> ShenZhen, China < in the search and many things will come up for you, including companys that find you work. ShenZhen is very hot and humid in the summer, but a really beautiful city and there are many beautiful girls from all over China that have gone there to find work. If you are looking for that. They also have many schools to offer you work. :P :blink:

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Since you are proficient at Cantonese you might just stick to Hong Kong or Macau.  Or you might learn from the snow birds and go North in the Summer and South in the Winter.

I wanna be a snowbird and fly to my honey's city. :P

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The way the 6mo double entry visa works it that you can stay 3 months each time. You can take a trip to HongKong after 3 mos and come back in for another 3 months. No need to renew at the police station. The travel agency in HK will give out a 3 month if you wish. Call the Chinese consulate that you use and you will find them very helpful. Nothing like doing business with our govt.

I do suggest that if you are going to be in a city for a couple of weeks that you register with the police. Thing of the mess you would cause if you were hit by a car and no one knew who to contact. I have always had the most pleasant dealings with the police there.

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