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Western food

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While I was in China my SO and I ate some very fine Chinese food. I remember before we parted company, we had lunch and she stated that she was a very good cook. My hotel had a restaurant which served western style food, but she did not seem interested in trying it out.


I know that when she arrives, my diet will consists mainly of Chinese food and to be honest it will probaby be healthier than some of the crap that I am eating now. What have been some of the experiences of members with trying to get their SO's to eat western food?


Side note: I had read somewhere that Cheese was not part of the diet in China. I tried to describe cheese to my SO the other day during a phone conversation. I had a real tough time and finally gave up :P

SO and me trade-off very much in this matter.She cooks as good as ANY resturuant in China,and would actually rather cook here at home than go to a resturuant.She LOVES hotdogs,Twix candy bars (ofcourse she quite due to "inflating"),Cheeze-Its,Sweet Lebanon Bologna sandwiches,Grape soda,Taco Bell,my home made chile and BBQ chicken,cole slaw,tossed salads,Cheetoes Cheese Puffs,many other "fat western foods".She does know what to indulge in and what not too.She came here w/ an open mind and I try to let her try everything as I did when I was in China for awhile.We both think it's very cool "trading off" our cultures and cuisines.

I forgot (how dare me) ,she loves spagetti and home made salsa and chips.Yes,she loves hot and spicey dishes.....so do I (namely "Guangzhoe hot-pot),and a REAL SNACK TREAT are fish steaks or sardines in hot suace that come in a can... :sosad:



Now are those the sardines with or without the heads???

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Ling is anxious to try my Three Mile Island Spaghetti and my turkey day dinner with all the trimmings. She keeps telling me how she wants to make me dumplings. We'll do fine on a mixture of both cuisines.

Yes you will. I will guess she is a southern girl.


I now have dumplings for breakfast almost everyday now.

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McDonalds and at least one pizza chain are well known in the larger Chinese cities. Have her ask her friends about them or have her try one out. Of course if she is not plump enough for you, get her hooked on western food.


I was at the Tee-Mall in beautiful downtown Guangzhou in December, and there was this long line of at least 30 people, out the front door, waiting to get the next available seat in the new and very large, Pizza Hut restaurant. I could not believe my eyes !! Also the KFC restaurant on the same level was packed with eager diners. However, my wife does not care for KFC, hamburgers, or pizza. Her #1 favorite dish is Bok Choy and steamed fish !!! I have assured her that all of the supermarkets in the Sacramento area, have an ample supply of fresh, baby bok choy !!!! :sosad:


As a lover of Mexican food, I wonder how a taco or burrito stand would do in China !!?? :P

I still have not been able to locate a Mexican restaurant in Guangzhou.

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Ling is anxious to try my Three Mile Island Spaghetti and my turkey day dinner with all the trimmings. She keeps telling me how she wants to make me dumplings. We'll do fine on a mixture of both cuisines.

Yes you will. I will guess she is a southern girl.


I now have dumplings for breakfast almost everyday now.


Nope. Shenyang. Almost as far north as you can get. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Spring Festival will be mighty cold compared to spring in Western Oregon. :sosad:

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McDonalds and at least one pizza chain are well known in the larger Chinese cities. Have her ask her friends about them or have her try one out. Of course if she is not plump enough for you, get her hooked on western food.


I was at the Tee-Mall in beautiful downtown Guangzhou in December, and there was this long line of at least 30 people, out the front door, waiting to get the next available seat in the new and very large, Pizza Hut restaurant. I could not believe my eyes !! Also the KFC restaurant on the same level was packed with eager diners. However, my wife does not care for KFC, hamburgers, or pizza. Her #1 favorite dish is Bok Choy and steamed fish !!! I have assured her that all of the supermarkets in the Sacramento area, have an ample supply of fresh, baby bok choy !!!! :)


As a lover of Mexican food, I wonder how a taco or burrito stand would do in China !!?? :)

I still have not been able to locate a Mexican restaurant in Guangzhou.



During a visit to Wuxi, I decided to try out "Ali Baba's Genuine American Restaurant." :sosad:


When they brought the "grilled steak" I ordered it was little pieces of something in a sauce of some kind--similar to the tiny strips of beef in the beef brocoli they sell at Safeway. I had to taste some to figure out if it even was beef. :P


At a Pizza Hut in Kunming I sat enjoying a pijiu and pizza when I noticed that nice bushy 6' tall greenery next to my table was a marijuana plant! Cilantro on your pizza anyone? :roller: :roller: After eating at a different Pizza Hut with a friend I told him, "Now that you've eaten genuine American pizza, if you ever come to America I will buy you some good pizza. He thought that was pretty funny. ;)

Edited by Ling-Curt (see edit history)
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Ling is anxious to try my Three Mile Island Spaghetti and my turkey day dinner with all the trimmings. She keeps telling me how she wants to make me dumplings. We'll do fine on a mixture of both cuisines.

Yes you will. I will guess she is a southern girl.


I now have dumplings for breakfast almost everyday now.


Nope. Shenyang. Almost as far north as you can get. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Spring Festival will be mighty cold compared to spring in Western Oregon. ;)

Mine is from the same province. She says she hates the cold. Well it is freezing now. I don't think she will be able to take how warm I keep the house or our summers.


Dumplings are pretty popular with her too. She loves those big huge gross looking prok things all blubbered up. I never could eat off of that. Maybe it is good.


She hates western food and thinks it is unhealthy but took her daughter to KFC when getting the visitors visa. She keeps saying not to worry about the food. I feel she will attack America and the food like everything else. I am not so sure how her daughter will feel about it. Personally I hope we shop for and have lots of Chinese dishes. Teach my Mom and I and we will help.

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[As a lover of Mexican food, I wonder how a taco or burrito stand would do in China !!?? ;)

I still have not been able to locate a Mexican restaurant in Guangzhou.

You know that gives me an idea. Wife's brother was looking for some kind of American food resturaunt to open. Tex-Mex would be perfect, maybe.

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McDonalds and at least one pizza chain are well known in the larger Chinese cities. Have her ask her friends about them or have her try one out. Of course if she is not plump enough for you, get her hooked on western food.


I was at the Tee-Mall in beautiful downtown Guangzhou in December, and there was this long line of at least 30 people, out the front door, waiting to get the next available seat in the new and very large, Pizza Hut restaurant. I could not believe my eyes !! Also the KFC restaurant on the same level was packed with eager diners. However, my wife does not care for KFC, hamburgers, or pizza. Her #1 favorite dish is Bok Choy and steamed fish !!! I have assured her that all of the supermarkets in the Sacramento area, have an ample supply of fresh, baby bok choy !!!! ;)


As a lover of Mexican food, I wonder how a taco or burrito stand would do in China !!?? :)

I still have not been able to locate a Mexican restaurant in Guangzhou.

I was thinking Lucy's has a few messican dishes?

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Our diet consists mostly of rice and fish. Lots of fish... She breaks up the sequence for me though and lets me have sliced apples for dessert or every now and then... Chocolate ice cream!!!

My wife complains about Texas grocery stores. When we were in California, she liked it much better because of the quantity of veggies and fruits in the produce section. Here in Smith County, Brookshires is kind of a monapoly and in my honest opinion... THEY SUCK!

WE go to the Hong Kong Marketplace in the Dallas area about once a month and my wife stocks up. Going to Houston very soon as I hear it is much better there for food purchase.

My wife's Chinese food is not like American Chinese food, compared to these buffets and chain restaurants. If there was a way to mass produce her cooking and sell it, I would but why when we feed already the neighbors, my friends, her friends, our kids friends etc... Would feel bad charging for what we already give for free. ;)

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Houston is great! We have one of the largest Chinese communities in the United States. Go to Bellaire Blvd inside the Beltway. Full of Chinese restaurants and supermarkets. Street signs are in Chinese characters. I sent some pictures to my SO and she was extremely happy when I told her that our Chinatown is only about 20 minutes away from home. :)


Our diet consists mostly of rice and fish. Lots of fish... She breaks up the sequence for me though and lets me have sliced apples for dessert or every now and then... Chocolate ice cream!!!

My wife complains about Texas grocery stores. When we were in California, she liked it much better because of the quantity of veggies and fruits in the produce section. Here in Smith County, Brookshires is kind of a monapoly and in my honest opinion... THEY SUCK!

WE go to the Hong Kong Marketplace in the Dallas area about once a month and my wife stocks up. Going to Houston very soon as I hear it is much better there for food purchase.

My wife's Chinese food is not like American Chinese food, compared to these buffets and chain restaurants. If there was a way to mass produce her cooking and sell it, I would but why when we feed already the neighbors, my friends, her friends, our kids friends etc... Would feel bad charging for what we already give for free. ;)

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My wife and I do not eat fast foods or processed foods. She has got accustom to salads and make her own version of a taco, one slice of bacon (optional) on a tortilla with cheese, tomato's, cucumbers, carrots, avocado and lettuce I will ad some salsa she some Ranch dressing. She has had lasagna and pizza, which she likes but not spaghetti. For the most part we eat mainly a Chinese diet which I feel is fresher and healthier than the traditional western dishes. Most of the American food she has tried has been from the private college she works at which serves organic healthy alternatives, the college practices Biodynamic agriculture which recognizes the basic principles at work in nature and applies this knowledge of life forces to bring about balance and healing in the soil. At a time when new synthetic chemicals are being injected into the environment on a daily basis, Biodynamics works to counteract the unbalanced state of modern agricultural practices by utilizing a "whole systems" approach. Biodynamics is built on the premise that the more self-sufficient a farm is, the healthier it will be. The aim is to have a great diversity of plant and animal life. At the heart of Biodynamics is the use of special preparations in homeopathic doses that enhance the life of soil, plants, and animals.

Edited by BillV 8-16-2004 (see edit history)
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McDonalds and at least one pizza chain are well known in the larger Chinese cities. Have her ask her friends about them or have her try one out. Of course if she is not plump enough for you, get her hooked on western food.


I was at the Tee-Mall in beautiful downtown Guangzhou in December, and there was this long line of at least 30 people, out the front door, waiting to get the next available seat in the new and very large, Pizza Hut restaurant. I could not believe my eyes !! Also the KFC restaurant on the same level was packed with eager diners. However, my wife does not care for KFC, hamburgers, or pizza. Her #1 favorite dish is Bok Choy and steamed fish !!! I have assured her that all of the supermarkets in the Sacramento area, have an ample supply of fresh, baby bok choy !!!! ;)


As a lover of Mexican food, I wonder how a taco or burrito stand would do in China !!?? :)

I still have not been able to locate a Mexican restaurant in Guangzhou.


My wife is also from Southern China and loves to make dumplings, which we had for supper and I will have for lunch today. :D

We live on the out skirts of Sacramento my wife's favorite Chinese markets are Vinh Phats and S.F. Market they have a great variety of Asian foods.

Edited by BillV 8-16-2004 (see edit history)
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Interesting topic. My wife can eat many western foods and even likes a some of it a little but she much prefers Chinese food. One of the major challenges of a Sino American marriage is going out to eat in a restaurant that isn't Chinese. She can read the menu somewhat but doesn't know what these dishes are. For me to explain them to her is indeed sometimes impossible. I have to guess on what I think she might like and I am wrong more often than not.

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