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Poor me! Extended vacation :)

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Due to the completely out of proportion reaction to SARS, I have been told to not report to work when I return home tomorrow from Beijing. I have to stay away from the office for ten days. That should give me just enough time to clean the house in anticpiation of Ling arriving sometime in the next couple of months :lol:


I see that a few more names have cleared in the now customary four week time period. That's great news - we hope to join the parade soon.


Thailand's been wonderful. Sunny skies, pleasant breezes and NO SNOW like they got back home!


Let's remember one thing about SARS: 90 people have died worldwide. That's terrible. Last year, 36,000 people died in America from common influenza. That's worse.


Nonetheless, for the sole benefit of my colleagues, I will selflessly stay away from the office for ten days. Of course if Ling has her interview soon then I will have to stay away for another 10 days. Poor me!!!!


Seriously, has anyone heard of the effect the cutback on GZ staff due to SARS is having on interviews? Anyone had their interview cancelled? That would be really bad.


Off to have a little more pad thai and maybe a poolside massage. Poor me!


Good luck and fast processing to all of you,



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Tom, at this time it is with a heavy heart that I must express my condolences to you in your grievous trials at the hands of the Thai poolside massage therapist and your dreadful feeling of separation from your beloved co-workers. The ancient Greeks said that suffering purifies the soul and it seems like now yours should be as pure as mountain spring water. In the years to come perhaps this time will be a reminder . . .



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Since Dave is coming to visit me this May, I'm wondering that wether he would have to stay away fm his office for 10 days after he flies back. The quarantine order is effective for all the travellers fm China or only for those fm certain area of China? I'm in Shanghai, I hope this traveling won't interrupt his work too much since recently he's pretty busy with new project. :blink:

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Since Dave is coming to visit me this May, I'm wondering that wether he would have to stay away fm his office for 10 days after he flies back. The quarantine order is effective for all the travellers fm China or only for those fm certain area of China? I'm in Shanghai, I hope this traveling won't interrupt his work too much since recently he's pretty busy with new project. :blink:

As long as the traveller visited China/HK/Asia, people in America and other nations will take extra caution about this traveller. Beside the Iraq war, this virus is making international news. Too bad people in China don't take this virus as serious. Actually, Shanghai has cases of SARS.

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Just out of curiosity, where does the 10 day ban from returning to work come from?  Is that a recommendation from Homeland Security, CDC, or just what?  Seems like several places are using the same criteria, so they must have picked it up from the same source.

I wondered the same thing Owen but don't know the source. From most things I have read, the virus has an incubation period of two to seven days, depending on the host. Not sure where they got this 10 day thing. Maybe they figure that is a safe window or something. Do you still think this is the same bug you had back in January? :lol:

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Just out of curiosity, where does the 10 day ban from returning to work come from?  Is that a recommendation from Homeland Security, CDC, or just what?  Seems like several places are using the same criteria, so they must have picked it up from the same source.

I think some workplaces just want to be cautious. They don't want this virus to contaminate people at work. This virus is major news now.

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Just out of curiosity, where does the 10 day ban from returning to work come from?  Is that a recommendation from Homeland Security, CDC, or just what?  Seems like several places are using the same criteria, so they must have picked it up from the same source.

I wondered the same thing Owen but don't know the source. From most things I have read, the virus has an incubation period of two to seven days, depending on the host. Not sure where they got this 10 day thing. Maybe they figure that is a safe window or something. Do you still think this is the same bug you had back in January? ;)

All I really know is that the symptoms sound the same and that the Chinese government is now admitting that there were "possibly" some cases as far back as November. We had had Christmas dinner the school put on at a local hotel a week before I got bad and I remember a student there coughing badly and looking flushed. If so, I can testify that it is a really nasty illness. My wife now admits that she was worried that I was going to die. I felt like it for a few days.

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Air China cancelled all flights to Phuket for the month of April. We found this out last night at midnight when we arrived at the airport for our return flight. Now we are trying to book through Bangkok.


I talked to United Airlines and they said they have not cancelled any flights to Asia. They are (I believe reasonably) treating this just like so many other illnesses that regularly travel around the world.


The good news is that my major client has imposed the ten day rule BUT they are paying for all time missed. Poor, poor pitiful me. ;)


I'd better go now before that chilled coconut reaches room temperature.....

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Is this 10 day ban fm government in US or just fm some company? I heard today fm WHO website that only people who fly back fm Beijing or HK/Guangzhou need to get thru the quarantine period ;)


Shanghai government already sent nurses and doctors to airports to reinforce the quarantine staff there.

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Aloha from Hawaii,

I am also at home for ten days after getting back from Beijing. The flight from Beijing to Tokyo was

almost empty ( 20% occupancy ). However, the 747 to Honolulu from Tokyo was packed.


The 10 day extended holidays are recommeded by the CDC. I saw health check stations in the

airports in Beijing International, Narita and Honolulu International. CDC hand outs were given to

all arrivals from Asia at Honolulu.


Nine more days of vacation at home.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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