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Questioning upon Reentry to the USA

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Hello Everyone,


Upon returning to the USA from my latest trip to China I got interrogated by the US Customs Officer. Has this happened to others when they go through customs?


Here are a few of the questions I remember.


Why did you go to China? visiting fiancee and relatives


How did you meet your fiancee? online


Did you meet her on one of those sites where you can put in all of the things you want in a woman and they give you exactly what you want? This questioned offended me and I think he realized it and became more probing. I answered a gruff "No" to this question. I did meet my fiancee online, but I actually first emailed her when I was already in Beijing. I emailed her and we met the next day.


Then he asked me, "What is her age? 27 What is your age? 35 What kind of job does she have? receptionist/student


Is this your first time to meet her? I was then answering with short one word answers... "No"


How many times have you been to China? I said 4 Have you traveled a lot abroad? yes


What kind of work do you do? university administrator


Then he remarks, "good luck with that relationship." He sounded cynical.


The whole process left a bad taste in my mouth. I just wondered if others go through this same demeaning process.

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Sounds like he's a little out of control - trying to show his authority and how "bad" he is. He might be a little out of his league and should have been a traffic cop. I have heard of them asking about various items you may be carrying in your luggage, etc, but, nothing to this extent.

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Juette, I just want to clarify. Are you talking about US Customs? Or US Immigrations?


They are different. One checks your luggage to see if you're bringing in stuff which you shouldn't or have to pay a duty tax on, the other checks to make sure you're legally allowed to enter the US.


It sounds to me like it was US Immigrations--NOT Customs--who were asking these questions of you. Next time, just say you went site-seeing in China.


I've never been questioned like you before.


What POE did this take place?


Hello Everyone,


Upon returning to the USA from my latest trip to China I got interrogated by the US Customs Officer. Has this happened to others when they go through customs?


Here are a few of the questions I remember.


Why did you go to China? visiting fiancee and relatives


How did you meet your fiancee? online


Did you meet her on one of those sites where you can put in all of the things you want in a woman and they give you exactly what you want? This questioned offended me and I think he realized it and became more probing. I answered a gruff "No" to this question. I did meet my fiancee online, but I actually first emailed her when I was already in Beijing. I emailed her and we met the next day.


Then he asked me, "What is her age? 27 What is your age? 35 What kind of job does she have? receptionist/student


Is this your first time to meet her? I was then answering with short one word answers... "No"


How many times have you been to China? I said 4 Have you traveled a lot abroad? yes


What kind of work do you do? university administrator


Then he remarks, "good luck with that relationship." He sounded cynical.


The whole process left a bad taste in my mouth. I just wondered if others go through this same demeaning process.

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Hey! If he is an Immigration Officer, you only need the right paper to enter your own country.

If he is a Customs Officer and you are not carrying illegal items with you, he has no authority to ask such questions.


Did you ask this asshole whether he has manic depression and got hooked by a prostitute online??? :blink:

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Hello Everyone,


Upon returning to the USA from my latest trip to China I got interrogated by the US Customs Officer. Has this happened to others when they go through customs?


Here are a few of the questions I remember.


Why did you go to China? visiting fiancee and relatives


How did you meet your fiancee? online


Did you meet her on one of those sites where you can put in all of the things you want in a woman and they give you exactly what you want? This questioned offended me and I think he realized it and became more probing. I answered a gruff "No" to this question. I did meet my fiancee online, but I actually first emailed her when I was already in Beijing. I emailed her and we met the next day.


Then he asked me, "What is her age? 27 What is your age? 35 What kind of job does she have? receptionist/student


Is this your first time to meet her? I was then answering with short one word answers... "No"


How many times have you been to China? I said 4 Have you traveled a lot abroad? yes


What kind of work do you do? university administrator


Then he remarks, "good luck with that relationship." He sounded cynical.


The whole process left a bad taste in my mouth. I just wondered if others go through this same demeaning process.


Very similar to my last experience entering this country after a long visit with my wife this summer.


Immigration officer asked me why I was in China so long - visiting my wife.

When did you get married?

How old is she?

How did you meet?

He looks at my passport and sees I have also gone to Costa Rica in the past (and other places) - why did I go there?

There was a lot more. All of this was with a definite attitude. He then typed some stuff in the computer and put a big red X on my form which flagged Customs to search my bags - the guy at customs was nice and said after looking in one bag that he didn't know why I was sent there. I should mention how nice and smiling this immigration guy was to the beautiful young girl that was at his station in front of me! I thought about filing a complaint - I still remember his name...but what good would that do. My main concern is what he was typing in the computer about me for the next time I enter the US. I'm an old guy so this was all beyond me.


Anyway, I got pretty pissed off when he started asking those personal questions...but I maintained my composure. But I am still upset about it. This is the third time in my life I was treated like this upon returning to the US - and I couldn't help but remember how polite and respectful I was treated in China - no matter who I spoke with or where I went.


This took place at LAX.


Smiling Paul

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Hello Everyone,


Upon returning to the USA from my latest trip to China I got interrogated by the US Customs Officer. Has this happened to others when they go through customs?


Here are a few of the questions I remember.


Why did you go to China? visiting fiancee and relatives


How did you meet your fiancee? online


Did you meet her on one of those sites where you can put in all of the things you want in a woman and they give you exactly what you want? This questioned offended me and I think he realized it and became more probing. I answered a gruff "No" to this question. I did meet my fiancee online, but I actually first emailed her when I was already in Beijing. I emailed her and we met the next day.


Then he asked me, "What is her age? 27 What is your age? 35 What kind of job does she have? receptionist/student


Is this your first time to meet her? I was then answering with short one word answers... "No"


How many times have you been to China? I said 4 Have you traveled a lot abroad? yes


What kind of work do you do? university administrator


Then he remarks, "good luck with that relationship." He sounded cynical.


The whole process left a bad taste in my mouth. I just wondered if others go through this same demeaning process.


Very similar to my last experience entering this country after a long visit with my wife this summer.


Immigration officer asked me why I was in China so long - visiting my wife.

When did you get married?

How old is she?

How did you meet?

He looks at my passport and sees I have also gone to Costa Rica in the past (and other places) - why did I go there?

There was a lot more. All of this was with a definite attitude. He then typed some stuff in the computer and put a big red X on my form which flagged Customs to search my bags - the guy at customs was nice and said after looking in one bag that he didn't know why I was sent there. I should mention how nice and smiling this immigration guy was to the beautiful young girl that was at his station in front of me! I thought about filing a complaint - I still remember his name...but what good would that do. My main concern is what he was typing in the computer about me for the next time I enter the US. I'm an old guy so this was all beyond me.


Anyway, I got pretty pissed off when he started asking those personal questions...but I maintained my composure. But I am still upset about it. This is the third time in my life I was treated like this upon returning to the US - and I couldn't help but remember how polite and respectful I was treated in China - no matter who I spoke with or where I went.


This took place at LAX.


Smiling Paul

A year ago I was listening on the radio and a man bought some cigars from cuba. Customs found them and now is name is in a data base and he is checked every time he enters the country. He gets pulled into a little room and questioned and everything is searched.

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I'd have told him it was none of his friggin' business and asked for his badge number.


Good comment, Don; I love that kind of talk. Sometimes we bend over and take it up the you know what and never question anything. I'm sure we've all done it. I'm not blaming Juette, because I don't know what I would have done in that situation. If I already had my fiance' here, that would be a different matter . ;)

Edited by RLS (see edit history)
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The one who asked me about my mail-order bride more than likely had to go to sensitivity training after the complaint I filed with his supervisor.


It's proper for them to ask questions of people when they enter the country, but some get too full of themselves and cross the line. It's up to USC's to remind them there are rules concerning their behavior.

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I have been thinking about this topic myself, trying to be proactive.

I wonder what would be the least traumatic port of entry for my fiancee especially if I do not go over and fly back with her.

Even on my first trip back from China when I went through Detroit I noticed the guy asking me questions that were just plain stupid. Like why I choose China to visit. I just said I had friends there. He asked this after I told him I went for vacation. Like it is hard to beleive someone would go there just for vacation.I guess that is just reserved for Cancun.

Frankly I just think this whole terrorism thing has given airport personnel of all stripes more reason to act like idiots. They sucked pretty bad before 9/11.


This whole thing is a dog and pony show and I think they question people who obviously don't fit the mold of terrorist or tough guy, but do fit the mold of likely voter and tax payer to impress them with the thorough job they do or maybe they are just bitter that people actually expect them to do something besides scratch there ass all day and get paid.

Now they have to rough up the occasional 60 year old senator or little old white haired lady or the nerdy college kid to make themselves feel like the warrior they hope to be someday.


I have never been impressed with government workers to be honest. The word LOSER pops in my mind many times when dealing with them although I know its not PC.

I know there are many skilled/brave/intelligent gov workers but I only know about this because I read about them or heard about them. I seem to only run into unmotivated ex walmart workers.

I am not impressed especially when the southern border is wide open. We grill people coming in the front door but if they go around back we ignore it. It is a snapshot on everything that is wrong with our crumbling once great country.


Its funny because I walked across the border from Hong Kong to Shenzhen looking like I just broke out of prison. It was the middle of the night, I hadn't changed or shaved in 24 hours, the car that was supposed to pick me up didn't show and I didn't exchange any money at the airport. I was the only white guy in the whole building filled with young chinese crossing back over on a Saturday night and I had two huge bags and in a very foul mood was I.

The guy just didn't like the fact my handwriting on my little form was bad when I went through the line but all in all they were very non plussed by my presence. They had the good sense to understand the CCP was not in any danger because I entered the country and already had a visa and nothing showed up on the scan of my luggage.

No need to ask me a series of meaningless question.


Anyway I am thinking about San Francisco simply because there is a lot of asian's in that area. I hope there would not be comments on the whole mail order bride thing. It would be really nice if one could fly into vermont or maine as the port of entry.


Please list those ports of entry when you do have a bad experience.


Maybe if several people posted complaints to the US immigration website and did it consistently they might be more tactful.

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I guess my last trip back from china was pretty good at the POE. I was asked 3 questions.

Where is your passport.

Where are you coming from,.....China

What was the purpose, ....Visit family.

Ok, go to catch your next plane, no customs.

I don't think it gets better than that.

Pure luck!!!

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I guess my last trip back from china was pretty good at the POE. I was asked 3 questions.

Where is your passport.

Where are you coming from,.....China

What was the purpose, ....Visit family.

Ok, go to catch your next plane, no customs.

I don't think it gets better than that.

Pure luck!!!

i have been to china twice and always gite respect in china , and each time i returned to usa , i entered at lax, there were always women that checked my passport , and i was never ever ask any questions at all :D , i always thought they were mexicans :P wow

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oh my god, even an american citizen back his country, he still need to be scruitized? :P . I bought 3 faked LV money purse. one faked LV handbag, Can I take them to the US? if I told customs officer the handbag and purse for me, would he let me enter to the US? I am starting again now? :D seems every chinese women have to worry a lot, immigration, customs. anything else? :(

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