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Fast Food customer training

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Eric, did someone mention employees that speak and understand ENGLISH?????

Yep you got one there Bob. I find Spanish speaking the worse. Asian or Indian seem to do OK.



esun I was hoping you would send it in. I just wished you worked for the owners of that chain bought from Pepsi. ;)


Oh those little bags of ketchup are STUPID for someone in a car. Think about it.


Corporate meetings and reports are always in the way and a pain. They have no concern for the customers. Stockholders are never trained in customer service. Customers serve the stockholders. People like you try to make a diference.


Thanks for trying. Very good thread.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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I've boycotted McDonalds for a hundred years. I used to stop in and grab a burger because it was fast and easy. Also, they were about the only chain around at time along with A&W.




That was back in 1968 and since then I've only bought food at McD's a half dozen times. And that is because I was stranded somewhere in the truck and absolutely nothing else in walking distance to buy any food.

3 cents huh? ;) Don when I moved back to TX in 1980 after a 4 yr absense I was buying gas at a local Shamrock station. I decided I ought to use a credit card and build some more credit history, since I wanted to buy a house. I mailed in the application and THEY wanted me to get Illinoise credit record sent to TX. Huh? Wy the #$%^&*( I never ever used their gas again. I mean they don't know how to get a credit report nationally? Now they sold out. I forgave them maybe a couple of years ago with the gas prices we had.




Hey Trigg, funny. You da wit.

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Ok what is so special about a "Dublin" Dr Pepper there is a car wash here in Southlake,Tx that advertises on a sign board about having it in stock.


A couple weeks ago I went to IHOP for a quick breakfast. after poor service I sent emails.


comments = My wife and I stopped by this location for a quick breakfast, we were promptly seated at a table that already had a coffee decanter there from previous customers. Then we were ignored, but we waited until 2 other customers that came in after us were taken care of at this point we left and went to Denny's. This location will never see a red cent of my money ever again, I would rather go to Mc Donalds then settle for bad service.




Dear Darrell,


Please allow me to sincerely apologize for the service you encountered in my restaurant this past Sunday. I must say that I am embarrassed and disturbed that you experienced these issues. This is far below my expectations of how our guests shall be treated and again, I do apologize.


I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you either in person or on the telephone, which ever one is most convenient for you. I would like to invite you back to my restaurant as my guests so that I may show you a very rewarding dining experience. Please feel free to contact me either at the restaurant, (817) 424-xxxx, or you may call my cell phone at (817) 225-xxxx.




Again, please accept my sincerest apologies and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this with you further.


Sorry but what part of This location will never see a red cent of my money ever again, didn't she understand.


ya they caught me on a bad day, but there are to many IHOPS here to waste time at that one.

Edited by se_lang (see edit history)
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Ok what is so special about a "Dublin" Dr Pepper there is a car wash here in Southlake,Tx that advertises on a sign board about having it in stock.

Dublin makes Dr Pepper the old fashioned way with pur cane sugar. Just compare ingrediants.


It does taste different.


I remember that up until about 1991 I could tell a good DP from a bad one.


Don't know when but it made a big impact was when the Irving DP plant was built and I have no idea what ever happened to the Ft Worth plant, but man those old Ft Worth DPs were the best in the Metroplex. Wasn't called a metroplex though. Old Dallas DPs were a little harsh, I think the water. FW DPs were smooth and sweet. If chilled just right, oh boy.


Plastic bottles have ruined all soft drinks. Heck I rememebr tasting exhaust from a truck when they first came out. I made phone calls to every bottler in the state when that happened. They must have heard my complaints and got the diesel fuel taste out.


You can drive to Stephenville or Dublin and buy suger Peppers in glass bottles if you want. They sell a lot of cans too but ahhh.


Best you can do is find a good fountain DP. But that is getting dificult anymore. I think the Dublin bottling Co still has fountain service the old way, if you go down there. It is worth it. Best I ever had was Provo, UT. I was stuck there for a year in 71/72 whe I was 18. Boy did I get homesick. The only place in town to get a DP was a drug store that had the old pale green fountain and the DP syrup came in a glass jug. I saw them using it one time. Man it was strong and oh so good. Now THAT was original. That drug store is gone now. 7-11 going nation wide brought DP to the nation not too long after that. 7-11 is/was a Dallas based company (Southland Corp. So was DP. I can remember in the 80s and 90s having trouble with ATMs in CA. Sometimes I had to go to a 7-11 because I knew their ATM was connected to TX banks. Oh well later.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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Ok what is so special about a "Dublin" Dr Pepper there is a car wash here in Southlake,Tx that advertises on a sign board about having it in stock.

Dublin makes Dr Pepper the old fashioned way with pur cane sugar. Just compare ingrediants.


It does taste different.


I remember that up until about 1991 I could tell a good DP from a bad one.


Don't know when but it made a big impact was when the Irving DP plant was built and I have no idea what ever happened to the Ft Worth plant, but man those old Ft Worth DPs were the best in the Metroplex. Wasn't called a metroplex though. Old Dallas DPs were a little harsh, I think the water. FW DPs were smooth and sweet. If chilled just right, oh boy.


Plastic bottles have ruined all soft drinks. Heck I rememebr tasting exhaust from a truck when they first came out. I made phone calls to every bottler in the state when that happened. They must have heard my complaints and got the diesel fuel taste out.


You can drive to Stephenville or Dublin and buy suger Peppers in glass bottles if you want. They sell a lot of cans too but ahhh.


Best you can do is find a good fountain DP. But that is getting dificult anymore. I think the Dublin bottling Co still has fountain service the old way, if you go down there. It is worth it. Best I ever had was Provo, UT. I was stuck there for a year in 71/72 whe I was 18. Boy did I get homesick. The only place in town to get a DP was a drug store that had the old pale green fountain and the DP syrup came in a glass jug. I saw them using it one time. Man it was strong and oh so good. Now THAT was original. That drug store is gone now. 7-11 going nation wide brought DP to the nation not too long after that. 7-11 is/was a Dallas based company (Southland Corp. So was DP. I can remember in the 80s and 90s having trouble with ATMs in CA. Sometimes I had to go to a 7-11 because I knew their ATM was connected to TX banks. Oh well later.


Yes, the Dublin DP is the best. Pure Cane Sugar. I grew up drinking the stuff since Grandma & Grandpa lived there, and dad was born there. Dad would not touch anything else, and the best is the fountain DP.


For the fast food industry. I worked it enough to get burned out on it. About 10 years. Talk about "STRESS."


Today I don't stress out on much of anything because of it.

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Best French Fries: McDonalds because fo taste, but they have too many short small ones.


Best ketchup: Whataburger. And what a GREAT CONTAINER & way to use ketchup in a car. Does anyone in management ever do urgonomic studies of eating food while driving?



PS when I said boycott of resturaunts that pulled DP. I know several families and teens who broke their habit of frequenting those resturaunts. Please take note. This is a violation of Texas culture. It is not a debatable issue. MsD sure put some numbers to it to justify the expense of adding it. And if you do not make as much money on DP as say Pibb? CHARGE MORE FOR THE DP. We will pay it. :blink:



Keep smiling.





And if you really wanna go native, try getting Dr. Pepper made with good ol' Imperial Sugar...no fructose. The original Dr. Pepper made with real Imperial Sugar, is now fairly common here in Central Texas and for obvious reasons, not available as a diet version...10-2 and 4...


As aye,



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OK I travel a lot. Here are some things to throw out there for you managers of anything with a drive thru.



Hamburgers: Do you only put mayonaze or mustard on one slice of bread when you make a sandwitch at home? I didn't think so. Guess what? Neither do the rest of us.



Actually, I do. :cheering:

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Hamburgers: Do you only put mayonaze or mustard on one slice of bread when you make a sandwitch at home? I didn't think so. Guess what? Neither do the rest of us.



Actually, I do. :o

OH!!!!! B) So YOU are the guy that caused all the problems. Huh. I will make a note of that one buddy. :toot: :D :D




Just kidding.

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As someone who orders alot at drive thrus, I have 3 complaints to lodge.

First, if you can knock on the bun and it sounds like your front door, ITS STALE. Do not use it for my burger.

Second, pay attention to what I say. If I say "no onions", I mean it and repeat the order back so I know you got it. If I had time to come in to correct your mistakes, I would have parked and come in in the first place.

Third, and I blame the managers not the workers, ESL students do NOT belong working the drive through. I would expect that when I order, I will speak the common language of the US. Last I checked, that is English. Those who do not speak it don't belong at the drive through. On either side.

As a side, attitudes that you are doing me a favor for making food for me is wrong. As a paying customer I expect to be treated with respect. Customer service is your job and should not be resented because you just don't feel like working today.

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My reply is for the employees of Wendys and McD's on Florida's west coast. When I order a "Plain double CHEESE burger" Please include the cheese with my order, otherwise it is a plain double hamburger.


For the cute girl at Wendys in southern Indiana. You look as if the only reason you are at work is because your parents are making you pay your way. I have never seen such a cute teenage girl look so put out to have to do a simple task such as taking an order inside. Go home if you are in that much pain.


To the mothers in front of me in the drive thru at lunch time. You are the parent, do not let a 3 year old pick what he/she wants to eat while others are waiting to place their orders.


To my Ex-wife. It's a burger joint. You do not need to read the menu everytime you go through the drive thru. It is the same crap they had yesterday. Just order and move on.

Edited by Rakkasan (see edit history)
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Then my all time favorite, pay for my food with a $20 and get change for a $10.

Whenever I am forced to give these kids a $20 bill I always memorize the last 4 characters of the bill right before I hand it to them. Then I simply ask the manager to explain how I know the last 4 digits of the $20 bill that is on top in the drawer. It seems to work for me.

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My reply is for the employees of Wendys and McD's on Florida's west coast. When I order a "Plain double CHEESE burger" Please include the cheese with my order, otherwise it is a plain double hamburger.


For the cute girl at Wendys in southern Indiana. You look as if the only reason you are at work is because your parents are making you pay your way. I have never seen such a cute teenage girl look so put out to have to do a simple task such as taking an order inside. Go home if you are in that much pain.


To the mothers in front of me in the drive thru at lunch time. You are the parent, do not let a 3 year old pick what he/she wants to eat while others are waiting to place their orders.


To my Ex-wife. It's a burger joint. You do not need to read the menu everytime you go through the drive thru. It is the same crap they had yesterday. Just order and move on.

Yes no regard for who is behind you. I have it even worse in Ft Worth because people her are so unconserned with who is behind them or how long they are taking in every day driving it is unerving. Heck they will line up 11 cars in a row at a red light in one lane and the other lane has maybe 2 cars. Light will change to yellow and they don't get on through for the guy on their bumper.


Those mothers and people, uhhhh. I remember when Jack in the Box started the drive through as a FAST way to eat lunch. It was fast. I remember being with me Dad and we only had so much time. Taxi drivers used to use a drive through as well. Not any more. Marketing went ofter women and kids. Best thing maybe we can all do is throw our televisions OUT.


So ain't it great that we have a more logical wife now? Take care and don't spoil the children. :P

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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I actually started this thread to express concern for the fast food worker. Many of these hard working people get little to no appreciation and deal with a large share of goofballs that want the world for only 99 cents.


It turned into a what the worker should be doing for the customer in many aspects.


I have seen many good suggestions in this thread and have forwarded such ideas to my marketing manager.


I just ask that you all consider how hard a great number of these people work and let them know the good things their doing as well as the not so good!



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