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I just heard from a friend that GZ was closing for a week due to security threats related to the war. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Thanks, Dave

I doubt it very much.

I get a daily worldwide security update ( very reliable )... No such words.

And if GZ would close, so would all other posts, including the embassy in Beijing.


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Mick or Owen or other people in China,


Are there any anti-war demonstration in China now?  In USA and other countries, people are rallying and demonstrating.

Wouldn't be enough to close consulates/embassy... this ain't exactly Teheran, and in China demonstrations are kinda frown upon ( if not plain illegal ) when crowds are gathering...

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Mick or Owen or other people in China,


Are there any anti-war demonstration in China now?  In USA and other countries, people are rallying and demonstrating.

So far no major demonstrations in China. Any demonstration would have to have government approval and control in advance. Nothing so far at least in the South, maybe Owen knows more about what's going on up north. :huh: :o

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Here in Changsha everything is the same, and this has been known as the hotbed for change in China for the last few decades. Example Mao in 1949, he started here and so did a few others. Anyway during the whole time the Chinese people have noto agreed with the war, but if you are not stupid and go through the s treets yelling good thing about America and bad things about China noone is gonna bother you. Government has too much to lose right now.

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Mick or Owen or other people in China,


Are there any anti-war demonstration in China now?  In USA and other countries, people are rallying and demonstrating.

So far no major demonstrations in China. Any demonstration would have to have government approval and control in advance. Nothing so far at least in the South, maybe Owen knows more about what's going on up north. ;) <_<

Nothing up here. In fact not even a mention of it by any of my students. You wouldn't know that anything has happened at all. We will see after the weekend. Most students don't have TV or even a radio here. This weekend they will probably find out more by seeing TV at home or elsewhere over the weekend. (continuous coverage here on the FOX affiliate. In fact live report from Bagdad as I type this)


Generally up here in the North-East, people are pretty friendly towards Americans. Japanese they still don't like at all, but Americans are viewed as OK. During the spy plane incident there were no demonstrations or such up here.


The official line has been that China is not happy about the war, but is not making it an issue for public demonstrations or the like either.

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Some gal on 001.com said " GZ consulate is closed, even the security guard doesn't know when it will open again" Another gal is going to pick up her visa on next Monday, she is suprised by the news coze she has booked the flight tickets . If GZ does close, the tickets are useless. :lol:

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