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Noncitizen vs. Citizen lines at airport

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If a person has only a green card from the USA and they leave the US, I have read on this site that upon return since they have a green card they can use the citizen line. Yet they are not citizens and are perm resident aliens, so how can this be. Does anyone know for sure?

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Just came back through O'hare less than 4 weeks ago. The first line on the right that you could enter was foreigners, the second line on the right, about 10 feet past was US citizens and legal permanent residents (green card holders). There is a sign on a floor post at the head of each line, and above each immigration window there is a huge LED red flashing light with the same wording. Lines are side by side, maybe 20 feet apart or so. Close enough that you can talk.


Hint: If you or anyone else arrives at O'hare, after you claim your baggage (international flights arriving), you will walk past a manned booth. You do not have to stop, only if asked (they just smiled at everyone). If you have a connection flight stay to the right, it is a longer line and it will go to a roped off area. If O'hare is your final destination, stay to the left. It is a double set of metal doors, and everyone walks through the same way side by side. It is poorly marked which line to go in. The left line will look as if no one can use it, as not many people are in it and it will look like you are cutting in line in front of everyone else. You will think you have to wait in the right line like everyone else, but you don't. You just stay to the left, walk through the doors, and bingo, your are done and the exit is in front of you. If you had stayed to the right, you will be stuck behind the roped off area once you walk through the double doors. Again, right is for connection flights, left is for final destination of O'hare.

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If a person has only a green card from the USA and they leave the US, I have read on this site that upon return since they have a green card they can use the citizen line.?Yet they are not citizens and are perm resident aliens, so how can this be.?Does anyone know for sure?


A green card holder is a permanent resident.


Short, and to the point, I think I like your style B)

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