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it's like a waking dream

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so the EMS arrived yesterday. i actually learned about it when i went to check my e-mail and had several "congratulations" letters waiting for me. seems my girl posted it on the 001 site, but didn't want to wake me... so there it was.


today i confirmed a minister for the wedding, and made an appointment to get measured for a tux on monday. the fedex package came in with all the documents i need to get our marriage license ahead of time.


after bouncing back and forth a bit, it looks like my "sherriingz" will be arriving at DIA about 5pm next saturday (march 8th). my daughters, myself, a few friends, and the minister will be waiting for her.


we will be married by the big windowed wall at the south end of the main terminal of DIA. probably just around twilight time.


tell me that's not a dream?


it just seems crazy that we will be able to start our lives together...


i have battled rage and sadness for so long, i hardly know how to act "happy"... ...but i'll figure it out. i've got a good teacher on the way.


i will never forget the outlet, resources, and support Candle has provided for us. i hope to stay in touch with many of you through the times ahead. the selflessness, dignity, effort, and honesty i have seen here are unsurpassed. especially PJ, you have given us all a genuine gift, and never thought to take it away when times were hard.


i hope i never wake up.

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A big congrats Jon. Seems Li and I found out the news before you did. :P :blink:


I was thrilled last night when Li read the notice to me from the 001 board. I know of few people who have worked so hard or pushed so strongly for all of us. Thank you for your efforts.


Now go and get that wedding planned and enjoy! I met your lady in GZ and know how much you two belong together. :D :D :D

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Wow! That's what I call a "shotgun wedding", LOL...don't even let her get out of the airport - no mind-changing here guy! :lol: :D


Well, needless to say, many congratulations on resolution to the debacle we fondly :unsure: :o call the K-1.


Wish you many years of love, happiness, and peace - maybe NOT as obvious, you cut your life expectancy with the heartache and letter writing/calling/etc. in getting to this point.

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Congratulations Jon.  :P



road-runner wedding !!


CONGRATS JON !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :lol:

Obviously, the Frenchman is not sleeping much lately! :D :P :D

Yep.. I was .. Like a baby !

Got to go to work somehow today... Darn...

And stop calling me frenchman.. that sounds comdescendant these days... :D :D

Your right Eric. From now on I will call you "Kansan" or how bout "Wichitinean"? :P :D :P :D

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