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Has it ever been resolved whether the last paragraph--"Unfortunately, your wife's clearance will not be processed as quickly ..." actually has any meaning? Is there a separate slower group? Has the process again come to a halt? Or is this just landfill?

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Just exactly what the meaning is has not been resolved because the government is being tight lipped about that.


The general feeling though is that it does not refer to everybody, rather to this one individual. There are several others who have received similar info. I would guess that the fact that so many Chinese have identical names is what leads to most of those delays. I wonder why the government hasn't thought of the simple expediency of using the national I.D. number that all Chinese have?

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maybe the reason why we get this letter because my dad is a communist. but my dad gets his bussiness visa and visit Amercian universities so easy each year. :(  :(  ;)  :huh:

why I have to be waiting for seeing my husnand for this long!? ;)  :blink:  :blink:  :(  :lol:

No. It is not it. I am 120% sure of that. Being "communist" by family link, does not prevent you from getting a visa.. Heck, Yuhui's dad is a CCP member...

It is more simple than that..and sader... Pure U.S gov't incomptence in managing that name check business. Period.


Keep faith ! It will come...

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Eric's right on this one for sure!  I know of a group of 30 good Party Members that got expedited treatment on getting visas to attend an MBA program in Chicago.  I was giving them American Culture and American English classes last semester.

of course !! I'm always right !! LOL


Besides 10 thinggies have got to be worth sumethin' right ?? Even in Kansas !

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Just exactly what the meaning is has not been resolved because the government is being tight lipped about that.


The general feeling though is that it does not refer to everybody, rather to this one individual.  There are several others who have received similar info.  I would guess that the fact that so many Chinese have identical names is what leads to most of those delays.  I wonder why the government hasn't thought of the simple expediency of using the national I.D. number that all Chinese have?

I really do think very strongly, that CA is pulling cases at random under directive of the DHS for audit and double-checking,,so T. Ridge can really feel like he's the big honcho and that dammit things are being thoroughly checked under my administration


Hence the " unfortunately, your wife case might take longer" crap

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I wouldn't mention it to the DOS people.  Don't lie about it if ever directly asked, but just don't bring it up.  Definately not with Tom Ridge!

Especially not with Tom Ridge, or Ashcroft for that matter!

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i will contact Kabral on monday.. also lisa's secretary's line. but 1 question, do you think haveing family members in the communits party would help? can that be used as an advantage?


It wouldn't help at all !

Neither would it hurt your case if they knew

It's completely irrelevant.

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Hi everyone,

I read a post on G7 which talked about the question about some of the visas that are put on hold. this person said he talked to DOS and they said a visa hod would cause a substantial delay and when pressed for a time frame they said at least 6 months more :o :o .


Thanks for this kind person posted this information there and i would like to know anyone who got the same reply found out any more information about it too.


i apprecaite of all people's support and prayer here but i really can;t imagnie how i can apart from my husband for another half a year again :D

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As I posted before, my husband's name was hold too, and I was trying to find out what is going on, but I got the anwser that I have no right to know it !, I am getting very angry now, because we are sitting in the totally dark now. I think we need to push them hard.


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Hi everyone,

I read a post on G7 which talked about the question about some of the visas that are put on hold. this person said he talked to DOS and they said a visa hod would cause a substantial delay and when pressed for a time frame they said at least 6 months more :)  :( .


Thanks for this kind person posted this information there and i would like to know anyone who got the same reply found out any more information about it too.


i apprecaite of all people's support and prayer here but i really can;t imagnie how i can apart from my husband for another half a year again :(

Sorry to hear that some cases are on Hold. Six more months is hard to swallow. I wouldn't just trust the word of one's DOS person. They don't always have the right answer.


So far I haven't heard anything about my gal's case. I have sent faxes to the CA Officers. I hope she is not on hold.

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:(  :(  :(

why god treat me so unfair? i have never done anything wrong . just so unfair GOD :(  :(



I wanted to chime in here, because many girls feel this way - no, it's not you, has nothing to do with your nationality, anything they would do to discourage you so you would give up...all these bad things I'm hearing from my girl.


She's getting pressure from other girlfriends/family, and it simply is not you. I'm stuck just like you for no reason whatsoever, plain and simple.


Please stay positive and your a sweet innocent girl that deserves the Visa just as much as any other non-terrorist immigrant, ok? :)

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i apprecaite of all people's support and prayer here but i really can;t imagnie how i can apart from my husband for another half a year again :(

Heard the same thing, whether it was duplicated from G7 I don't know, but this six month(!!!!!) hold is weird - perhaps related to Homeland.


Can he visit if at all possible? This is exactly why I'M going over...it's been 8 months; the pain sucks, so must relieve this pain for MY OWN and Liyans' mental health :)

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