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blue slip, blue slip, blue slip.....

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Well, Jie had her interview today. Fortunately, she was not one of the blue slips !


Yes, she sat and waited and watched 6 VO's give out red and blue slips. She sat across from who she believes is the infamous 'black pearl', who interviewed two different girls, each for a very long time, maybe 5 to 6 minutes each, and Jie saw her give out a blue slip to each of them. Then Jie's number was called "My God, it was for the 'black pearl'." But, Jie's interview lasted only 40 seconds. Three questions.  "Where did you meet" "Did your fiance meet your parents" "Do you have the I-134". That was it. Jie said she could feel she was not going to get a blue slip.


Jie did the interview in English. She was of course, very nervous. She went to the window and said "Good morning, sir". The VO looked up at her with only her eyes and just murmered "Madam". Then asked where we met. Then another question that Jie could not understand, due to the sound of the speaker in the window, maybe some words she could not understand. But Jie heard the word "parents" and said "Do you mean, did Kenny meet my parents?". And the VO said "Yes." Jie said "Yes,two times, would you like to see the pictures?" And the VO said "Yes", looked at the pictures, Jie explained "This is from Kennys first visit, this is at my parents house", then gave her another set, and said "This is Kennys second visit, we had dinner at a restaurant". The VO gave them back to her, let her wait a few seconds, asked for the I-134, looked at it, not very hurried, then Jie said she saw the red paper and heard the word 'approved'. Then said "Thank you very much Madam". And ran downstairs to find me.


I was sitting with another man waiting for his wife to get a CR1. She got the same VO. Blue slip.


Our feeling from this, is K1 is perhaps the easiest visa to get approved, because it is asking the consulate to just give a temporary visa, not approve an immigrant status. The other thing, is make sure you do very well on the paperwork, starting from the initial application. If your paperwork is good, you have submitted what the govt says, listen to the advice on CFL, and dress nicely (or confidently) for the interview, then you have good chance to get approved.


Jie's impression of the VO: very serious, very businesslike, very well dressed, very professional, and knows what she is doing. For us, all we can say is "Thank you very much Madam". Really!


And all I have to say is YIIIIPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. The infamous Black Pearl is smart. She has very high IQ though I had to fight with her for my clients.

2. Both K1 and CR1 are not really difficult provided one is not faking.

There are more fakes among CR1's than K1 as those fakers think CR1 is safer.

You English-speaking guys want it faster so you filed for K1.

Take it easy, guys!


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I just want to say that we may not want to keep with that epithet of "black pearl." The USCONGUZ poster has already mentioned before that it is offensive.


I don't doubt they have a VO or two who are the "enforcers" and are more strict than others. Maybe the VO who happens to be black right now is one of them, maybe not. We don't have the data to say which VOs are the "hardasses" and which are the "pushovers."


I guess I just recommend caution about posting with that epithet, especially in the topic heading.

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CONGRATS Ken !!!!!!

You offer good advice and I agree 100% !


Also, thanks for the laugh of having the Black Pearl being called Sir!!! :) :lol: :lol: I'm sure the "Pearl" is experienced and mature enough to realize that China does not have gender pronouns so it was an easy mistake to make but it is still pretty funny!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


And for the record, Amy still mixes up him and her, preferring to use her because it is easier for her to pronounce :o It throws me off every so often but I am learning how to hear "gender neutral" B)

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