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Cold War ...... almost there

Guest Jim & Ling

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Guest Jim & Ling

many good news recently,so do us.I was about to leave for interview in 10 days.It's been 14 months since we started visa application,17 months since we married,40 months since we met each other.....finally,we will be "really together" (different with those short time together) in half a month,how excited we should be!.........while,we are at a cold war, depressed and hurt.


Months ago I asked him to prepare some interview paperwork like I-134 and tax return etc...."I will",he said.....weeks ago I told him interview date scheduled,he must hurry up to send me paperwork....."tomorrow",he said.... after pushs and fights he finally sent the mail out,but.."I am still waitting tax return and bank's letter,and not got time to download I-134 form",he said.........I questioned him if he really wants me to pass interview,really wants me to go America,he got mad because I don't trust him.


Trust....I put it No. One of our marriage,I married him because he is 200% trustable....now,I am not sure....if he doesn't want me there why he can't stop whole visa thing earlier!!!.....family and friends are counting days for my departure,I can't tell them it might not happen....it's so hurt.


Now we don't talk to each other..whatever he wants.....I feel cold...


sorry to bring it,depressive....I just need a room to speak out.

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many good news recently,so do us.I was about to leave for interview in 10 days.It's been 14 months since we started visa application,17 months since we married,40 months since we met each other.....finally,we will be "really together" (different with those short time together) in half a month,how excited we should be!.........while,we are at a cold war, depressed and hurt.


Months ago I asked him to prepare some interview paperwork like I-134 and tax return etc...."I will",he said.....weeks ago I told him interview date scheduled,he must hurry up to send me paperwork....."tomorrow",he said.... after pushs and fights he finally sent the mail out,but.."I am still waitting tax return and bank's letter,and not got time to download I-134 form",he said.........I questioned him if he really wants me to pass interview,really wants me to go America,he got mad because I don't trust him.


Trust....I put it No. One of our marriage,I married him because he is 200% trustable....now,I am not sure....if he doesn't want me there why he can't stop whole visa thing earlier!!!.....family and friends are counting days for my departure,I can't tell them it might not happen....it's so hurt.


Now we don't talk to each other..whatever he wants.....I feel cold...


sorry to bring it,depressive....I just need a room to speak out.



This same scenario triggered a negative response in me just recently but we do not have NOA2 yet and I see no need to send financail statements at this time. This sounds like an instant playback. I am sure all will work out and you will get what you need for the interview. Sometimes, job loss or loss of income or not wanting to divulge income can cause such confusion. All will be fine. :o B) B)

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I think you should reconsider your relctance to send financial statements. So what if it is not necessary yet? If your fiancee wants to have the paperwork now, send it to comfort her. Don't play games with this stuff.


Sorry if it sounds like I am being critical. It is not my business but I just want to see all these relationships go smoothly and I sometimes get very sad at how little things build up and ruin potentially wonderful relationships.


Anything my Ling wants, she gets immediately. And you know what? She's never asked for anything.


Keep the flame burning.



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I think you should reconsider your relctance to send financial statements.  So what if it is not necessary yet?  If your fiancee wants to have the paperwork now, send it to comfort her.  Don't play games with this stuff.


Sorry if it sounds like I am being critical.  It is not my business but I just want to see all these relationships go smoothly and I sometimes get very sad at how little things build up and ruin potentially wonderful relationships.


Anything my Ling wants, she gets immediately.  And you know what?  She's never asked for anything.


Keep the flame burning.




TP is right, over-preparation do no harm...

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We actually had a similar problem, but it was my wife who didn't want to give out the information. When filling out the forms for the initial visa application I needed the information on her ex husband. Name, date and place of birth, date of wedding, date of divorce, etc. She did not want to ever talk about him again and was upset that I insisted that I had to have the information. She was used to just not filling out the parts of forms she didn't feel where important and getting away with it in China. We worked through it and everything is fine now. We hope your misunderstanding clears up too.

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We actually had a similar problem, but it was my wife who didn't want to give out the information.  When filling out the forms for the initial visa application I needed the information on her ex husband.  Name, date and place of birth, date of wedding, date of divorce, etc.  She did not want to ever talk about him again and was upset that I insisted that I had to have the information.  She was used to just not filling out the parts of forms she didn't feel where important and getting away with it in China.  We worked through it and everything is fine now.  We hope your misunderstanding clears up too.

Doing the I-134 takes a lot of time. If you are not organized with your fiancial stuff, then it will take longer. Once she is here, the we have to do the I-864. More work and more pain. But we do it for love. :o B)

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I agree with Tparrent and Kkimm, you can never be too well prepared!


I sent all of the necessary documents to my fiancee 8 months ago. When I file my 2002 taxes next week, I will send her a notarized copy of that document also. The US mail has an international express service that is relatively inexpensive, and usually takes about 7 days.


Ling, I hope that you and your fiance can work through this. It seems such a shame to have come this far ony to give up on the relationship.

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It sounds like Jim may be just a typical American "procrastinator" like many of us. "Procrastinator" - one who always seems to delay doing things until later; it is normal for him to wait until the last minute.


You have been a couple for over 3 years. After you come to America, you have another 3 months to get to know each other before you must decide to get married. If you are at all concerned, then set the wedding date for 2 months after your arrival in the U.S. Use that time to really get to know each other.


I hope everything works out for you. ;)

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It sounds like Jim may be just a typical American "procrastinator" like many of us.  "Procrastinator" - one who always seems to delay doing things until later; it is normal for him to wait until the last minute.


You have been a couple for over 3 years.  After you come to America, you have another 3 months to get to know each other before you must decide to get married.  If you are at all concerned, then set the wedding date for 2 months after your arrival in the U.S.  Use that time to really get to know each other.


I hope everything works out for you. ;)

They are already married (husband and wife).

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Oops, thats right! ;)


Then I suggest many, many, many talks, phone calls and/or emails/chats. I am not clear whether or not you are living together at present. You need to discuss your concerns with him. Make him understand your feelings and fears, and that this is important to you. His love will help him to understand you. I suspect, however, that he may just have the common American quality of being a procrastinator.

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