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Fox News on non-immigrant visa reform

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Thanks for posting this Owen. It is pertinent to K1s in particular. Technically, K1 is a non-immigrant visa and, although the applicant intends to immigrate, my fear is that applicants would get caught up in any further quagmire that might be created with legislative tampering with procedures. Just what we need right now. Further coverage of the opponents of immigration. For one, I am getting sick of this mess. Seems that folks back home are increasingly incapable of taking the long view of thingss. They seem blind to the effects of current actions on future events. This leads to short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness, and outright paranoid insanity.


Fortress America we don't need. :greenblob:

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Aloha from Hawaii,

The opposition is to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Illegal immigrants are a problem

because they cannot get high paying legal jobs. High pay is available in illegal

professions such as drug traffic. The distinction between legal and illegal is

deliberately ignored by politico's who want to keep legal Chinese immigrants out.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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I, for one, will definitely write a rebuttal to Liza Porteus' article. :greenblob: :rolleyes: She seems to have not researched sufficiently to get all the facts, having lumped all non-immigrants together, vaguely included family visas with those who overstay their welcome and branding them as the "greatest potential risk to the security of the United States."


Ms. Porteus should have not included families in lumping together the non-immigrant group as, "terrorists and other prospective illegal immigrants."


And furthermore, if she were a fair and responsible reporter, she would have rather singled out the family visas among the exception groups who are being unduly persecuted by the new security checks. And don't you think that the stiffling of business visas and student visas has contributed to our international trade deficit?


Come on, Ms. Porteus, if you are going to attack the system, at least present the entire story. Let the readers know that families are not likely to be terrorists. You might even mention how this "terrorist paranoia" has made a mockery of justice by preventing families from being together.


:redblob: :lol: :wub: :) B)

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i think it was myles who pointed out some time ago: democrats in particular do NOT want asian immigrants in the system. they don't use public assistance programs, they don't suck money out of our economy, and they rarely vote dem.


you can't run a country into the ground when it's citizens are productive, and paying taxes. they are pro "third world" immigration, legal or not, as it helps to bring overall wages down, and leans the masses toward labor unions and socialism in general.

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i think it was myles who pointed out some time ago:  democrats in particular do NOT want asian immigrants in the system.  they don't use public assistance programs, they don't suck money out of our economy, and they rarely vote dem.


I know many Chinese Americans who are hard working people paying taxes. However, I also know many who works in restaurants and don't report their earning. At the same time, they collect wealthfare. People come in all sizes and personalities.


Asian-Americans don't always vote Republicans. See link below.



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i think it was myles who pointed out some time ago:  democrats in particular do NOT want asian immigrants in the system.  they don't use public assistance programs, they don't suck money out of our economy, and they rarely vote dem.


I know many Chinese Americans who are hard working people paying taxes. However, I also know many who works in restaurants and don't report their earning. At the same time, they collect wealthfare. People come in all sizes and personalities.


Asian-Americans don't always vote Republicans. See link below.



Racists, like to generalize. That is their stock in trade. B)

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Lets remember that our whole problem started when DOS issued a couple of hundred visas it should not have. Many were retreived before the people got here but who knows about the rest. The Administration went into panic mode and here we are.


The thing that pisses me most about illegal immigration is that I am paying taxes for the govt to do it's job which it is not.


The thing Americans need to ask themselves is how many people do you want in the country. Why are we better with more people? Do you think we can continue taking surplus people from other countries forever? You cannot have everything. A good enviroment and fewer people seems smart to me.


The problem is the politicians are too lazy to look for answers. If Mexican citizens need organ transplants and they cannot be done in Mexico, what is wrong with having them come here legally for the operations and having the Mexican govt pay for it? We do have guest worker programs. So why do we have all the illegals? If a company needs technical workers, why not start a design office in India or China or where ever. Help that economy. Our government reacts rather than plan for the future.


Off soapbox.

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