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why is chinese visa's alot longer

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I would like the hell for someone to tell me why is it that in the other countries the visa process is only 4 to 6 months???? Has anyone here looked at the other web sites to see there time line...this is damn depressing...this makes me sick to my stomach to see the very short wait...what the hell has my wife and I done wrong to this country????

You will never convince me that there is a reason for it....This is so unjust that I will never trust this country again for there actions like this I have been in a namecheck for 3 1/2 months and still no word but other countries are already getting done BULL........!!!!!


Dan M

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I have a feeling that many might reply to this one. Two things that come to my mind are:


1) Consulate at GUZ handles almost every Visa to exit China. This makes a longer than normal wait because of the size of the country I believe.


2) Once on my many calls to NVC who sends out for namechecks the operator said........ "OH.....GUZ........they check every single person in many databases for their namechecks and GUZ always runs longer. Other countries don't check as deeply. I shouldn't worry about my ONE YEAR WAIT at NVC".


The system is still under the old Communist China thinking instead of what most of us here at CFL know. Many Chinese citizens are not communist and want to have closer ties to the U.S. ways. Governments move more slowly it seems.


just my thoughts and observations.............anyone else???




Edited by LiandLarry (see edit history)
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There are many points about bring are loved one's here that is not right. Such as sending in your paper work to the office here in the united states they tell you,too and then they will transfer it to a office that is over worked and it just sits there for 9 to 10 months.


I myself did not have a problem when it went to nvc lucky mine sailed right thru and was sent right on to china. So it could sit over a month at dhl's warehouse waiting for them to come pick it up. I even went as far as to offer to pay dhl a delviery fee to take it to them. ( they said they would get back to me on that one ) . But as yet it stands at about a month and a half just sitting in a warehouse in china.


Your right it is very dis hearting to fall in love with some one and try hard to do right just to see the people that we pay there wages every payday take advantage of us .

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Discounting the variances among the service centers, some embassies/consulates process family based visas the way it's supposed to be done - say within a month or so. If you really want to be depressed, take a look at: http://www.k1k3.com/list.php


The obvious top 10 reasons why Guangzhou takes longer than any other consulate are:


10. We only have one printer, and it doesn't know how to print Chinese.

9. We take 287 holidays each year, not counting snow days.

8. We figured if we made you wait, you'd eventually stop trying.

7. How many times do we have to say this. If Congress would give us enough money, maybe it all wouldn't go to London.

6. We go slow so your SO will have enough time to learn American English (that English English is for the birds).

5. We bought stock in Onesuite and Dynasky. Reason enough?

4. We like to keep our citizens pissed off. It makes for more fun come election time.

3. It's really the Chinese government's fault. They don't like us very much.

2. It's a balance of trade thing. You wouldn't understand.

1. We just don't like you going after Chinese women. What's wrong with American women?

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Logic says that if the country has 1/6 of the world's population, even if the imigration rates were the same, that would mean HUGE numbers. But then logic also would dictate that the US would have more VO's.


What's more sad is that if you look at India, its faster too, even with more people ;\


I agree its probably political.

Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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I would like the hell for someone to tell me why is it that in the other countries the visa process is only 4 to 6 months???? Has anyone here looked at the other web sites to see there time line...this is damn depressing...this makes me sick to my stomach to see the very short wait...what the hell has my wife and I done wrong to this country????

You will never convince me that there is a reason for it....This is so unjust that I will never trust this country again for there actions like this I have been in a namecheck for 3 1/2 months and still no word but other countries are already getting done BULL........!!!!!


Dan M


The reasons why China has the slowest consulate:


1) historically the Chinese have *always* been discriminated by

the U.S. government; going back as early as 1870:



2) the U.S. government has never been comfortable

with welcoming communists or citizens of communist nations

to USA; remember your buddy Fidel?


There is an exception -- Cubans; they were given

the wet foot-dry foot law simply because they've got voters in both parties, in the congress and in the senate and they're very visible in Florida


3) the Immigration Act of 1965 was designed to curtail Chinese

immigration to USA:



So, the main fault lies with the law.


Law which was enacted by Lyndon Johnson's administration.


So to answer your question, what the hell has your wife

and you done to this country...nothing.


This country just doesn't want Chinese people to immigrate here.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
Frank.....did you steal that top 10 from Eric?


Eric should be an inspiration to us all - maybe one. :rolleyes:


Eric was gone when I first came on board here, but in reading the history of his posts he had an uncanny abilility to make a point. Love his metaphors......



...where is he anyway? Thought I heard someone say he's here in Florida.

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I am guessing that there are two reasons for such a long wait.


1. The name check. First the name check is hard for two reasons. One..China has so many people. Try checking a name within a country who has 295 million people and it will go faster than if the country has 3.2 billion. Second, most countries have people with three names.. first , middle and last.. Chinese have two names... surname and given... more people will have the same name. Now you are compounding an already difficuly the issue.


2. As someone pointed out, all family visas must go through GUZ. This is most likely due to the complexity of the name check. Since it is not simple like most countries, they have a specialized unit in one place that handles this process.


This is most likely why they do not split out the work load and give GUZ some relief. It is the only reason I can think of that makes any sense.

The Former Soviet Union countries also had a long wait until a few years ago. All family visa (with the esception of Russia) had to go through Warsaw, Poland. It was just recently that they gave Kiev, Ukraine and some others the ability to process family visas.


As for the Government's thought process in respect with China. I think you will find it is not the old thought like it used to be. It is no coincidence that Condi (Condoleesa Rice) has made trips to China. The US government is in constant negotiations with China. They have become a very important ally in several different areas. One - the war on terror. They have become our ally in working with North Korea on the nuclear issue. It is China who has kept North Korea in check on this issue. Two - they have become our NUMBER ONE trading partner. Japan for many years after WWII was the number one trading partner. Just recently, like 2003 0r 2004, trade with China has has surpassed that with Japan, with US business investing something like 500 billion per year. Where big business goes, there you will find the interest of the US government. The US has been working very hard in opening access to China. They have requested more flights and more flight carriers to service China. They have agreed to lift visa restrictions and try and process these visa faster.


It has actually been the Chinese Government who has kept China buffered from the rest of the world. Their government has been slow to open the country. You really can't blame them with past history. Look at the opium wars of 1800's. Open China yes, but protect the people as it does so. China has long history, many times finding itself in war. There is a reason they closed themselves off from the world. Self preservation.

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