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About 2 years ago I was talking with a 'Lisa' from San Fran. We exchanged phone numbers, then she turns out to be married (so sorry for the confusion, but trying to find someone from my friend). She hooked me up with 'Nancy' in Shanghai via AFF. Nancy and I exchanged a few emails but she stopped responding to my emails. Ok, no big deal, move forward.

All this took place before I ever met my wife!!


Well, Lisa just called! Oh what's the problem? Nancy misses you, never got any other emails from you ... yadda, yadda, yadda.... who did you marry? where is she? you have any friends interested in Nancy? :unsure:


Now, it's been close to 2 years! I gave nothing specific about my wife and I, not even where she lives and "no" I don't have any friends interested. Seems to me a case of visa fever, eh?

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Hey Bob, this Nancy sounds like a good catch.?Maybe, she can email me at Dennis143@notinyourlife.com?:P


Oh Dennis, you did come to mind my friend. :bangin:


Thanks Bob, I know that I can count on my CFL friends to hook me up with someone "special".... :P


Now Dennis , :)

If you really have any Chinese woman friends ,then you are going to get plently of Emails from women who want to meet you .

I'm planning to get married soon and Even though My chinese friends know that , I am still getting Emails from totally unknown (at least to Me ) chinese women . :blink:

You probably have at least 10 or so that are hot on your trail

if you need any more jsut Email And I can give some more :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
(One issue many seem agreed on is the strongly inconsistent handling of VOs, to the point that some have developed nicknames and reputations.)


A comment on this. I strongly believe that these "nicknamed" VOs are largely fictional characters, only loosely based on real people. ANY female, black VO will now result in someone posting "interviewed with black pearl". The first person who was given that name on 001, was likely rotated out years ago, as well as the likely different person given that name on CFL the first time. Yet if your SO knows of "Black Pearl" and a black lady happens to be interviewing her, she will walk to the window with a lump in her throat anticipating to be treated rudely by the fabled hard-assed VO of doom... "Beware Black Pearl - pray for Geeky Guy with Glasses" lol our own mythology.... the less read into that kind of thing the better. It's useless.


It's always easier to blame someone else when we get rejected. The strong and positive person sees injustice and difficulty and does what they must to overcome.....


Fictional or not, VO's reputations do precede them. My fiancee heard of "the black pearl", while waiting for her interview, on 12 Dec 2005. Of course that is who did her interview. My fiancee walked up to the window dreading the entire situation. The woman did not say, "Hello", did not smile, and did not look at my fiancee, only asked for my fiancee's paperwork. After looking through it she asked how much I made in a month. My fiancee was terrified, because she did not know, that is something that was not important to us. When she said, "I don't know", my fiancee was asked if she spoke GOOD English. My fiancee only shook her head. Those were the only questions she was asked. Her 17 year old son was with her and he was not asked anything. Our visa request was denied and we were asked to send a video tape of us communicating. We were also asked to send proof of the residency of our ex-spouses. (Both of us had certified proof of our divorces which occured two years prior to the interview). I made a video of us talking without the knowledge of my fiancee. We speak a mix of broken English and Chinese, and talk on the telephone for an hour almost everyday for the past 1 1/2 year. GZ Perfect Visa put the video on VHS format for us. This is the only format the consulate currently accepts. We reapplied for a date to turn in the material requested, the including proof of residence of ex's. The 19th my fiancee went back to the Consulate and turned in the items. On the 21st she went back and found that the visa was again denied. The tape we turned in, only had audio for the first 30 seconds. We were asked to send in another tape with functioning audio. We were also now asked to turn in additional proof of my employment. I already submitted the required financial packett. I made another tape at my home, and checked the entire 45 minutes on 3 different tape players. I am a retired military pilot and now work as a GS employee on a military base. I had my supervisor sign another letter of employment on official military letterhead, and sent that with the tape, and the last 3 months of pay slips and retirement pay slips to my fiancee. The earlist she can get another date to turn in this material is the 10th of January 2006. She will fly back to Guangzhou to do this. I am hoping there is nothing else we need to do. I flew to Guanzhou on the 4th of December to be with my fiancee for her intial interview. I stayed until the 18th and had to return to work. Don't know what else to do. I am willing to return to Guangzhou, but have been told that will not help in anyway. The VO did not look at any of the supporting documents we had to show our relationship. I had been to China 2 times prior to my trip to Guangzhou. We had 1 year of phone records, 2 years of emails, and many photos. Keeping my fingers crossed for the 12th when we will know if this overcome evidence is sufficient.

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Another example of a piss poor attitude coming from a VO. Wake up GUZ and try supervising your own people and stop making applicants jump through burning hoops without even looking at any evidence 1st. And I'm not talking about any certain VO. What's the point in us bringing a pile of evidence if the VO won't even look at it.

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I just looked at this. I've talk with someone not from here who went though 3 K1s before finding the love of his life. Upon filing the 3rd, he was asked to come to SF for an interview where he convince the interviewer he was legit. It was explained to him that usually this type of interview was ended with an arrest so it seems if enough evidence or suspicion exists, the USC can get into heap big trouble.

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