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Question Being Asked For A friend

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Hi all,


The So & I have a friend here in Nanning that has come to us and has asked how would she go about stopping the I-129 that her Male counter part has submitted on her behalf?


Due to the reasons beyond our control and to keep a neutral ground and not take any sides, the SO & I decided to ask here, and we would then pass the info onto her friend.


We do Know that they have already been approved (NOA1 possibly 2 by this point) and have the case number that she has given us to help her determine the status of her case. But after explaining to her that once she stops this process, it will be very difficult for her or them to begin it again, should they reconcile their diffrences, therefore she should choose wisely & excersice exteam caution before she continues in that direction.


Does anyone know how this process can be haulted on her behalf, or what she may need to do?



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But after explaining to her that once she stops this process, it will be very difficult for her or them to begin it again, should they reconcile their diffrences, therefore she should choose wisely & excersice exteam caution before she continues in that direction.


I recall one case where a beneficiary sent a message to 'end' the petition; later they made up... then she followed up with another letter stating a 'reconciliation' and a desire to proceed...


At the interview they were denied. Then came the 'overcome' stage to prove they were truly a bonafide relationship, etc...


I think this came from 001...

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I think the USC/Petitioner is the only one that can stop the case. The beneficiary can only not respond to requests ie; P-3 do not send back forms, P-4 don't show up for interview.........

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At this point she has nothing to gain by stopping it unless she wants to pursue a relationship with someone else. It sounds like there may be a slim chance of reconciliation. In that case I would recommend she just sit tight until P-3 then make a decision. If she is hell bent on stopping it her fiance can send a letter to the service center currently processing it and ask that it be stopped. If he refuses to do so she can send a letter herself but at this stage it is his petition in her behalf. Simply write a letter asking the petition be withdrawn and include the 13 digit service center number.

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From what we can gather, she states that he has come to know her true networth (Apparently far greater than his) and he has stated that once they are married that he will take half of it should they get married & she later chooses to divorce him.


As you & I both should know, the chinese are very frugal with their money. It's like Gold & they are not about to part with it if they do not have to, especially if it was money before the marraige. So both the SO & I agree that she may be right in seeing him as what we call a gold digger back in the states.


But as you all stated on that info, I will print it out for her & give it to her & let her make that final decision for herself, as there in no way either of us wishes to get caught up in that love / Hate deal. Just let them work it out or go their seprate ways. :P

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It seems the USC stops the I-129F petition processing, but the alien can choose not to apply for the visa. If she is intent on unwinding it now, I would suggest she contact the USC and ask that the petition be withdrawn prior to its approval. If the petition has already been approved and shipped off to NVC or GZ, I would suggest that she advise them to discontinue processing. Maybe it will free up a little time for others.

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Other members please correct me if I am wrong but it has been my understanding that if she does stop it - She needs to realize that if she at a later date falls in love with another man - when he would go to apply for her visa - it is much more difficult to get it approved the second time around..... I have read elsewhere that they are much harder on any additional applications from a failed previous application. Just food for thought.


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Guest ShaQuaNew
It seems the USC stops the I-129F petition processing, but the alien can choose not to apply for the visa.  If she is intent on unwinding it now, I would suggest she contact the USC and ask that the petition be withdrawn prior to its approval.  If the petition has already been approved and shipped off to NVC or GZ, I would suggest that she advise them to discontinue processing.  Maybe it will free up a little time for others.


The USCIS will discuss a case with either the beneficiary or the petitioner, therefore it seems that either can cancel the petition. David makes a good point though in that if the beneficiary later decides that she doesn't want to do this there will be good cause for denial if they later decide to proceed. Perhaps she is doing like what seems many others and is ready to quickly move on and have another American petition for her. If that's the case then she should try to have the petitioner cancel the petition. It seems if the petitioner cancels that it just might be more favorable for her.

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Based on the information you have provided, she would be foolish to continue, the longer she is in the process, the more damning it can be later, but at this point there is no harm to the USA, so if she is serious to end it, then by all means end it now. A letter to the USCIS with her case number included indicating her wishes should take care of it.

best wishes to her

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I have to admit I was a bit worried when you said she was in Nanning. My SO is also in Nanning and we are only in the early stages of this long process. But when you said she has money, I no longer am worred. My SO has no money. :unsure:


That being said, I hope they can work our thier problems. Does he know she wants to cancel the I-129f?

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Judging by your time line, NOPE it's not you so you still have to wait in line :unsure: LOL


And no, he hasn't a clue yet as she is just in the beginning stages of finding out his true intentions. Just the other day she found out that he is living with another woman & at times, its the other woman that has said some pretty mean things to her about her.


I guess if I was our friend, I'd want to pull the plug too :lol:

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Judging by your time line, NOPE it's not you so you still have to wait in line :P LOL


And no, he hasn't a clue yet as she is just in the beginning stages of finding out his true intentions. Just the other day she found out that he is living with another woman & at times, its the other woman that has said some pretty mean things to her about her.


I guess if I was our friend, I'd want to pull the plug too ;)


What a soap-opera! :rolleyes: There is not reason that the lady (beneficiary) needs to be obligated to continue the process. She can continue her life now.

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