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First of all, I would like to thank everyone on Candle for all of their helpful information and humorous stories which greatly helped to pass the time. The Consulate is in a new Office building and has no American flag to set it apart from any other building. We got in line at 8:05, showed our P-4 letter to a Security guard and where told to take the escalator to the 3rd floor where my wife went through a checkpoint and then prceeded up another escalator to the 4th floor. I then walked about 10 feet to the Chamy coffee shop (a Starbucks knockoff) where you can wait in very comfortable chairs, if you buy coffee at 25 to 40 yuan for latte, expresso, etc. - no doughnuts or food available. Back to my wife, upon arriving on the 4th floor, she then walked thru a security scanner like they have at the airport, then turned right and walked into the Immigrant room and handed a Consulate worker her hospital envelope and was issued a number, then had her fingerprints taken and was told to take a seat and wait for her number to be called. Around 10:00 everyone had to raise their right hand and take the Pledge of Allegiance in Mandarin and Cantonese. Then the Interviews began. My wife said that their were about 20 woman all K-1, K-3 and CR-1. the room was large with many seats and looked very much like a bank with (6) Consulate people doing interviews and yes, the Black Pearl was there. Around 10:30, they called my wife's number, she was called by a young white man about 32 years old. As my wife approached the window, he said "Hello" and my wife said "Good Morning" in English. He then asked to see my wife's passport and while she was handing it to him he saw my passport and asked to see it also and asked her how many times had I come to China to see her. He then asked her if she had ever been to America. He then very, very quickly asked to see my taxes, so quickly that my wife did not understand him and just stared at him and said nothing, he then said "Shuidai" (taxes), my wife being clever, as all Chinese girls are, replied in English "Yes, I have them, here you are" - she did not let the conversation slip into Chinese. He next asked her, "Where are you going to live when you go to America?" after she answered he then said that your Visa is approved. All of this took less than 60 seconds. My wife said that they positively have decided beforehand who will pass and who will fail, the only people who get many questions are the few who have some questionable area's and then they are looking to see how your wife or fiancee responds. As my wife left the room, she noticed a door that was slightly open, being very curious, as all Chinese girls are, she peeked in and saw an old, short, fat man with white hair standing in front of a machine quickly pulling levers and turning dials and as he did so she saw that the (6) people giving interviews raised their arms, turned their heads and moved their mouths, not wishing to disrupt the remaining interviews, she quickly left. Could this have been the Great Guz??? :whistling: :baby: :unsure:

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