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What moment stands out to you in China?

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Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable?


One that comes to my mind was when we went to the Great Wall back in June. We took a cab for a 2 hour drive to go away from Beijing so it wasn't as crowded... we went(6am) very early, to avoid the heat also. So I guess it was about 8am we are going up the hill to get to the 20 stories of steps to climb the Wall.. and a older chinese man saw me and yelled "hey brother" and held his fist up as the Black Olympic runners did in Mexico City at the 1968 Games. I responded laughing and raised my fist the same and yelled "Black Power". It really surprised me and made me laugh. I was thinking that maybe that gentlemen saw the runner do just that on a tape of the Olympics. But for that to happen to me in China, really amused me. I didn't see many black people in China, mostly just Chinese people :P

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Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable?


That's easy! It would be the first time I was graced with the presence of my bride-to-be!


I met her at Pudong airport late on a Thursday night. I was reeling from the anticipation.

After I got through customs I headed for the exit where many people were standing. I started looking and then I saw her for the first time. So divine she was in her wonderful red dress holding a bouquet of flowers in her pretty little hands.

A vision of beauty, a sight to behold, and a dream come true!...:P

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I too knew that the moment I saw my bride to be that day in Pudong Airport........ I will never forget the feeling inside as I knew she was the ONE that I had always dreamed of!!!!! All else, though some would call fantastic, pales in comparison!!!!

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Well, I met my wife the first time at the Shanghai train station.


But, I remember seeing a street cleaning lady picking litter out of plants in the park with chop sticks.


The Chinese diapers...the hole in the pants and the parents rushing outside with them.


The beauty of all the parks and gardens.


The friendliness of the people.


I miss it all.

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Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable?


One that comes to my mind was when we went to the Great Wall back in June. We took a cab for a 2 hour drive to go away from Beijing so it wasn't as crowded... we went(6am) very early, to avoid the heat also. So I guess it was about 8am we are going up the hill to get to the 20 stories of steps to climb the Wall.. and a older chinese man saw me and yelled "hey brother"  and  held his fist up as the  Black Olympic runners did in Mexico City at the 1968 Games. I responded laughing  and raised my fist the same and yelled "Black Power".  It really surprised me and made me laugh.  I was thinking that maybe that gentlemen saw the runner do just that on a tape of the Olympics.  But for that to happen to me in China, really amused me. I didn't see many black people in China, mostly just Chinese people :P


That guy was cool for wanting to reach out to you like that. Many Chinese people are friendly, although too many of them want to say hello, hello. One of my most memorable moments in China was the time going into a department store in Dalian when I opened and held the door for my wife and then kind of bowed and ushered this distinguished looking 50-ish Chinese lady thru the doorway holding the door open for her also and the gratitude and surprise in her voice when she said xie-xie was very enjoyable.


When that guy yelled "hey brother" he was trying to make contact across a cultural divide in the only way he knew of. But when I saw a Bushman in the Kroger in Atlanta I was so stunned I could not think what to say and did not want to be rude but I swear to God this guy really was a Bushman from the Kalahari Desert in south Africa, he looked exactly like the people you see in all those NatGeo specials and he had that special walk and was about 4 feet 11 inches tall. I thought well if one of them came to America then Atlanta would be a likely place so I decided to believe what I thought I had seen. But it would have been so awesome to talk with him.

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New Year's fireworks. It was nonstop for almost two weeks, with an incredible peak at the start and end.


The first 24 hours were a buildup that I'll never forgot... the entire day had fireworks going off on every corner, and in an apartment complex that meant every 50 yards.


That night, it was deafening. The air was full of residue that you couldn't see. The sound was so loud that one's head reverberated and chest pounded. It was absolute chaos and like a war zone. Yet, every face was as happy as I had ever seen. Every man turns into a boy.


Walking up the six floors to the apartment, with all the windows knocked out, the blasts would bounce around as you walked through the smoke.


The last night of that two weeks was not as spectacular in terms of noise level.. but the added attraction was all the bonfires in the street made it feel oddly like a fallout had occurred. Store owners would bring trash out and just light it anywhere for small fires... People threw wood into piles and got hugh blazes going... again, nothing but smiles every.

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Come on guys, we all have experienced many things in that big beautiful country. what was your most memorable?


One that comes to my mind was when we went to the Great Wall back in June. We took a cab for a 2 hour drive to go away from Beijing so it wasn't as crowded... we went(6am) very early, to avoid the heat also. So I guess it was about 8am we are going up the hill to get to the 20 stories of steps to climb the Wall.. and a older chinese man saw me and yelled "hey brother"  and  held his fist up as the  Black Olympic runners did in Mexico City at the 1968 Games. I responded laughing  and raised my fist the same and yelled "Black Power".  It really surprised me and made me laugh.  I was thinking that maybe that gentlemen saw the runner do just that on a tape of the Olympics.  But for that to happen to me in China, really amused me. I didn't see many black people in China, mostly just Chinese people :P


That gesture costs the runners the metals.

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Of course, it was the first time I met my beautiful wife at the Chongqing Airport. Her kindness, smile and flowers melted my heart. I can still close my eyes now and relive the moment almost two years later.

The second thing happened at the Beijing Airport when you still had to pay the Airport Construction Tax. I had all my luggage and I was trying to get to the counter with hundreds of Chinese people pushing and shoving around me. A young Chinese man saw my dilemma and let me cut in front of him. After I paid the tax, I was running late for my connecting flight and was not sure of the correct check-in counter. He took my ticket up to the front of the counter and motioned me to bring my luggage. He gave me the boarding pass and pointed me to the right gate. I will never forget his act of kindness.

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Since I met Wei in the US, I would hafta say the moment that stands out for me is when I proposed to her on the Great Wall. The wind chill must've been below zero, but what really stands out for me, and there's no way my clumsy behind could've planned this, but when I was on my knee, looking up at her, the sunlight made her dark brown eyes golden. I'll never forget it.

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Funniest: Teaching Kindergarten TEFL, a girl gave me a little present. First, she kissed my hand...then she gave me a booger.


Most Remarkable: Our wedding day. At the end we even had 4th of July fireworks! ...Because her hometown is famous in China for making fireworks and her uncle owned a factory.

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Our first meeting at the Beijing Airport. Seeing a huge crowd of people gathered waiting for their loved ones.. Not seeing my love until I cleared the crowd and saw her beautiful brown eyes and loving smile as I smiled back, she rushed into my arms, holding me tightly we embraced as she buried her face against my chest We exchanged I love you's and it felt so perfect and still does...

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Here's an experience I think few will ever have...


I got completely waited on alcohol one night, and I'll spare some of the .. um.. details...


but next thing I know, I am getting carted to the 'walk-in' doctor , who had previously stated they would not ever treat me... but I guess they were so used to seeing people in my state, the didn't need to ask what's up.


I got the IV in the arm real quick... and the cold drip went fast and had a second round , on the house.


Woke up the next day, and my SO is sitting over me with a book of acupunction and needles... I keep telling her to clean those things.. and she looks at me like I'm crazy. (She can't speak well yet).. Finally she understands and washes them off...


Then proceeds to fill my body with needles, every once in a while saying, 'sorry' and pulling it out to put it in a different place after checking the book...

Edited by DavidZixuan (see edit history)
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I walked all over the villiage trying to find my wife. The villiage I noticed was scarce of people. I began to hear a rumbling of voices behind and ancient building that no one lived in anymore. Sitting on sacks of rice with paper, pencil, and one of those old math slide calculator things was my wife surrounded by the villiage people and totaling how much money each should recieve. I was very proud the villiage trusted my wife to count their profits.

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Before I met my wife I was in HK for a trade show. I went to a nice snooker hall (pool hall) and was trying to get a game but nobody wanted to play with me. Finaly after a few hours of watching and asking one HK guy played with me.


We became friends and the next day he rode with me into Shenzhen and even borrowed me a cell phone that would work in China. What a nice guy, we are still friends to this day.

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