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Ma - question

Ma - horse

Ma - Mother


careful the way you pronouce it. you might be asking her if her mom is a horse.

Maybe try some night time adault ed classes if they have them available, but I'm from San fran too, more people speak chinese than english here anyway.

Listening skills are just as important too. Last night I called the wife and she wasn't home. ba ba answered the phone.

way ni hao baba,

ni chi gou la ma?

he replies, then I say hen hao ting (no idea what he said...), he says some more.

bu tza dao baba, dui bu chi

Zai Jain, Wan an

he said zai jain too so it was all good.

I am a nervous wreck when I have to suddenly start speaking chinese to her parents.

wo way swa pu tong guo ee tein tein.


if you go on e-mule (file sharing) you can download (share) books and tapes for free to help you learn chinese.


scan everything for viruses and spyware though...

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Ma - question

Ma - horse

Ma - Mother


careful the way you pronouce it. you might be asking her if her mom is a horse.

Maybe try some night time adault ed classes if they have them available, but I'm from San fran too, more people speak chinese than english here anyway.

Listening skills are just as important too. Last night I called the wife and she wasn't home. ba ba answered the phone.

way ni hao baba,

ni chi gou la ma?

he replies, then I say hen hao ting (no idea what he said...), he says some more.

bu tza dao baba, dui bu chi

Zai Jain, Wan an

he said zai jain too so it was all good.

I am a nervous wreck when I have to suddenly start speaking chinese to her parents.

wo way swa pu tong guo ee tein tein.


if you go on e-mule (file sharing) you can download (share) books and tapes for free to help you learn chinese.


scan everything for viruses and spyware though...


Wa bu ming bai

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Try Barnes and Noble, I it bought online for $4 . the Rape of Nanking is much more though. I want to read about it also.


That's a terribly depressing book. It was because of what Iris learned while writing this book that she later committed suicide. My friend had it in her home, and I browsed thru it, the pictures and stories are horrifying.


Trust me, you don't "need" this book to better understand Chinese cullture. You'll get a sick stomach. Some sources said that the Nanjing incident in WWII was worse than the holocaust.


Oh, it definitely isn't a happy book. But, I do think that it is very powerful, and helpful in understanding the basis for much of the tensions between Chinese and Japanese people. Now, if your SO does not have strong feelings on the subject, then it may not be helpful.


The pictures did in fact make me feel uneasy, but I chose to read it anyway, and am glad I did. Can one of the more well-read posters in here tell me who was it who said something along the lines of "never judge a book by it's cover?" I can't find the source anywhere.


Where did you see that she committed suicide based on what she learned? The only note I heard of was just asking her family for forgiveness. Who knows what really brought about the onset of her clinical depression? I think I'll stay away from the speculation on this topic and just appreciate her powerful work.

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Ma - question

Ma - horse

Ma - Mother


careful the way you pronouce it. you might be asking her if her mom is a horse.


If you don't say correctly. His horse may sound like his moma (a curse or swear). :rolleyes: :lol:

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Flower Drum Song is one of my favorite musicals. It isn't available in DVD so I am getting the VHS to watch when she is here. Jack Soo is hilarious and Nancy Kwan is sexy. I think after we watch it she'll probably be singing "I enjoy being a girl". I believe this was the only major production that was all Asian. I can't understand why they don't release it on DVD.


It is good in that it shows intergenerational differences among Chinese immigrants and the intercultural effect.

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Flower Drum Song is one of my favorite musicals. It isn't available in DVD so I am getting the VHS to watch when she is here. Jack Soo is hilarious and Nancy Kwan is sexy. I think after we watch it she'll probably be singing "I enjoy being a girl". I believe this was the only major production that was all Asian. I can't understand why they don't release it on DVD.


It is good in that it shows intergenerational differences among Chinese immigrants and the intercultural effect.


Jack Soo. Now that's name I haven't heard in a long time. A very funny man. Did a couple of TV shows also.

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I'll definitely pick that one up.


I liked her "The Rape of Nanking", as well as "Wild Swans" by Jung Chang. Without getting into any "right or wrong" argument about either, both offer very interesting points of view.

Try Barnes and Noble, I it bought online for $4 . the Rape of Nanking is much more though. I want to read about it also.


That's a terribly depressing book. It was because of what Iris learned while writing this book that she later committed suicide. My friend had it in her home, and I browsed thru it, the pictures and stories are horrifying.


Trust me, you don't "need" this book to better understand Chinese cullture. You'll get a sick stomach. Some sources said that the Nanjing incident in WWII was worse than the holocaust.


I know that making the Rape of Nanking must have been difficult, but I believe Iris Chang had emotional problems and stopped taking her medicine. I understand it is very dangerous to just stop take your prescribed medicine with people who had her condition(depression). Still, she was a very talented lady, it is indeed a shame. she had a great flair for expressing herself and telling the story. I'm sure she will be missed.

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I know that making the Rape of Nanking must have been difficult, but I believe  Iris Chang had emotional problems and stopped taking her medicine. I understand it is very dangerous to just stop take your prescribed medicine with people who had her condition(depression). Still, she was a very talented lady, it is indeed a shame. she had a great flair for expressing herself and telling the story. I'm sure she will be missed.


Wow! I never thought of it from that angle. I just started reading "The Chinese in America", and definitely feel her emotion. Honestly, I am forcing myself to take a step back as a white man, as she uses some angry language in my mind. But I will give this one an honest shake. All I can think of while I read it, though, is "I'd really like to meet her, and truly understand where she's coming from." It's a shame she took her life, for whatever reason.

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Hi everyone I am wroking hard to learn as much as I can to make my wife transition into the states as comfortable as possible. Because my wife lacks the english vocabulary to go into any depth of her customs i sought out books to help. I read some about chinese history and such but the book thats has been the biggest help is one called THE GOOD LUCK LIFE and it covers all the majior chinese holidays it has recipies for these holiday meals it discusses funerals importent birthdays and has a great glossary to learn some importent cantonese and maderin holiday words. i give it 9 out of 10 for its usefulnes and am very happy now to understand some of the red envelope things and the incent burning and the gravestone washing things alot of useful info so yes go buy it today


depending on the level she is at with english... there is a series of levels in the, "Hooked on Phonics" my bet is it would be extremely helpful...

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