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Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since I posted because no progress had been made, then my motherboard fried, so I was unable to post sooner. Here's a synopsis of what's happend over the last three weeks.


I went against my lawyers advice because it made no sense and contacted a second congressman (because the first wasn't worth a crap),to help me with my case..My lawyer had been telling me involving congressmen would only piss USCIS off, and possibly get my case denied. I'm thinking, "wait a minute , that would be illegal"!!! There must be legal grounds to deny a visa..they can't deny because of inquiries...how ridiculous!!" My lawyer said he did not know any special phone #'s to call, yet he told me to wait another month...and then if there was no word he would make calls...wait a minute...he didn't have contact numbers to start off with, so HOW is he going to help 30 days later?? I smelled BS..



Well, I contacted ththe second congressmans gentlemans office, and within 24 hours his liason was hot lining with TSC and USCIS...my case had been misplaced, lost, or forgotten, because no one could say exactly where it was!


Fast forward 3 or 4 days, and a follow up inquiry reveals my file is in Texas, but it is in the mail room at TSC... The supervisor who spoke to the liason told her it would normally take 30 days processing to get the file from the mail room to the review process, but that he would try to expedite it, and have it within ten days or so to review it himself. My liason told him I had waited long enough, and asked about this "third party correspondence", which seems to be the cause of all the problems...his response was "is that all"????, suggesting it's not a big deal. I was also told this same gentleman has helped several other constituents, and he has a good working history relationship with my congressmans office .


The fact that he was helpful and willing makes me feel very optimistic. His comment regarding third party correspondence also raises my hope that this obstacle can be overcome...and hopefully I won't wind up in the appeal process.


I only hope my positive vibes are indicative of a good outcome!

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Good to hear from you Alex. Of all the nightmare stories I have heard of and experienced myself yours is by far the worst. I know it is tough but you have no choice but to hang in there and tough it out. I agree with firing the lawyer but you may want to have council from someone better. Your case is unique and no one here has traveled your path to be able to help you. Good luck my friend. We are all here for you.

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It's encouraging to me especially to hear that you found someone who could be effective on your behalf. It's about time for me to try another senator's and/or congressman's office. I wrote to one Calif. senator (Feinstein) about our (now) 7 months long name check. I wrote a diplomatic, thorough letter about all my email and calls to GZ, DOS, CIS, and how I'd only received the reply "name check incomplete - we'll let you know when it's done." I asked for help in unsticking our application from wherever it is stuck.


Received a letter from Feinstein's office today, as a matter of fact, in answer to mine. Can you guess what it said? "Name check is incomplete, they'll let you know when it's done."


I was dumbstruck at first, to hear the very words of my letter parroted back to me. Obviously, whatever office assistant dialed DOS had not read my letter. I've since emailed Feinstein directly, and tomorrow will write letters both to the other senator (Boxer) and to my district's congressman.


I wish it weren't so, but persistence seems to be the name of the game. Best of luck to you in resolving your situation.

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Alex, I wish the best for you as I have been following your story. I would not only fire the blood sucking lawyer, I would get another lawyer to sue him for giving you false information aka he would call eventhough he had no phone numbers. At a minimum, the bar should be notified. Of course taking time to deal with him will take time away from dealing with more important issues such as your visa. Hopefully your case was not loosely handled at the TSC like others cases as found out by the local news:


-->Click Here for News Video<-- (14mb)


Do you know what you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.

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