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Passed the interview!!

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Good news—my fiancé passed her interview with no problem! :blink: Here are a few details of the two days leading up to the interview.


My fiancé and I both arrived in Guangzhou on Tuesday night, 5/31 and checked into a deluxe room in the annex building of the Victory Hotel (RMB380/night). On Wednesday morning at 8:30 we arrived at the Shamian Physical Examination clinic, just a 5 minute walk from the hotel.


At the clinic we presented her passport, the interview appointment letter, two visa photos (2x2 full face style) and paid the 800RMB check-up fee plus the 100RMB additional for next day results.

The whole process was pretty quick—done in less than an hour, and my fiancé was never out of sight for long, as she moved from one examination room to the next.

The AC in the clinic was cranking the morning we were there, so anyone who gets cold easily should dress warmly. After the check-up we went to one of the designated banks to pay the K1 visa fee (830RMB).


On Thursday 6/2 we returned to the clinic at about 11am to pick up the results, and had to submit all the completed papers from the P4 packet, her birth certificate, police certificate, single certificate, a copy of the first page of her passport, and the visa fee receipt from the bank.

All these papers were sealed in a brown envelope and handed back to us along with a tube with the chest X-ray.


Interview day, Friday June 3

We left the hotel at 7:30 and were in line outside the consulate at 7:40 (the appointment letter listed an 8am interview time). At 8am those in line were allowed past the checkpoint and by 8:05 I could no longer see my fiancé from my vantage point and proceeded to the Blenz. My fiancé reports that the consulate was even colder than the clinic..:lol:


Her VO was a young woman—pretty and nice. She asked every question in Chinese, even though my fiancé answered everything in English. The interview went something like this:

VO: When did you first meet your fiancé?

VO: How did you meet him?

VO: How many times did he come to China to see you?

VO: Do you have any pictures together?

My fiancé handed her our photo album and the VO flipped through it while continuing to ask questions.

VO: Does he know how to speak Chinese?

My fiancé explained that I spoke some since I had lived in Taiwan for a while.

VO: How long did he live in Taiwan?

VO: When did he move back to the US?

VO: Where does he live now?

VO: Does he live alone?

VO: What’s his job?

VO: What’s the name of his company?

VO: Do you know his family?

VO: How many brothers and sisters does he have?

VO: What’s his brother’s name?

VO: Where does his brother live?

VO: Where do his parents live?

VO: Does he live with his parents?

VO: Do you have the I-134?

My fiancé handed her the I-134, and the VO also asked for the interview appointment letter. My fiancé told her she didn’t have it because it was taken from her when she came into the consulate. The VO said no problem, she would print another one, and told my fiancé her visa was approved.


I was expecting to have to return to the consulate in the afternoon for the actual interview, and was surprised when my fiancé found me outside the Blenz at 11am and told me her interview was already over!! :lol: Even though these were a lot more questions than we expected, my fiancé “complained” that it was “too easy”.:lol:


We then went to the Shamian post office (right around the corner from the Blenz) to pay the visa pick-up fee and were told that Tuesday 6/7 will be the soonest we can pick it up (two working days after paying the fee).

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