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Everything posted by johns

  1. I had the same response on 10-26-2004 when calling DOS. "All name checks complete and awaiting for interview date. DOS claimed they could not give me date of name check completion or what month an interview might take place. At least I got though after 4 consistant emails to GZ over the past 1.5 months with no response.
  2. Congratulations!!! on your new baby. One question though Are you going to let her wear the pants with the spilt bottom??? john (shui niu)
  3. I want to verfiy the last post I put something very similiar to that on question 11 also. I intend etc..etc... The problem now is I am starting to worry if my I-134 will time-out. I am trying to keep it under 6 months. If I were to do it again. I would think long and hard and maybe wait until P4 is recieved. john
  4. Not very expensive and the air is clean. With the exception of those damn tractors blowing exhaust on my long bike rides. Very easy place to hang for awhile even for just a month or so. john (o)(o) () \__/ shui niu
  5. Never really been sick with the digestive. But I do keep the cipro handy. Also very easy to get here at the pharmacy if needed. Chest infection and colds are rampant with me living here in South China. Every couple months I seem to attact some kind of bacterial infection. I NEVER got sick when living in USA. I eat healthy eat and excercise often. China is one big germ bag in my experience. Maybe I should try the juice thing. john
  6. I 2nd that last post. I used to live in the marina SF and it is worlds apart in GZ from being clean air. I have a good friend who lives near the EAST train station. Great area in a room with a view. He pays about 2500 yuan a month. swank!!.. If I am correct is the "downtown area" My honey lives in Yangshou, Guangxi so that is where I am. Might want to give your cat to your friends or parents for a spell. Sounds like it can be an extra headache in China you don't need when filing for visa I did a 5 month trip to Central America a few years ago and gave the cat to my mom and dad and she adapted well. john shui niu
  7. Excellent insider info. Thank you!!! My experience at info session in mid August. I found out staying through the whole info session when others started to leave I got to chatting with some of the VOs or whoever was running the session. They would give me more inside info face to face then to the whole group. In my little chat we talked more about fraud and fiances English level. See one of my previous posts for futher info Of course my impression was that the more about the process I knew the more willing they were to answer my detailed questions. NOT questions like "could you check the status of my case today???" john shiu niu
  8. All the kids are back at school already here. Holiday is coming or already to a close for the most part. Its weird... in China. After or before a holiday. You start your next work week early (Saturday) or work through the following weekend to make up some of the days one had off. For example My school was open 10 days in a row before the holiday started here. GZ might follow the same track to a certain degree. Just think if kids had to attend a reguar school day on SUNDAY in the US. Imagine the chaos.. Common practice in China
  9. ooops... I meant to start this topic in general discussion
  10. While my extended time here in Yangshou I meet people from time to time. I just happend to meet a gentleman who works for GZ Consulate a few days ago. Unfortunately not visa department. However after chatting for a few he mentioned the overload coming through the visa Unit and claimed their is plans in the works to relocate the Visa unit to a new larger location next summer in GZ. "Tian he" maybe. Not much help to any of us now but a little FYI could not hurt.
  11. "Contacted Congressman" I wonder if that had anything to do with it?? JOhn (shiu niu) I went rock climbing today. 1st time. My fingers can barely type.... so excited i had to mention it.
  12. I went to the info hour a few weeks ago. I would go if you have the time. here is my post link http://candleforlove.com/forums/index....130bc9ff7bbce70 shui niu john
  13. P4/ interview question. What is actually given to GZ at interview? I aware the medical, 156, 156k with passport photos are submitted. But what about I-134 with supporting evidence, birth certificate and single cert. etc..etc.. is this submitted also or just viewed and given back to us. I have the I-134 with quite of bit of supporting evidence and just wondering if I should bind it all together? Gettting together things for her interview. (not that thats going to happen soon but I have the time to do it now) Any experience is appreciated thanks shui niu (johns)
  14. No as far as I know no she can come in to the session with you. Here is my prior link when I went to there Johns
  15. Wow, I didn't realize China was such a horrible place.... Perhaps compared to glorious SF it is a hellhole, but like anywhere in the world it depends where you live and how much money you have and what you find interesting and rewarding. I find life ceaselessly interesting here. Yes, my husband found the US clean, spacious and people polite, but he and I are still both very happy here (I have a better life here than I ever had in the US) and frankly I find this kind of stereotype insulting. Well some people...Have a hard time being outside their realm of comfortability even just for a short time. I really hope your fiance really loves San Diego and volleyball. It does not look like you will ever be leaving. Most of your China dislike is in your mind try SOMETHING new for a change you might like it. shiu niu
  16. Fionas This is China is not the USA. I used to live in SF for 3 years before here and all I can say is GOOD LUCK!!! with your list. Really..its only a month you can't have your salad and volleyball. Yangshuo---- 1 square KM surrounded by reality. shui niu (john)
  17. One thing I forgot to include. It would be wise to make a list of inteligent questions to ask before the info session. I didnot. It would have been better if I had prepared a short list. Most if not all would have been answered. shui niu (john)
  18. I went there to have my I-134 notarized. I was not charged a penny for this service. I am not sure but the very nice lady (really..) at the american services took my I134 went to the back and a man came out with an embossed seal and made me sign. That was it. I have heard other paying up to $50 for this serivice in GZ. I attended the "American Citizen Hour" on Thursday it seemed to be somewhat helpful. At any rate they recorded my fiances name and case number so I guess that counts for something in the event I am serious about this undertaking. Out of about twenty people I seemed to know the many of the questions asked that can be found on this site. It amazed me how people didnot know simple things like NVC phone numbers or what kind of visa do I need for my wife. What is a service center? The best was a man who was there to clear up his girlfriends visa interview since last May. She did not get visa and he just found the time to come NOW to handle everything. My god I am spending the next 6 months or so here with her just to make sure things go right. When I asked him the visa she failed to receive he honestly could not tell me and really didnot know. Never mind he could not remember the forms filled out. But "yeh I had to do all this stuff like tax returns and photos. I feel these are the kind of people that waste our time and the consulates time because of their cluelessness. During the session they did answer personal questions halfway through the session which lasted about 1.5 hours. (no case status though which some still kept asking for.) I stayed until the end. Even got to chatting with 2 of the other guys who ran the info session. Being the fact that I had alot of knoledge about the visa process for K1 they even asked me a couple question about my case. I was touched Some things learned. FAKES "Fraud is rampant" A number of cases filed were fraud as he claimed coming though GZ with China being one of the highest and Minilla, Phillipines coming in very close. Many fake docs, forms, information regarding support. "Land of the fakes" as he put it. Also claimed this is also another reason why it takes so long in addition to name checks. (Does make some sense to all the new fake DVDs I just bought there that day that are still in US movie theaters) I-robot rocked!! Did anyone notice all the Chinese people hanging outside the consulate beyond the entrance. I thought a first they were family waiting or something but he claimed they are touts with a promise of they know someone (guanxi) inside. Whether its true or not from experience living in china I can see the aim to take ones money with minimal or no result for a commission in their pocket. EMAIL The excuse for the no reply email is the Chinese service provider was having problems (server down) and the problem was being worked on as we spoke. They were well aware of the problem and still stressed many times email, fax, phone is the best way to contact in that order. He claimed "a response within 5 days should take from them place via email". "If not email again again and again" DOMICILE see the post about "domicile" on this site EVIDENCE Can never have too much. As stated many times on this site before. Bring as much as you can carry. VIDEO He claimed if your fiance can speak well enough to communicate with you should have no problem. But I think after reading all the info on this site it depends on your VO that day. My fiance has been an English tour guide here in China for past 3 years and he claimed she should have no problem. #1 reasons for failure at interview. (I should say not failure but "delayed of visa issueance" as they put it. - financial support - not enough evidence in relationship Straight for the horses mouth. Many americans with babies everywhere. Kind of weird to see that. Those businesses selling the baby clothes must make a killing economically. Anybody try the Vietnamese restaurant on the corner near the consulate looked excellent? But better with my honey for dinner than just me for single lunch. shiu niu (johns)
  19. Try flying into Hong Kong get your visa there for PRC also. Much cheaper. No visa needed to goto Hong Kong. Then bus, train to Guangzhou via Shenzhen. Sorry this may be kind of involved but I am used to doing this a number of times already. shui niu
  20. Yes I am in China now. The reason I ask about GZ notary. It states on the I-134 instructions to have a notary done by immigration officier if outside the Untied States. I can have a notary done here nearby here but it is a Chinese notary and the stamp will be in Chinese. shui niu
  21. Debating on going to the information session in GZ on Thursdays 2pm. Correct me if I am wrong. Has anyone gone recently and is it worth it? I am going there to have I-134 notarized. But to go on Thursday would be way out of my way. john
  22. I am headed off to GZ to have my I-134 notarized. Next week. Anyone know if their is a fee involved to have it done there? I am thinking about getting my passport photocopy notarized also since seeing that last post. John
  23. Yes I stand corrected. I think what I meant to say VCD/DVD is the norm now for any kind of video producing. Well from my experience anyway. Trying to find a VCR or produce a tape may not be avail everywhere in China.
  24. Yes If I am correct at about 500 RMB per day that could add up. My guess is 4 days over??? Luckily, I am on a 1 year business visa. Very easy obtain in Hong Kong and and about half the price then going through the Chinese Embassy in USA. Also for what it is worth. The price paid for 30day tourist visa for PRC in USA it costs about the same for a 3 month tourist visa for PRC obtainable in HK. No visa needed to be in HK. Shui niu
  25. Congratulations!! Well being in China VHS is non-exisitent. I can have a VCD burned that will play on any PC or DVD/VCD player in China. She is fluent but I am worried about the nervous factor on her part when we do the P4. shiu niu
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