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Everything posted by johns

  1. Excellent question! The law is not completely clear on this one. It seems like it *is legal* to *work* with an EAD, but before having an SSN. However, it is *not* legal for the employer to actually *pay* you until you have an SSN. Hence, if she were to work, and the employer were to conviently wait until after the card arrives to hand over the first pay check, it *should* be ok. However, I am not a lawyer, so please do not go by my advice. I may be dead wrong... Does anyone know about this? For what its worth we went to 2 local chain supermarkets and inquried about a job. All they said was get the SSN and you are "good to go" We are planning to apply for the card in the next few days under her maiden name. Following the wedding (in 2 weeks) we will change the name with SSA How could USCIS stick by"not supposed to happen like that" Then why the hell is JFK stamping the I-94 anyway. This is absolute BS!!!
  2. My fiance just got to USA on March 1st. If I am correct I read somewhere its good to wait about 2 weeks after arrival to apply for SSN so she would be in their computer??
  3. My question is does she need to have a SSN to start some part time work with the 3 month stamp?? We just got her stamp on arrival at JFK last week. Ambitious!!! already wanting to start work aside from her ESL class she is in already.
  4. laomai, That is exactly what I used for addresses with K1. I have not thought about DCF. from one of your former posts. I didnot use any international hotel addresses to USCIS or GUZ. I just used that for my personal mail with my dad. Many International hotels should do this. You may want to ask to make sure its OK. I had a friend who worked there and used c/o with my name on it. I also brought the front desk staff a big bag of oranges when over and done with as a thankyou. Sorry if i confused anyone. Her parents live way out in the countryside and takes an extra week for mail to arrive.
  5. The question is should I try to get the 2nd round of shots. It would be very easy since we will stay a couple days in GZ before leaving for HK. I realize 3 Portland boys were consistent in only having done the first round and thats it.
  6. Thanks everyone. I have not checked this message until now. I forgot about my post in all the excitement. Off to Hong Kong for a little prehoneymoon at the end of this month and then to USA.
  7. Good suggestions above. I have some as well. I have been in China with my fiance teaching at a local middle school on an F type business visa and have renewed many times. We filed K1. If you have a Z visa I would definitely seek of a DCF instead. Its faster from what I hear. For I-134 I used my dad as a co-sponser and my parents address in USA which is where I will stay upon my return to Untied States until I get set up again. My fiance just used her parents address in China even though she lives with me nearby. I don't even think the apartment we rent has an address. Its such a new building. For the mail corespondence with the with my cosponser I used a local international hotel address that held my envelopes when they came in. I used USPS and EMS for everything with no problems. if you want to fax get an free efax number. I also bought a key chain flashdrive to save all my paperwork onto then found a local print shop to print everything out. good luck!!! Get ready for Spring Fesival!!!!!!!
  8. I am confused. I will have my dad as a co-sponser for AOS. Since I make under the poverty line presently. I will stay with my parents for the next few month until I find employment. We will be a 4 member household for the next few months including my mom. correct forms to fill out My dad - I-864 me - I-864 When or how does the I-864A come into play here. I have read the info I-864 forms twice and still makes no sense.
  9. paper tickets... so that will work. Its seems hard to get an eticket with a travel agent in China for US.
  10. I am at the AOS stage of the game right now. I am prefilling out the forms while still in China (waiting for Spring fest with her) This link was a good help learning about the AOS process. http://www.visajourney.com/faq/k1faq.htm
  11. If its req for the visa by the consulate their should not be a charge. I had the same question about 4 months before her K1 interview and since they request a notarized I-134 copy in the P4 List they did not charge me. Now if I had something to be notarized not requested I belive they would charge you. Even before her interview I wrote up an updated I-134 since I thought mine might be out of date (4+months). However when I went to the american services window in GZ She said "its still valid" I believe they would not have charged me if it was outdated and this new one had to be notarized. I also included a statement why I didnot file taxes in 2003 since I was living here in China non-resident status and as you put it so well "not enough money made to file taxes"
  12. Yes She is absolutely correct. Fill out both forms 2 english and 2 chinese for DS-156 and DS-157. Make at total of 8 forms. I said "what the hell?" also and thought they gave me an extra copy when we got the P4. The directions that came with the P4 checklist seemed confusing with the wording. It never stated anywhere a total of 8 forms to be submitted. I thought 1 copy of everything would be fine. Then at 4:30 the day before the intervew we were a set of forms short. A tip by one of the nurses sent us in a mad rush to the bank where we paid the visa fee and (I am not sure why) had extra blank DS-156 and DS-157 forms on hand. Furthermore we arrived back at the med center and filled out the extra forms until after 6:30 (The nurses were so nice to wait for us) My advice When you go have your med exam done. Go through the list they give you and make sure you have everything with the nurse looking over your shoulder before you come back to get your results on the med exam and all is stuffed in the brown envelope.
  13. only reserved but I think it will be a paper ticket.
  14. We are going to take a little pre-honeymoon to Hong Kong before flying out to NYC. From what we have learned that she is allowed to stay in HK for 7 days with her k1 visa and a plane ticket upon entry. Has anyone done this before? Is it ok to just have a flt reservation instead of actual plane ticket? I could have them mailed to me on the mainland but its easier to just pick up when we go through HK. Experiences? Thanks in advance
  15. We are thinking to keep her full maiden name in Chinese in US without my surname. In China its Tang, Quanhua In USA we will call it Quanhua Tang Does anyone have any experiences or problems later on down the road if she keeps her full maiden name? I know this might not be traditional but I feel myself falling inbetween since living in China for the past 2+ years and I have no problem with it. thanks in advance
  16. Best of luck to you both. Your fiance was very happy!! I will send you the photo we took. (right before the Embassy guard chased us away for taking the photo NEAR the embassy!!!) Right behind you on the AOS procedure.
  17. She answered the questions too well and they failed her!!!! Kai wan xiao!!!!!! Only kidding. She passed with flying colors. Thanks to candleforlove I seemed to know alot as far as information goes for the waiting room outside the Consulate gate. Questions they asked hua 1. How did you meet each other? 2. Has your fiance returned to US since he met you? 3. When did he return to China? 4. How many foreign countries have you been to? 5. Does he have a University degree? 6. School name? 7. What has he been doing in Yangshuo for past 1.5 years? Explanations... 4. She has been to England and Thailand so I think that might have helped. 5. Yes I have a college degree. 6. She did not remember the name of my university. 7. Volunteer teacher for a local middle school As for the I-134. After all that work I prepared dad cosponser, tax returns bank letter, recent employment offer letter in US, written statements from my school and not filing taxes for 2003. All they asked for was my I-134 with the measly 300 usd income per year. Did not even care to look at or see my supporting evidence!!! However She works as a tour guide in Yangshuo and last weekend before the interview 2 of the VOs who she saw from outside the window were her customers. And they recognized her. Lucky Dog!!!!!! Still in Guangzhou shopping until we drop!!!
  18. Don't stress it. It was check by the nurses at the hospital and they seemed to be very detailed oriented of what when in the brown envelope. It they gave her the evelope I am sure it was fine. I think I saw you fiance but I am sorry to say so many woman I see here look similiar. I will keep an eye out.
  19. Good Coffee I might add. Had a fire drill last night when we forgot to include 1 set of 156 and 157 forms. Make sure to include 2 sets of 156 English, 2 sets of 156 Chinese (written in Chinese characters), 2 sets of 157 English and 2 sets of 157 Chinese (written in Chinese characters) Of course we find this out 4:30 pm the day before the interview. WHY in the world does the medical center (the other not the Shamian one) handle the adminstrative BS of the Consultate. (stuffing the brown envelope and correcting our mishaps) Don't the nurses at the medical center have more important things to do. Forms fill and problem solved!!!
  20. Port Jervis?? We are headed to Parsippany.
  21. We are right behind her and will leave tommorrow evening on the dreaded night bus. We will keep an eye out for her and others on the 21st. If anyone knows what chilblains is I got it this week on 3 toes during my computer time. Yangshuo absolutley sucks in the wintertime. Heat is not a priority here. good luck to all. I am estatic about going to warmer guangzhou for a week!!!!
  22. WOW!!! That is one hell of a direct link to my question.. www.k1poelist.com Thank you
  23. Lets hope China relaxes the law about USC with the absoute highest business or tourist visa price For example In Hong Kong My british friend only pays about 500 HK$ for a 6 month muliple entry visa for China mainland While I have to pay 1050$hk for the same visa and have to leave the mainland every 30 days.
  24. Maybe a dumb question but the stress factor is rising as the big interview day is approaching. Correct me if I am wrong. My fiance only needs to sign the 1. family compostition sheet and DS-156 before the interview? Since on the DS-156K, Intent to marry, and supplemental sheet GIT-2 states something along the lines of "sign and sworn on such and such a day etc.. etc.." follow the signature. Something is sticking in my head saying don't have sign anything until at the interview. Any experiences. Thanks in advance.
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