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Everything posted by Sebastian

  1. Hi Jerry !! Yes - 'mop slap' is a common occurence. You'll learn more about it as time progresses. No Worries, 'all is normal'..
  2. Thank you so much, Sebastian, I'm flattered. One thing I want to share with you is that this dragging process and endless helpless waiting surely is killing us, but oddly enough, I dont hold any grouch against the United States Goveronment, even if to the end I dont get a visa. Because I certainly understand the reason and the necessity of this tight control measure. Otherwise, your country would be flooded with ... you know what. -- (something undesired, something you'd call a plague). Well, there's a funny story about 'the plague' One of the US presidents (Nixon maybe?) went over to china to speak with the Big Man (Mao?) and during the conversation - whilst talking of trade, it was mentioned there were millions of extra women in China, and how happy the leader would be , if he could somehow export them to the USA, and could the US President help him out? Whilst in hindsight, the 'view' was funny, it was really interesting to think about - the US would be much different these days... Have you thought of what type of mop to bring over ??
  3. So what did you wind up preparing for the I-864 ??
  4. Oh - you could get creative with a nice story? I'm a fan of the newly reformed China Women's Volleyball team - you could find out their match dates for June/July, and work up a story around those dates. Surely she could work up a story about doing some video news about the team...
  5. Jeff - turn on yer PM abilities in 'My Controls'.
  6. Yup - that's for the I-130, CR-1/IR-1, Spousal Visa. <---Certain Type o Visa...
  7. Jin - ya - i swiped that from Hakkamm's collection - she posted it about 4 years ago, here. Lusheng, You Rock !
  8. Jin ? whaddya think about importing ethnic Han women, from malaysia and indonesia and cuba ?
  9. re: photocopies - yup - PLUS ORIGINALS !!! So you'll need to get from her (original, plus notarial translation) - (usually generated as 'white books' in China) - 1. marriage certificate (original white book is sufficient) 2. police certificate 3. any divorce certificates of hers plus 4. certified divorce decree from you, the USC, if any. Some ppl get 3 'sets' of originals - might be a good time to get it done NOW in China. There's a list o stuff to do for NVC processing - most of it is in the Ling n Che's Short Cut list - but there's 'other' stuff on the uscis website - see http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3195.html , rehook it back to page 1 - and have a read (or three.. four.. seven even.) Now, this is old, but shows the parallel processing done at NVC - http://www.visajourney.com/examples/NVC_Pr...wchart_v1-2.pdf Good Luck !
  10. There's a CR-1 GUIDE over at http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...page=i130guide1
  11. Not the same process - You are a K-1 filer - the OP is a CR-1 filer. Steps are different, where to go, what to do , is different. GobSmack ! thwlooooooooooooop !
  12. The DS-230 gets sent in during NVC processing. She can fill it all out now, sign it, and send it to you. That's what most ppl do who use the shortcuts. BUT - have her start with the electronic DS-3032 - http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/Email_DS-3032_form BUT ONLY AFTER you've established that the petition is at NVC - re-read them shortcuts la, from top to bottom - at http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/...he_NVC_ShortCut Once the choice of agent form is in play (DS-3032) , you can handle all of the rest of the paperwork. Having her fill out and sign a DS-230 is good, for 'what to do now' - as it'll take some time on the postal mail from China, to get to yer door. Usually a K-1 petition will have a DS-230 in hand to go to GUZ - a CR-1 petitioner submits it during NVC processing in the USA - is not the same 'step'. GOOD LUCK !
  13. I think the malaysia ethnic chinese women should migrate to China and get a husband. What are your thoughts?
  14. Hey Jin - I gotta ask ya - did the BMW make any difference? That was one sweet machine _ i can imagine you screaming around town in it...
  15. benc - yup - that'll be different for you - as you have ties in HKG. Good Luck !!!
  16. woo hoo !! NVC processing for an I-130 !! FUN STUFF !! have a read - http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...mp;#entry487189 should help you with speeding through NVC (and yes, do click the links there...) And yes, be 'ware of some things on 001 - as many times what's posted there is incorrect. Do you remember which service center your petition went to ? CSC (California) or VSC (Vermont) ?? Feel free to copy my timeline (below) to use for your signature area (under my controls at the top of this screen).
  17. Stoked and Stroked. Wa Wa - this is good news... Will XiaoMin come back to Candle and make any new posts ?? She has some great insight...
  18. re: the divorce paperwork. Somewhere on there , MIGHT be a statement that labels 'who will foster' the child. This phrase actually identifies custody, but is not labelled 'custody'. Ask her about the phrasing on 'fostering' - if it reads something like 'Xie Liu is 100 percent responsbile for fostering child Dan Guo' - then that's it - the mother has 100 percent fostering of the child, which extends to concept of 'custody'... Fostering is a legal label that identifies WHO the child will be living with, WHO is responsible for raising the child, WHO is responsible for all monies related to raising of child. But - she's at the time tick of age 18 years, it shouldn't matter. Be Good !
  19. Heya Sparkynow - wa wa - good catch on the 'white paper' - and... It's ALWAYS A BLESSING to read about visas 'picked up' in a timely fashion from the post office. Congratulations !!!! Now, make some time to CLEAN THE HOUSE prior to their arrival. Warmest Regards...
  20. as to 'parents drop off' - this is tough one to answer - as DHS might still need to finger print her at the consulate. Any one got the straight poop?
  21. There's no 'hard and fast' rule about when to apply for AOS - only a hard and fast rule that you MUST be married within 90 days of arrival. Here's a thought - file them a week after you've returned from your honeymoon. Hopefully, by then, you'll have gotten the marriage certificate back, some wedding photos, and gotten the joint accounts set up (all neato stuff to use as evidence for the I-485) Good Luck !!!
  22. She'll need a letter to get into the building, if she has her passport. IF GUZ has her passport, then the 'whole thing' will be mailed somewhere. BUT... if she has her passport - she'll receive a letter to come in. I've no idea about 'this turnaround' time... There is possibility the US Visa Info Center in Shanghai can get the letter generated for her, but ya gotta call - and... it's only a possibility - useful when things get munged up prior.
  23. woo hoo !! this is excellent news !!! Keep checking on the DOS hotline, I suggest to call once in the morning, once again in the late afternoon... see if/when any further status change. IIRC, she'll get a letter to come in with her passport. I've no idea how long that will take. If she hasn't received anything within 30 days, then make a call in to the Visa Info Center in Shanghai - request an appointment letter for 'visa issuance' ... (you'll have to prepay prior to calling them) You can also email into GUZ IV unit - but I'd wait a week (from today) before doing that... (just cause - they've got paperwork to churn through, and some computer updates to do). Wa Wa !! Congratulations !!!
  24. Larry - ya can't win if ya don't play. So far, you've been great at furnishing reasons why one shouldn't play. I think they are valid reasons. To anyone 'needing' a change, knowing the 'negative side' is very useful. But in the same breath - those reasons should NOT BE USED to stop the race before the starter gun. Sure - there are hurdles to overcome, but with a focused effort, there is a hope of a result. and that's really all that can be expected - a HOPE OF A RESULT. If the result has some teeth to it - hey - that's more of a prize cow. If the result gets some processes changed at GUZ - hey !!! a bigger prize - that cow moo's in a tone we all recognize !!! But - come on - you know this just as well as I do - you can't WIN if you don't PLAY. I do ask you, directly, to stop enumerating reasons 'not to play'. Thanks in advance... and... if you take offense at what I say here - hey - that's ok - I'll apologize to you in advance, bow in the dust kinda thingie, and invite you to a mini kegger at the next Race Day in Jeffersonville outside o Hot Springs...
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