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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Mark, has my memory failed me--wasn't it the first edition?? Maybe my condition was in a bad condition?
  2. K-good idea. And (insert drum role here) the best music concert I ever attended (there have been many) You ain't gonna believe this but a few years ago I got dragged, kicking and screaming to a Ray charles concert. He owned the audience--without a doubt the best music event I have ever witnessed and my condition was NOT altered by any foriegn substances-that time anyway
  3. Gotta be association. What band did Kenny Rogers make famous?? what was the name of Janis Joplin's, all time queen of the blues, first band??
  4. Diana Ross? Elton John?? My guess is you guys like the carpenters and the Caption and whoever--"Muskrat love rules" When I think of R&B it aint the Supremes that come to mind-maybe Chuck Berry. Best songs to get a little by--Bobby Vinton, Blue Velvet and Johhny Mathis, Misty. Oh and Unchained Melody by the Righteous Bros.
  5. ELTON JOHN?????? Son, I say son, you got some real real real bogus smoking materials back in the day!! ELTON JOHN??????????
  6. Why, if I didn't have to take the garbage out i'd---I'd-----Yes dear, i'm coming
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!! He did not say that!!!!! You say the Stones are first tier and the MB are not???????????? Second worst conceert i ever saw was bridges a few years ago--worst was thw Who's Tommy tour concert. If you didn't love Seventh Sojourn by the MB---you didn't properly adjust your attitude before going.
  8. How--oh how, can you leave out the Moody blues??? First record ever bought-wild one, Bobby Rydell, 1960(awful)
  9. yup, Santa likey kahlua. big time congrats man. Now whatcha g'na do??? hide all cheetos and cheeto related products-clean house, clean internet hotspots from 'puter etc.. etc...ect....
  10. Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! you never had any doubts did you??????????????Now what ya got ta say 'bout Santa?????????
  11. Now we have 15 20 25 That oughtta do 'er. Hard to count cuz the damned things won't hold still but Happy birthday
  12. Trigg, consider it done, and time to be a bachelor again, get to cook real food, make a mess, not worry about laundry. Do remeber--she'll be back. Lots of Chlorine bleach - HIDE all potential evidence---Format computer hard drive-Check all favorite places-Check under bed for "books" -Destroy all online credit card purchase recipts-Destroy all records from local movie rentals- Oh hell Mark---same stuff you did before she got here. Give our regards to her and tell her she trained you once-she can train you again when she gets back. Trigg
  13. NONONONO--they don't. I get called "stupid man" on a regular basis for not arguing price. But maybe not so stupid. People at yard sales have told me they would give me what she is trying to buy---if I promise not to bring her back --EVER!!
  14. Especally presidential inaugural balls. At least it's still winter time right? And Trigg don't get all fancy with the spell checker now. I know you used it on the word inogeral. Any semblance to reality that the spelling of inaugural may or may not have been is purely coincidental and in no way reflects the spelling ability of this author. OR--even blind hog can find an acorn every oncee in a while
  15. Especally presidential inaugural balls. At least it's still winter time right? And Trigg don't get all fancy with the spell checker now. I know you used it on the word inogeral. Any semblance to reality that the spelling of inaugural may or may not have been is purely coincidental and in no way reflects the spelling ability of this author.
  16. Ah!!! I see the inaugural balls are already starting to swing.
  17. Actuially Taz, you suggested we raise money for an attorney to "fry his Fvcking balls off"--then Carls suggested raising money for her and her daughter.
  18. Good to know you still believe in Santa JP. If you've been a real good little boy he will bring you a ------VISA!!!!!!!! Good luck-sleep well-and don't forget to leave him milk and cookies. Trigg
  19. See what you get for listening to Carl. Thanks again Trigg
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