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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Was he a friend of the guy who DEFINATLY knew we had weapons of WDMs???
  2. HAHAHAHAHA, you are a sick puppy. I like that. Between this thread and the "clean" thread, I think we have enough to start a comedy tour. long time ago in a far off land when i was in college I supplemented my income with a comedy column in a TN paper "The world according to..." I wish I had all this good material then--i'd still be writin' funny funny stuff--And all true--every word of if true WAWAWAAaaaaaaaa
  3. If you do a good job it means you worked hard and long. If you do a half-assed job it means you did it fast and can lay around scartching and farting. Either way she will tell you it is wrong and make you do it again???? So, how do you want to spend your free time??? Working or scratching????
  4. There is alwasy light at the end of the tunnel--not always an oncoming train. At first she will want you to help her wash---be wary as this is part of your training. Whatever you do in the beggining-she will expect of you forever. Now is when you have an advantage. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER wash anything and make it clean. ALWAYS, ALWAYS remember if she sees you do it good now, she knows you can do it good again. You will learn to love the words "messy old man, you no can do nothing, you same hietsa. You go watching TV and don't touching clothes again"! Ahhhh, music to my ears. This general show of ineptitude can work across all potential duty areas. Sure, you can impress her with your abilities to wash and cook and clean, but wouldn't you rather make her feel usefull?? Wouldn't you rather make her feel like she is superior to you in everyway (she probably already knows this anyway)?? Do these simple things and she will be a much happier person (maybe) and you will get rewarded with more time to watch football, lay on the couch, drink beer, and scratch yourself as needed and where needed. More lessons in a culturally diversed marriage learned the hard way by Trigg
  5. SSA will accept your I-94 showing your status and your passport for picture ID to process your application for a SS number. However, without the EAD card, the SS card will be marked not eligible for work. Furthermore, I don't think a SS number will help out too much at DMV. DMV follows DHS guidelines and they want to see proof-positive of legal presence/residence issued by DHS. They go by the expiration date, like on your I-94 or an EAD card. File for the EAD if you haven't already. Try to see if you can get an interim EAD card from your local CIS office. There are some here that have done this and maybe can offer more details on it. Ucis offers interim EAD only if 90 days have past since you applied. EAD usually doesn't take that llong depending on your local office. This is the link fro local ucis proccessing times https://egov.immigration.gov/cris/jsps/ptim...id=dgcCMKdUjCGf
  6. Yuo can get SSN with I-94 within 76 days from entry to the US.
  7. I strongly advise you to temper your optimism---she may be backing up to get a running leap at your training--BEWARE BEWARE DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!!!!
  8. They wouldn't-if they were smart. You show a werewolf a full moon and you have a real problem--kinda like letting the sleeping dog ly. Put another way it's like saying DON'T F#!@$ with me and I won't F#!@$ with you, or If you don't start it it won't get started-if you do i'll finish it! Sooooooo, NEVER EVER moon a werewolf-you may get bit. to answer your next question---NO I can't think of my next question yet. What is it? If I moon anyone including a werewolf, they should use caushion, especially after 1/2 jar of kim chee and a six pack. A smart werewolf won't get that close to it. Howling at full moon-OK. Getting face close to full moon--Not OK. Don't worry about what your next question was. The answer was no anyway.
  9. Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Just sayin' it like I see it. I'll shutup now.
  11. You ain't wrong!!! Some presidents want a diplomat for the job, some want a soldier and some want someone who will say "Yes masser, you right masser'!!!!!!!
  12. Wahooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  13. Yup, city and state. i think most of the questions are so the VO can ask your SO about your family--maybe????
  14. Not 100% sure john but i think the med forms get filled out by the hospital when she has her exam.
  15. Ya really think so huh??? I have always heard that past perfomances are the greatest predictor of future performances--Done i ahve said enough--Ain't gonna put a dog in this fight--uh uh-no, zero, zilch, nada, nu uh, bu sing..
  16. Nope-ain't gonna go there---NONONONONO
  17. They wouldn't-if they were smart. You show a werewolf a full moon and you have a real problem--kinda like letting the sleeping dog ly. Put another way it's like saying DON'T F#!@$ with me and I won't F#!@$ with you, or If you don't start it it won't get started-if you do i'll finish it! Sooooooo, NEVER EVER moon a werewolf-you may get bit. to answer your next question---NO
  18. As I understand it finding jobs in China teaching English is not very hard. You need not know how to speak chinese. There were several posts on this a few months ago. Maybe you can do a search on CFL and see what qualifications are needed. If I remember correctly it isn't difficult to get the creditials to do this--if you even need them.
  19. Yup, been to Viet Nam, spen almost four years there and my neighbor married a Viet Namese woman. Different country- but samo samo. Remember-Viet Nam borders Southern China-kinda close to where my wife is from. Ya can't gee=t out of it that easy---HAHAHAHAHAHA
  20. Keeping your hog in an air condition garage shows class---but forcing it to sleep next to a gold wing>>>> my God man--How could you????
  21. The tape is to show that a couple can communicate. Asking that it is the American speaking chinese is generic. The logic is that if the chinese at the interview doesn't speak english then the America should speak Chinese. However, there is NO regualtion that states you must speak a common language. You only need to show you can communicate in order to prove a valid relationship. All they really want is proof you and your SO can comminucate--pocket translators etc.. are all proof of this and a tape prooving communication is what really want and what they will accept.
  22. You will need his and her knee pads. Yours for cleaning the floor--hers for inspecting and therefore rejecting your best efforts.
  23. Now you got the idea-you learn very fast--that's good, it will save her countless hours when she starts your training period.
  24. Gheeez Da Ja vu all over again. The bed measurment is likely for a real goose down comforter and ten other things for the bed--cost me $1000. Yup, I'm hearing about the carpet--gotta go-"no likley dirty carpet" but honey I have a carpet shampooer "Bu hao-no get clean-need throw away and put floor same china" And this from a woman who argued with me when I told her " ya can't mop the carpet dear" I'm with you "yes dear, whatever you say dear"
  25. Hmmm, I thought she called me stupid because of her insight and ability to see it like it is. Maybe it's cultural??? Maybe i'm not really stupid??? Maybe pigs fly?? Actually she does say that at times but only in jest or when I do somehting realy really dumb--no more than 8-10 time per day.
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