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Everything posted by Catherineli

  1. I found a very practical link to help Chinese people with English pronunciation and other things in English. Mrs. Americans will like these.
  2. There is a new online school called "Epic Charter School." It pays a good salary. I hope it helps those who work in China. https://epiccharterschools.org/lp2?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-5GEvKn-2gIVRgOGCh1V-A57EAAYAiAAEgKL4vD_BwE
  3. I found out that I'd better avoid the self-transfer flights because I have to claim my luggage myself before I check in again to another flight. Between the sections of different flights, I don't want to spend energy self transferring my baggage. TrueBlue, DocMartin and Randy, thank you all!
  4. Friends, thank you for telling me. I pay every 6 months for my insurance. Some people told me that I don't have to notify my old Insurance after I have a new Insurance. I stupidly accepted the idea. then the old insurance put me to the Collection for "cancellation fee". It's good that I was not sued. I paid this sum of money this morning. It's a lesson in my growing. Today I have another question. When I'm booking round trip ticket to go back to China, I see "self transfer" online. What does it mean? Thank you in advance!
  5. This is very encouraging! Thank you Allon for your comfort. I appreciate that. Recently I feel better now imaging my next school in a positive way. I'm also shadowing the Tulsa teachers. American children are too much spoiled at school. Many of them are impossible to the teachers. I also see some other teachers very efficient. They kids listen to them and obey whatever their teacher says. I observe all the details. Chinese children are much easier to handle with. I like "Byebye, Idiots, bye bye----" LOL
  6. Mr. Doug, I'll be in the south of OKC. I wish I could meet your wife as well so I may have one more Chinese friend. It's a fun to learn English for me. Once I learned something new, I'm excited for quite a few days. For example: "How are you?" "I'm busy. I'm as busy as a mosquito or a skeeter in a colony of nudists." What a fun! Foreigners can't take learning English as a stress or pressure or it becomes a pressure. Your wife is very much blessed! Somewhat near the Tulsa area they performed this live every year. Outdoor theater. I've watched it. If you haven't you should. Catherine, I don't get in CFL much anymore. Lots has happened I see. I recall you living near the flight simulator company there & a small Chinese food place was pretty good eating. Anyway, my wife would wish you live near her to attend your class, if possible. She regrets not going to school the first 2 years in USA. Now she is training athletes in Auburn, AL & after she plans her workout, she then practices her English for them. It is hard. She has her phone pronounce words & she practices saying it out loud on couch. Everyday. She feels so unsure sometimes, yet she has all the knowledge the team needs. In Italy the head coach & 3 best players left, so she had to coach a game against the Italian National Team, which brought on 2 more good players & change to a better defense. Oh my gosh. So many problems, but she just could not think in English fast enough to help, other than calling time outs at the right times. Says she will never let herself get into that situation again. But she lived it down. Very embarrassing for her. Still training though. So, be brave. Keep going. Keep positive like folks say here. Coco found ESL teachers in high school useless because all they knew was Spanish. In fact I they were annoyed that a Chinese girl showed up. Alabama is easier, but Texas has a law that kids must have 2 years of a foreign language, but no Chinese taught. So, I will be fighting that issue, or get her tested out at a University I guess. No point in her taking a 3rd language. Good to see you here. Of course you will fin the culture in OKC a bit different than Tulsa.
  7. HI Friends, Thank you very much for the likes! I have a question today. A few months ago, I changed my car insurance policy from Shelter Insurance to another one. People told me that I should feel free to change any insurance I like. They told me that I don't have to have permission from Shelter Insurance. So I moved to another car insurance quietly when the time at Shelter Insurance was due. Now Shelter Insurance put me into Credit Collection Service without letting me know and without sending me a bill. They want me to pay cancellation fee, over 30 dollars. It's not a lot of money but I just feel bad, why? Do you pay all cancellation fee when you change another car insurance company?
  8. Thank you Larry for being there. I'm glad that you're back to CFL. I'm sure that you're doing very well. I am not sure if this is a good decision for me to move to another city. Yes, I'll be living in one area with my son but I already know Tulsa very well and I have some very good friends and church at Tulsa. No matter what and where, I'll stay alive!!
  9. Thank you very much for typing so much for me. I've explored a lot according to your idea. I appreciate it a lot.
  10. Hi Guys, I've not been here for quite a few days. Wow, now I got five "likes" today. I love the credits! Thank you very much. These days I'm very anxious and nervous. I got a new job working for another public school system in Oklahoma City. I'll do ESL for a middle school next school year. I didn't have fear when I came to US in 2015. But now I have so much fear with my new job. I am so afraid of another transition. I need you guys to encourage me please. Moving my small home is not easy for me either. I have to go back to the school kids now. Have a good day everyone!
  11. Today I found that the dogs just came in to our residential area from somewhere else. My apartment area is very safe and decent as a matter of fact. No, the two dogs were not leashed. They were chasing other people too. They are gone today. Good to see Larry again! But I'm low and sad. I am leaving Tulsa soon. I will miss this city very much. I'm emotional a lot.
  12. Thank you very much for sharing Danb. I don't quite understand the medicine that you recommended. So I'll get help to get it. I so appreciate your time typing those kind tips. Thank you again.
  13. This morning I woke up to an overcast day. The Tulsa sky looked like a pot of oriental porridge. I saw my excuses to skip the church. So next fifteen minutes saw me shopping in Walmart. I bought some gourmet food including a dozen of sausages. Happily I drove back to my apartment area and parked my car at its right place. Steadily and gracefully I carried two bagfuls of food products with my two hands out of my car. I also had an armful of a pile of flattened card boxes in my arms. I'm moving to my son's city next month. Walking to my apartment, I had so much stuff in my hands and in my arms that my vision was completely covered. "Raoof, Ruff-------Arff-----". Suddenly out of nowhere, two big dogs, maybe dachshunds, were growling and barking at me! They enclosed me within a minute. I was totally unprepared for their snarling and gnashing. They lifted up their long big head and opened their blood-colored mouth to lick my pants, my blouse and my everywhere. Subconsciously, I'd dropped the card boxes to the pavement. Needless to say, I had all my goosebumps. But I was also conscious enough to remember some widespread stories of some dogs biting someone to death in America. I knew that I had to get myself together and stay calm. So I was just standing there still. I even didn't yell at the dogs. I was wise enough to try to get out my sausages and toss the sausages for the dogs to chase. It was a way to untangle the dogs from me. Just at this moment, a young handsome man walked over to me. He scolded at the dogs and chased them away for me. Right away I was watching him in anger! Automatically I believed that the young man was the dogs' owner. If I say that my heart had jumped out of my chest from the panic a minute ago, now looking at the young man, I would say my eyes were shooting out a sword at this young man. I was staring at him for quite a few seconds. He was also looking at me maybe waiting for me to say thank-you to him. No way! In my heart I was swearing, "You son of bitch, do you want me to kill you?" I'm glad that I put myself under control. I only raised my voice loud at him, "Should you say something to me?" I was implying him to apologize to me. "Grab your stuff, go home," he smiled quietly. With that, I realized that he was helping me to drive the dogs away. He was my angel! I was so ashamed of myself. Surely I gave him thanks but I was like a flat tire, I couldn't move a step with the things in my arms. I was so much frightened. Again this young man carried my card boxes walking all the way with me to to my apartment. I'm proud of myself being calm and brave at the crucial moment but I'm also ashamed of myself flying into rage at my rescuer. Amberjack, you'll be alright soon as I'm praying for you! Hi friends, do you have some good ways to drive wild dogs away? This morning after the panic, I saw the two dogs barking at everyone who was passing by. They must have been abandoned.
  14. Thank you Danb, Randy, Larry, Allon and Warren! Hello to Liren too! You're all great friends! Aleve is for Rich men's Disease LOL. Why do rich men have such problems like gout? I'm learning something new here. Randy's encyclopedia idea is also helpful. MY brother has some is taking medicine from his Chinese doctor but someone told him that those medicine may be harmful to his kidney. I'll go and check Aleve. thanks again. TV is really practical for me. I must get one next week. Healthy to everyone! Yajie
  15. Randy's Chinese is just opposite with me. I can speak, read and write English more than I listen. Listening is the worst for me. Listening comprehension needs environment to to nurture. I will buy a TV to watch next week. Shameful of me that I didn't get myself a TV or a radio. So I'm living a Chinese life in America. One more question: My brother has a gout in his foot lately. He has to be careful not to eat some certain food. He asks me to bring him some supplement or medicine for his gout. I know that a prescription by a doctor is needed. Are there anything else that you recommend me as a placebo for him? It seems there's no medicine for him. Are there something that I can pick from a pharmacy? Thanks a lot.
  16. Thank you for the "likes" you give me, friends. I've got 3 more credits. Now it's 193 points
  17. I really appreciate your ideas or tips about driving. I'm too cautious when driving. True Blue tells me to leave ten minutes earlier so I won't have to rush. My first job interview in the summer 2015 asked me to be there at 10:30. I left home before 6:30 after the dawn. I gave myself four hours extra LOL but it's the only time. During the spring break, I screamed as soon as I started on highway. I can't even hear the wind when driving very fast. Thank you, friends, for the wonderful tips of driving. I must practice and make the theory you give me into practice. Some friends complimented me on driving. They said that I already drive very well. I'm just afraid of driving fast. No matter how frustrated I am, I still love American culture and its people who speak English. Randy has become Chinese now. Do you speak Chinese in your daily life? Hello Allon, Hello True Blue, Larry, Randy! Enjoy your weekend!
  18. Thank you Warren and Larry. I always report positive things. As a matter of fact, I am not brave anymore. I don't talk much unless I have to. It seems all my curiosity to a new culture is gone. I don't like to build friendship as I used to because I realize that I'm living on the margin of the society. I failed many times trying to get a teaching position in a university. There're many things I still don't understand when people talk. Sometimes I'm depressed. But I won't give up the American life. I'm trying to figure out if I should join in the citizenship. Rose doesn't have to use English because she has Warren! Young people adjust easily to a new culture. I try hard to practice speaking English but I don't see myself improving. Good night everyone!
  19. Hi Friends, How is everyone doing? It's been three years and 20 days since I was settled in the United States. I went through many difficulties beyond my expectation. Driving is still a challenge for me, I still can't drive on highway. Fortunately, I've never had any trouble on the street with policemen. Speaking English is another challenge. I'm really helpless and hopeless as far as the Chinese accent is concerned. Being a certified ESL teacher, I have to teach English. Sometimes I wonder if the foreign children will follow my accent and speak English as I do? Some children purposely mimic my pronunciation for fun. Some teachers don't like me to be a teacher among them. I must work hard to earn trust. I have made it! I've successfully taught ESL for a year so far. I'm also certified to teach Chinese. But there're not many schools who open Chinese class. So I'll go on teaching English as a Second Language next school year. Now the teacher-walk-out event brought me to OKC where my son is. So I took the advantage of the school bus to come to spend time with my son. The school has closed since Monday. I can't stop myself being a mom to my son. I love to baby him no matter how old he is. Now I'm praying for his future wife. Hey, who has a beautiful girl for my son? Please life up your hand and sign up to me LOL . My son is the most handsome young man in the world!! He has been an engineer in FAA, Federal Administration Aviation. He makes more money than I do He drives a very romantic car as well! Wishing everyone the best! Catherine
  20. Oh, Randy, Merry Christmas to you too! How should I forget our administrator! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  21. Shengdan Kuai le to every one! Merry Christmas to Danb, Dennis, Doug, ameriken, Nuworld, Mikeymark, and Thomas Promise, Amberjack! Where is Rawknee? Shengdan Kuai Le to you too!!
  22. LOL, I was meaning "Iodine", a substance necessary to our health. Not idiom, Seaweed doesn't give us idioms. I'm learning idioms every day, such as "hold your horses" At Asian market, we can get some vegetables that you can't see at Walmart. Some Asian snacks are sometimes alluring. If you need to make a cross-culture gift, that place is also a choice. One thing I don't understand. I went to different Asian market in different cities. It seems none of them very clean. None of them is as clean as Sprouts, AlDi or Walmart and other American stores. I don't want people judge Asian market but why don't they keep the market very clean? They are in America now.
  23. I bought some beans from Asian Market to fill up a pillow for myself. That kind of pillow massages your brain and it feels cooler in summer than American regular pillow. I also buy a kind of green peas called British Beans. I boil them with much water for a drink. It becomes protine drink. How to spell protine ? I buy some Asian turnips. I eat them raw. The turnips are like an apple for me lol Chinese chives are also a favorite. I wish I could have a chance to cook Chives cake for all of you! I buy some herbs as tea to drink. Such drink eases my throat if I don't feel good with the throat or voice. Seaweed is also a choice. It provides idiom, ideam? My spelling goes backward after I come to America.
  24. LOL, thank you True Blue. I'm laughing out all my all teeth for your "like", yes, thank you for more likes now. Thank you for the donation of likes to Donblett, True Blue, Dan1984 and Amberjack and everyone whom I can't think of the names. I really love those "likes". Wow, I'm rich now! However, I'm hesitating. I may give it up. Maybe I'm just self conscious like Blue said. Yesterday at a party, I showed how to cut vegetables with my big knife while I closed my eyes. Friends took a video of me cutting without looking. I laughed a lot but I didn't see my extra teeth exposing from the video. Have a good weekend everyone! Catherine
  25. Well, thank you for all of your answers. I'll not jump into the treatment for sure. I never wanted to do anything for my teeth because I've been used to my ugly teeth lol. I have one more extra tooth outside of my low front teeth. I didn't think it's ugly as a matter of fact. Then in August, 2017, I was put on a local TV channel as a celebrity for the reporters to boast for me. On TV, I saw my teeth sooo terrible as if I have three layers of teeth in the mouth. I felt I'm losing reputation now. Larry, do you mean I'm allowed to be lazy if I have a retainer in the back? I don't want to be lazy but I don't want to be an OCD either. xiexie da jia Ms. Li
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