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Everything posted by Doug

  1. That is just it, it seems we cannot do anything on the CGI website. Fen cannot make it work, and neither can I, but she thinks so. We know we don't need to schedule an interview, but that cgi thing shows we have not paid fees or submitted an application or anything. Ahhhh, I should be on another computer so I can paste links and scan in quotes.
  2. My wife's boss told me over dinner that he loves his wife but he NEVER tells her. He said it is not their way. A Chinese man NEVER says this. But, he said he knows it is part of the reason Chinese women marry Americans, because we do, haha.
  3. Correction, the new coach really is from South Korea, which is like way better
  4. Doug

    F*** Chinatown!

    Reminds me of my cousin back when he first married his wife from Columbia and all her family trying to get him to learn Spanish. After 30 years he finally divorced her, BUT HE TRIED, eh?
  5. 9-29 we got email informing us of the transfer of the case to Guangzhou, and an appointment for interview on 11-19. The letter also stated everything we need to bring. http://travel.state.gov says after the interview my wife will be informed about how to retrieve her passport and visa, if pass of course. There is NOTHING I can find referring to the cgi website where of course one must register and set an interview date and select the location or address for your passport/visa to be sent to. I am getting the silent treatment now because I growled at my wife last night over this, racking my brain searching all this stuff on these government websites, and https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/?language=English&country=China does not seem to work for us. I got her a password working, but later could not log in to finish registering her with the full profile. It says the first available date is 11-3. Anyway I can't do anything there. My wife is worried that we need to select the address and ticked I haven't done. Help please. So, is this cgi thing done away with? No more scheduling your interview? No more selecting an address for the visa to be mailed to? Anything else?
  6. I have quite the little story to tell of corruption in the sports world in China. It can be comical in a way, but then that kind of comedy is also a daily life for folks in the Chicago area, as I recall from when I lived up there. The only dif is we see it in the news and TV. I am just waiting for work, and things we are preparing for the interview to settle down. Plus I need to go learn how to post videos on YouTube. I will try to write it all up and post.
  7. Geez that morning. Well I was sick the whole trip. Met the parents. Got all permission. Long flights. Heck, I don't remember. I did ride with her on the high speed train to get hitched that morning. I guess that counts. She is a tall big girl,but somehow I managed to pick her up and carry her over the hotel threshold and lay her down in the 2nd room. It never did hurt my back. Must have been adrenalin or something. We went out walking and she had the biggest smile I have ever seen. Best day of my life. I never did set off big huge fireworks when we got back home. Oh well.
  8. Police report is good for 6 months, right? Sorry to ask, just so dang many govt websites that tell you this stuff and I get to where I don't trust them.
  9. Yes, Randy thanks. Fen asked me to ask Weiyan, so I did and got a replay it is not that big of a deal. But both ladies had the same translation which does not google translate back to my address. I won't worry. I can cut and past over at CFV, just not here, on this laptop only. Does my wife need to have those shots BEFORE the medical exam, or can they do it at the exam?
  10. I have no answers but will bump this. What is with the USA address needing to be in Chinese characters for the medical exam???? My wife lives in Changzhou in Jiangsu. Her medical exam is on the 27th in Shanghai, and interview in Guangzhou on Nov 19. We got a police report and was told it covers the whole of China. All on the puter. Don't know if good enough, and now I wonder if it is too old. I guess we need an English translation for it now. My wife also has no records of her shots, just a yellow book for her daughter. So I guess she will get stuck a plenty. Will they do it at the exam???
  11. Looks like an area where my brother in law lives. I loved taking long walks back in the woods, so to speak, and through the lil villages. (talk about looks, but folks are so friendly too.) One man was happy for me to photo his ox etc. I should get something better than this iphone for pics I suppose. I keep taking pics of those lil one cylinder diesel front wheel drive rigs that turn from a hinge pin in the middle of the frame. I REALLY want one back in town here in TX as my yard truck. Of course it isn't the most menuverable thing around trees, but I saw how one guy gets out for sharp turns and walks it. Hopefully one day we will have a little parade in town and I will show up with the contraption. I bet I would be about the only boy in TX or the whole USA with one. But the money isn't here for that now.
  12. Joecy, back in September I wrote something but had no time or no internet to post it. I was in China almost the whole month, in a new Olympic complex in Xuzhou for one thing. We were very busy as well. I can't cut and paste anything, so I will have to rewrite the best I can. I frankly don't know how you ladies do it, after you come to the USA. I fell in love with the Chinese people on my first 2 trips in 2000 - 2002. I cried that 2nd time as I flew away to Korea. It is the closeness of the people, that I had as a child in the USA. Never mind all the corruption and other things wrong, there is a closeness in China that we have lost in the USA, I feel. Airconditioning and TV and other media caused us to drift apart. China will do the same I fear. Why not bring China to the USA rather than worry about what us Americans do? Go meet your husband at work for lunch at times. Have him bring some work mates. Maybe turn that into family dinners, or other activities together. Start a block party for your neighborhood. Folks in my old neighborhood used to do that, as we were all one big happy family with a bunch of us kids born about the same time to our then young parents. An old boss of mine moved his family from California to Texas and became very lonely. So they invited their neighbors over for a block party and they all had a blast, got to know and help each other after that, and continued to have parties in various homes on the block after that. Just an idea. Heck, make us ol stiff necked Americans talk, will Ya?
  13. Well good for the courts. Now if women will only step forward more often. This kind of thing used to really piss me off when I was younger, seeing what ills awaited abused women in life.
  14. I was greeting the new province team coach of my wife's company, he is South Korean, and he was shaking her hand and asked me if I was jealous. I was puzzled at first. Then someone said because he is touching her hand (in a hand shake) and in South Korea this is a big deal of some kind and men get jealous. Haha, my gosh no, not jealous, never even thought of. I didn't notice anyone in China being reluctant about this either. And none of that bowing stuff like Japanese. In fact, they act a lot like Americans in many ways.
  15. I guess this is my progress thread. Got email dated 9-29 that everything forwarded to Guangzhou, with an interview date of Nov 19. I was traveling back from China on 9-29. Just opened email. I spent most of September there. I will write more about that as soon as I learn how to upload video on Youtube or something. Doug
  16. Also there are 2 good hotels in one, right in the middle of Pudong airport, between the 2 terminals. One is a number like 96 Hotel or something like that. We have stayed there many times the night before I leave. (I really believe the huge mirror in the bathroom is 2 way and who knows maybe a camera, haha, but I don'[t care) The price is reasonable. They have a restaurant, not the best but OK, and actually there is a food court downstairs from there in the airport walkway between the 2 terminals. That way you are THERE. We never made a reservation, but always got a room. The best hotel I ever stayed in was in Pudong city and we got a shuttle bus to the airport, but there was a wreck and we almost missed the plane. So, I stay AT THE AIRPORT, since that dang place is so hard to get to.
  17. My first thought was cars, or specifically trucks for Texas, but looks like guns and tactical equipment beat all. Makes sense. Dr Pepper ought to be in there somewhere though
  18. Just today I got my first Q2 visa. 2 year with 90 day stay, multi entry, from the Houston, TX consulate Last Thursday: I submitted original marriage book, which she handed back copy of marriage book, she only needed the main page with pic. printed email letter of invitation, IN CHINESE, from wife. (Wife had no idea what the seal thing was, so no stamp or seal.) copy of main page of US passport, + the passport of course. copy of next trip airline ticket, which she handed back My application was for an "L" but I asked her about the "Q" visas, so she changed it. Regular US Passport size photo worked, but they need to be taped on, NO STAPLES ON ANYTHING!!! I've always had L visas in the past for one year multi entry for family visits, or double entry when it was work. I just figured that was all I would get, but I like this 2 year visa thingie. I finally read about the various kinds of visas, so that is why I asked. I had no idea they had a 2 year type. Cost was $140.00 total. There is no same day, or next day service unless a medical emergency now, so I had to make 2 trips. (I've always had same day service for years for all my past visas.)
  19. For tiger moms. I only suggest, that if you allow your kids to learn this or that, of their choosing, they may surprise you. Also they may get bored with it, so no fear of what they will be in life. If the child studies bugs under a microscope for awhile, they will probably get bored with it and move on, . If not, then maybe they will discover some chemical in one that cures some great disease when older. They are born different from each other and have their own gifts. Just saying. Besides, it is SOOO much fun to learn things the school does not teach, but that the child is interested in. Also kids playing together sure teaches them A LOT that they will use in life. But I know Yall know all this. Just mouthing off, goodnight
  20. At least Pizza Hut in China, has at least one English speaker working at all times. If you want a pizza made like you have it here in the USA just explain the process, and you'll get something close to it. I've noticed the taste change over the years in fast food, particularly trying to fit what the masses will eat. Years ago the Big Mac was horrible, but they decided to duplicate the American version the past 2 years I have been there. I like the spicy Chicken burgers at KFC. They are small, and we always seem to eat there when I am at the train station going home.
  21. Other countries started calling us Yankees before I was born, & I suppose it is tolerated, barely. Now us Texans don't seem to fit any category other than Texan, or is that just me talking? Even the deep South doesn't get...well we are like cousins, but not immediate family, at least not with those old time land owner types. And you know what, that is just fine Heck we think we own the world anyway
  22. All the Okies must have moved back. Texas used to be full of them. & 3% from CA now, so odd, because in the 70s they typically moved back after a year.
  23. I've watched quite a few of his vids. He has a motorcycle following. I better send some links to a friend of mine starting to Skype date a friend of my wife, his request.
  24. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO I thought all women could jump into a freezing lake and it is no problem, no shock. I can't.
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