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Everything posted by hypoclear

  1. I had a guy from VisaJourney.com send me a fillable I-864, but when I called the NVC they said they prefer we use the one they send us, because they are not sure if the on-line one is up dated. They also said that the one they send us has the bar code (where??? ) and there are other identification marks on it (huh????? ) that they need. Carl You will get a seperate page with a big bar code on it also. We ran into thesame or simalir problem. Waiting on a fee bill to clear which never did and than waiting for a new check to clear, while we have that darn form but no bar code to send in wioth it.. check our time line for that little hiccup.. One idea, which I think Donasho may have mentioned is that of the many agencies... not sure how many that do the security check most do it in 30 days and than state if they (INS, NVC, CBS<PBS< FUC or what ever they are calling themselves today!!) Don't recieve a reply within 30 days that means the application is ok and to proceed. Seems some say it is the FBI which does not follow this procedure and is the worst and slowest. This is all hearsay and may or may not be the case in that it is the FBI who drags their feet. The point being.. the idea of a cut off date to complete these checks may help. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  2. Way to go J!!! I hope your case gets the action you were promised and good on you. As for others, sorry but no tears for you, you sit you wait, you don't risk, you don't get. You have you to blame. So stop whining and do something... what more proof do you need to make the simple logic true? Sign the letter and as others have so eleglently said.. a statement of simple fact and questions and suggestions of help and concern ... how can that be the basis for a retaliation by them? Just what the heck DID your mom put in your morning cereal.. to make you believe anything less?? J you have a nice timeline and believe me, if all goes well you could be done in less than 9 months... which by some ole timers watches.. that ain't bad. As for the self imposed deportations.. or exportatiopns.. nice point and while this has it's benefits it also has it's draw back.. but one for sure that I enjoy is NOT paying taxes and NOT supporting in that small way some of the.. odd hmmmm yeah thats the word, ideas this current adim has. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  3. Yer right guys. This hyar is our li'l Lurleen's way of sayin' yer th' number one cousin, as enny fool kin plainly see. Wal thin's is changin' back in th' holler. Seems Gran'pa ain't a-comin' wif us t'cal, ah reckon. He says he doesn't care eff'n she is his cousin, she is still his wife an' eff'n they won't let them live as husbin an' wife he jest ain't a gwine! Fry mah hide! Whuffo' ah tell yo' LindaPansy was th' prettiess gal in th' 8th grade jest behind me an' now jest 8 years later she still is purdy. We is a-gonna drive out wess an' stop along th' way. ah's lookin' fo'ward t'seein' th' farty city! Fry mah hide!, Husbin says it is th' windy city, but windy, farty it's all th' same back hyar in th' holler. SO yo' all keep yer eyes open fo' our li'l darlin' Lurleen, as enny fool kin plainly see. Purdy soon her face will be ev'ry whar. Goo'bye fo' now. R. U. Aredneck
  4. Dan your thinking makes perfect sense. In fact I would think that once someone has signed this letter and if for any reason or just a hint of a reason that they had trouble with a visa.. a lawyer would have a field day with it! Seems you might be safer after signing it and it may actually make the process more reasonable. Take it from this ole timer who spent 19 months waiting, doesn't seem many since than have had to wait as long. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  5. Congrats John and Hai Yan! See.. wasn't hard at all.. hehehe Click Here Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  6. Mark, I don't have any way of doing it other than one-by-one. Just don't have time for that - wish I did. I am really pleased with the recent activizm (Trigg's spel chekr ougta pass that). Reminds me of the old days when nuthin' got dirty. Dang!! Yup I hear you.. thought as admin here there might be a funbction to PM all members.. guess it could be cut and paste time.. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  7. Congrats NY-Viking and best of luck! JD ... huh.. hmmm I'd have thought at your age a Juvenile Delinquent was a bit much??? hmm and you say you have to study for this too? Well best of luck in that too.. let us know how it all works out.. Great Going. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  8. Great Info King and part 1.. while those in polite society would accept this explaination. It seems I can remember just a number of months back when there was to be a "New kid on the block.. who was going to show us who's who's and what's what's. hmm something seems a little shakey by this early departure. Are we shielding someone, ducking before the fan exits the excreatment? or is this just another example of .. who me? you know I can't read.. coz if I could I wouldn't hire you with just 3 months left to go. Is it possible the rumblings of the group are having an effect some wheres up the chain? Or was this person a trouble shooter who just couldn't in the end shoot? The larger facialaties sounds great and hopefully they will have more staff. Here is one I have heard from a friend who heard it from a source in the American Services Unit.. "Job number 1 is to keep people out over at the NIV unit." Do you think there is any substance to this? Mark and Bea and Elizabeth I certainly will be polite and not mention the emperor has no cloths, but I'll be darned if I'm going to stand here looking at his sorry assed butt!
  9. Congrats Jenny and Jack!!!!! Way to go and welcome to the ole timers club.. And as One ole timer to Another.. Thanks! Hand delivering that letter to Ms Harty when you and your's were so close and it having little if any benefit to you is a true sign of a great and caring person. Best always to you and Jack Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  10. hmm.. in the great lexicon of the American Language I have often wondered just what the word Peckerwood ment. As the members of the great state of OG are such a literate bunch I ask.. just what, who, when, why, where and where for is a peckerwood? Any examples of this odd breed would be welcomed. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  11. Actually, I burned out on the psych game. Normal for child/Adolescent shrinks. I work part time for my son doing good old fashion manual labor-when my tired old body allows. I don't really need the $$$, as I collect retirement from the state of KY and am a 100% disabled VN vet (pays good), which is a good thing as my cheap son doesn't pay much-but it feels good to get back to my roots. I rarely put on my psych hat anymore. It just doesn't fit all that well now. hmmm did the hat shrink or the head in the hat?? Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  12. Donasho; Would you be so kind as to pop off a PM or email to all the members here? As you can see and since you have been here since before dirt was invented.. We really have a good thing going with this letter and Jtaylors letter and others. I have asked Bea to Phone Lingling as I haven't seen joh from HA on lately and i know he would welcome the news JTaylor got from Joh's rep. There could be many more members who haven't been on lately who would jump at the chance to be active. I am very excited by the responses I have seen posted to letters.. is this an election year? heheh but as i said before.. you have to ask/ write / etc to find out who your friends and allies are. Seems we may have many more than we ever dreamed. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  13. well da done gon di'nt works.. http://www.markjosephsullivanphotography.com/bea/lurleena.JPG R U Aredneck
  14. T'anky T'anky! You's ares da smartests fell'er I's no'ed. Mr Trigg, i got'ta thin'ing an called ol Doc smith. He said.. RiteSue Uniese Joe Bob.. I done told ya at the birth'en she be a girl.. now 'member bout da "ding a ling" and the "hoo hoo"? Y yup I does say!! and wou'd you noes it.. she's a got a hoo hoo!! Now Doc said he be by sune as the crick be down, coz it be 6 monh's checker up time. And grand papee .. he be sain by than this ole bacth o' sour mash be perddy good. And if'en we can keep da cousin's from drink'en it all we's gonna have us a heep o money.. hot damn! Now Mr Roberts.. well i de'clare.. I's seen all you's movies an if'n it don'ts make you's shy.. you one hang some guy.. Is you's re-tiired or you's still riden dem's big ole ships? Now's you's both gives me idea's.. I don'e heards out that Caforni way they's got stars and welll.. yes'em we gonna make uor ittle da'ta a star!! 'nd we gonna call her Lurleen joh bob Aredneck.. t'anky t'ank t'anky! Pa don made some pics of her all readys.. Now Mr Roberts.. if'en you's make 'noughter movie and can's have a ittle darlin ins it.. you all give a yell back at the holler.. coz don't al'ways phone work and our's Lurleen.. yeah I's liken the soun's that.. webe ready Here's r ittle Lurleen.. http://www.markjosephsullivanphotography.com/lurleen.jpg an's nother http://www.markjosephsullivanphotography.com/lurleena.jpg t'anky! RitaSue Aredneck
  15. Actually J.. I'm just up to a little mischief pay no attention... NOW for the rest of you PAY ATTENTION!!!!! that was a damned good response that J has gotten and if this doesn't get you off your butt.. seems nothing will. I am very sure this will be comfort in your old age when you can tell your kids.. "yeah I didn't do a damn thing and Proud(?) of it!" Now get out there and say something! Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  16. Dear Hearing Voices; When did you first start hearing these voices? Are they male or female voices? Are they friendly voices? Do you talk often with these voices? Can they speak other languages? Have they given you any good stock tips? Do you believe they work for the government? Have any mentioned the name Dubya or Bubba? DO you have health insurance? What is your co-pay? Ok send along your ID number and best of luck with your voices. Maark and Bea and Elizabeth
  17. We are sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  18. Hey pipa'ls.. i's needs your's hep! My hub'and calls our sweet ittle da'ta chubba bubba baby.. it taint rights i tedlls ya!! our s'eet itlle Lizzy May Joh Bob .. tain't a boy.. you's oney call's a boy's bubba. I tells hub'and dis and says' hub'and!! you's got's ta leasrn dis.. you's the edukata.. one. a bubba tis a boy.. you could's call her's chubba trailer park trash ors chubba white trail park trash ors just chubba white trash but nos sur reee bubba. pleees.. you got's to he'ps me. t'anks and fine days. R.U. Aredneck
  19. Yes!! Now is the time. The momentun is set and if we miss it allthis great pubislity will be lost. Send in your sig page now. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  20. I bought a Travel Pro carry on when I first came here. it was pricey but has held up very well both as carry on and stowed. Now here is the funny part.. it was most likely made here in China and perhaps Shenzhen.. I pointed these out to Bea as well as the very sturdy American Tourister sets and she told me cheaper to buy right from the factory. We stopped by Dongman and bought the cheap 100 RMB.. trunk/ small thrid world village size suit case and we got it thru the weight gate at NWA. I think it was like 90LBS.. not sure but we both fretted and it turns out we had weight to spare. It made it to the states and back but we did the band thing at GZ airport and that may be the reason why. But in the end you are right.. it's not so much the cost of the case but the cost of the contents. So load it up with those great light weight bargins here in China and cross your fingers. Like Mao say's.. "No need to worry.. we can always make more. " Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  21. I think .."What we have here is a failure to communicate." And with a spiraling deficit and a "Screw you I got mine attitude. " maybe now is the time to resurrect "The great communicator." R. Reagan who speaks for the silent majority and had such spiffy, keano, neat visual aids. I’m sure Ronny would want you to speak up and vote, for god, country, mom, apple pie and Alaskan oil reserve drilling. The master of the trickle down theory… which states: if it just trickles.. Might be prostrate troubles.. see your Doctor for treatment and if it burns when you pee…well you know you have been screwed. So… let’s all bend over backwards, ummm, ahhh… oh yeah and help the great communicator! Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  22. yup.. just yesterday while out shopping here in SZ ( at the wal mart too ).. I gentlely patted her butt as I announced.. "Plenty of room in the rear!" That got her going the first couple of times but lost it's effect. When we got home she did mention that .. "Wow now I have a fanny and maybe for ever!" heheh one of the many side bennies of being a mom. Mark and Bea and Elizabeth
  23. Hehe.. Fashion is a bitch, man! Mark and Bea and Elizabeth.. sporting the new... no hair on the back of her head style.. awwww poor baby
  24. SHHHHHH! My stepdaughter Wang Fang will be sixteen in August. Her-her orange shaggy dog Chinese hairstyle and my Xterra all going down the street together. EEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! whatever happened to the traditional Chinese hairstyle for men?? You know the one that looked like Moe on the stooges????? don't worry Trigg! Just get out your bell bottom jeans, a well worn workshirt, blue of course, a bandana and some cool, groovy, shades!! and a smoke of your choice and join the parade.. heheh retro?? hell no!! right on fashion come 05/65.. As for Hair.. sure!!! crank up the ole 8 track and belt out a few tunes from the play in the pickup.. yeah!! Let them skrim for a few minutes.. heheh:) it's fun being old and not being embarassed.. Mark and Bea nd Elizabeth
  25. well you are well armed .. so venture forth!! heheheh sounds like some good natured fun for everyone.. I for one would NEVER risk it by picking out a color for her.. no way , never , ain't going to happen, that YOU a mear adult and a male at that could EVEN understand what color to pick. Let her have at it.. watch the fun and enjoy her new sense of an independent self. It will fade out in time and another newer cool thing will come over the horizen and off she will go. For me I like the new..(? is there anything new?) fun, funny things the kids here in China are doing.. the cloths, hair color and cuts, music etc.They seem to have embraced the ideas and sense of self of the west but seem to still hold onto the friendship and youth and innocence. Good combo! Mark and Bea and Elizabeth 14 huh.. just 2 more years to.. "Dad.. can I drive!!??
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