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Everything posted by carl.hops

  1. Here we go again, this is something that I was in constant battle with my ex. Well, wish I could give you some valuable advice, but you may not want to hear it
  2. I'm currently teaching at a private company, one class a week usually two or three students. And I was also able to get an Internship with LG here in Tianjin where I'll be teaching about an hour of English a day while doing other office work. I have no TEFL and no degree, currently studying and plan on working part time while I do so. It wont be hard for you to find something, but to find the right something may be difficult. Don't settle for the first offer you get, that's for sure. Unless its something great. I plan on getting a CELTA, its widely regarded as the best/most wanted cert. So far I'm liking the whole teaching thing, and plan on doing this as long as I am in China.
  3. I'm in TEDA now and fireworks have been blazing for the past 2 weeks, the other day we were walking home from Tesco when we saw 3 men flee from a gate, I wasn't paying much attention to them but luckily Yakun was because they had just lit a string of firecrackers so we both dashed across the street. I'm still having a bit of trouble not dodging imaginary bullets We wont be here for the festival though, I'm preparing to meet the parents (we just watched the movie B) ) in Hebei, leaving on Saturday! We bought a Microwave for mom and I'm giving dad a straight razor. I hope everyone enjoys their time with the ones they love, and for those that cant make sure to take extra time on the web cam this weekend!
  4. Good stuff, let us know what happens with the classes. I've just finished giving my second class (only two students) and I can already see some hurdles I need to leap the next one.
  5. I'll list two of my favorite language learning sites, these guys have a lot of insight not just in the language but in culture as well. I'm sure its been posted before but to anyone who's just starting out: http://laowaichinese.net/ http://www.bjshengr.com/bjs/
  6. Bahaha, Good pint, things could be a lot worse Cheer up! You still have your health?
  7. I started watching those Dr. Who episodes a few months back, the bad wolf thing plays a big part but eventually I lost interest in the series. This little piece of news may help my argument with the mrs that living in Tibet is just as wild as the city!
  8. Any update on this? My roommate has the entire series untainted on DVD if needed. I just watched I.P. Man, or È~†–. The master of Xiao Long (Bruce Lee) and his story, probably a little dramatized but very good (saw it a few weeks ago in the theater).
  9. All is well, GZBILL was correctomundo! They didnt give me the proper papers to fill out, it can all be taken care of over fax/pdf. Now its back to the waiting game, lets see if they actually have the money for this new G.I. Bill.
  10. Thanks, I'm hoping this is just a huge misunderstanding. That way I can get back to my Tianjin Pancakes and Soybean drink in the morning commitment.
  11. Interesting, I'll bring that up. I'm a Petty Officer, I plan on giving a call early in the morning tomorrow when their office is open again. Thanks for the suggestion! There is a missing piece here. Surely someone at some point indicated that you were UA or Unauthorized Absence. You must not have completed something. My Chief let me know via e-mail that he was shocked that he was told I was still in the Navy (I didn't just waltz out, I asked admin what my separation date was, they confirmed it I signed the paper and I was gone). And then he informed me that they were planning to admin sep me. It should all be cleared up tomorrow morning, but I wanted to start creating some options for my self as far as school goes.
  12. I recieved a DD-214 when I left active duty, my contract was 2 active 2 reserves and 4 in IRR. I'm on IRR time (at least I thought I was) When I left the reserve center they gave me a real simple piece of paper to sign saying I was checking out, no DD-214 now that I think about it. During IRR time I was told I would have to come in once a month for a physical, which I planned on doing. But what I'm being told is "I'm still in the Navy" which I know, sounds very vague, and that I'm about to be Admin Sep'ed.
  13. some of you may already know I'm living with my girlfriend in Tianjin right now, studying (with money from my own pocket) at a university to bring my mandarin level up a bit. I had planned to study at Beijing International Studies university with the help of the new G.I. bill (they approved this school, and would be funding me to go there). Just yesterday I received a whopper of an e-mail saying I was "still in the Navy" and that I left early, I'm in the process of working this one out as I am completely dumbfounded of how this could be. (no they didn't call me back, they are saying my contract was not over) If so, they will administratively seperate me, and I will lose my education benefits. What I'm getting at here is, now I have no real way to pay for college. I could go to a school that was "federally funded" as my bank puts it, in which case I can continue receiving my Stafford loan to go to school. But I've been unable to find any list of schools in China that are federally funded, I don't think there are any considering it would require funding from the us government to a communist school? That leaves me with a few options, 1. Work for another year to save up money and graduate at the age of 29 @_@ or 2. Find a cheap school that probably wont give me as good of an education as I was hoping for, that I can afford (working while studying).
  14. ok here goes my Chinglish, bare with me: wo yao to play Texas Hold'em Puke with my Zhonguoren roomates, but am unable to find some directions online in Hanzi/Hanyu. Can someone with a more advanced level of Chinese show me a web page explaining the rules?
  15. I was only speaking about the obesity, not all the diseases. Diseases happen for a variety of reasons. However many parents will not encourage thier children to maintain an active and healthy life. They let them sit on the computer or on video games and let them eat whatever they want, then when thier kids get obese and they blame the food. I don't mean that you can eat unhealthy and excercise and you'll be just fine. I did not mean that in the slightest. However someone who already lives healthy and eats healthy can eat junk food without hardly any problems. You can't live entirely on junk food, and realy, the people that make that a primary part of thier diet need some serious help. Having a healthy LIFESTYLE is what i should've said. That includes food, excercise, alcohol/cigarette/drug usage. I see less and less things promoting healthy lifestyles to kids. Most people also seems to think they are too busy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There just needs to be a lot more education on how to live healthy and i don't think we'd see such severe problems with the fast food issue. I agree with you whole heartedly, the problem is most of America is confused about what is healthy because of all the drug promotion, dairy promotion (in schools) and meat promotion. Got milk? Got Cancer? Is what they should be saying. Ditto for soy promotion. Try finding any item in your cupboards or refridgerator (other than a whole food) that doesn't contain soy. Seriously... try. But yes, lifestyle and food choice together make a whole picture. My granddad had eggs and bacon every morning, gravy potatoes, cured meat, dessert with every dinner, lots of veggies too... but he still could have whooped any 2 of you when he was in his early 70's. Because he worked hard every day and enjoyed being active even when he didn't have to be. Yet, while rare, I have seen fat vegetarians. Certain diets weigh the deck in favor of health or not, certain lifestyles do the same. Combo bad and bad together and you have... hmmm me I guess... lol I agree exercise does a lot for you, you can definitely live longer while eating things your grandfather did, considering a scientific study done on soldiers who didn't come back alive from the Korean war who looked completely healthy and were, they had massive build up of plaque (fat) in their artery's. I guess what I'm trying to say is, looks can be deceiving. I wish I could eat those things and still be healthy like your granddad O_o As for soy... I never heard of any problems with eating too much soy except for strange estrogen levels if you eat far far too much of it. It takes just a little milk to get Bovine Aids Virus of which 90% of cows in America are infected with, and yes its transferable to humans. Soy is no where on the same level of damaging the body as milk or meat's. And its quite unfortunate, I love me some bacon
  16. I was only speaking about the obesity, not all the diseases. Diseases happen for a variety of reasons. However many parents will not encourage thier children to maintain an active and healthy life. They let them sit on the computer or on video games and let them eat whatever they want, then when thier kids get obese and they blame the food. I don't mean that you can eat unhealthy and excercise and you'll be just fine. I did not mean that in the slightest. However someone who already lives healthy and eats healthy can eat junk food without hardly any problems. You can't live entirely on junk food, and realy, the people that make that a primary part of thier diet need some serious help. Having a healthy LIFESTYLE is what i should've said. That includes food, excercise, alcohol/cigarette/drug usage. I see less and less things promoting healthy lifestyles to kids. Most people also seems to think they are too busy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There just needs to be a lot more education on how to live healthy and i don't think we'd see such severe problems with the fast food issue. I agree with you whole heartedly, the problem is most of America is confused about what is healthy because of all the drug promotion, dairy promotion (in schools) and meat promotion. Got milk? Got Cancer? Is what they should be saying.
  17. Sorry but I have to disagree, what you eat is the cause of your illness unless its a virus or other parasite, and what you eat still has an effect on how well your body handles those things. Cholesterol is not meant to be eaten by herbivore's (we are herbivore's let there be no mistake) our stomachs are just like herbivore's and our ancestors are herbivore's (who some times eat insects) our livers are not made to process Cholesterol (which is only found in animal protein, aka meat milk etc...) This is the cause of Diabetes most cancers and of course Obesity. Your friends being skinny may have to do with them being active but it will catch up with them once their livers and other body organs can no longer take the damage, that or they may be like me, I have celiacs disease which has allowed me to eat whatever I want all my life and not gain any weight (do to wheat allergy's my lower intestine was damaged and unable to absorb nutrients which caused malnutrition and anemia when I was younger) so here I am 6 ft 4 inches tall and 120 pounds. What you eat has the most impact on your health, not exercise, but that does come a close second.
  18. Yep, the richer a nation becomes the more they adopt the western diet of meat dairy and more sugar. And now they get the benefits, Diabetes, Cancer and the lovely looks of obesity. www.drmcdougall.com
  19. internet addiction FTW! I've been addicted since high school, theirs no hope for me.
  20. If taking any of it, I say declare it just in case so you aren't slapped with a fine if they do find it. As for the vitamins, unless its B12 or D (because your not getting any sunlight) they are just about useless anyways, vitamins just by themselves don't do squat with out the fiber and micro nutrients that come in plants and fruits in the first place. Just grab your self some home made Chinese food and you'll be fine.
  21. http://www.thechinastudy.com/ and you can go here to buy it: http://www.amazon.com/China-Study-Comprehe...7316&sr=8-1 a mere 8 bucks, worth your health.
  22. The book also focuses on a Major study still going on today, started by the Chinese government. When one of its premiers (I'd site the name but my mother is currently reading the book) was falling ill of cancer he dispatched a plan to map out the percentage of people who had cancer in each province of China, interestingly the higher area's were in the more developed ones, specifically the wealthier provinces. Some of us might think this is simply due to higher pollution thus higher carcinogens but its much more complex then that, the study went on to become more in depth, each person in a certain village (don't want to spoil it) gave blood samples and eating habits for many years and the results are pretty interesting considering how we are taught to eat today in our own schools. It should be no wonder why our ladies are usually thin, energetic and healthy, they know how to eat right and that is the key to enjoying your second half of life in good health.
  23. When I got out of active duty as a Corpsman (medic) in the Navy and went into the reserves it was time for me to find my first civilian job. I was lucky enough to land one as a Medical Assistant in a Clinic I will never forget, the Doctor I worked for ran his clinic with the help of his family and he taught me something I never considered and was never shown in my training as a medical student, Nutrition. I was very eager to hear what he had to tell me, considering I weigh a mere 130 pounds and at 6 foot tall 4 inches I look like a rail and always have I wanted to know why I was skinny no matter what I ate, or how much of it I ate. He went on to explain food allergy's to me, I knew all about drug allergies but never had I heard about food allergy's. After a long discussion he gave me a book called "The China Study". This book is an eye opener, written by a scientist who is now in his 70's and worked on many projects like The China Study its safe to say he knows what hes talking about. Has anyone else ever read this? This book's main focus is on Protein and its effect on our body's and our major diseases (in America) and what we should be eating to PREVENT these diseases from occurring. IMHO I believe if everyone in America ate right, our national health crises would be completely gone. And the change we give from the rest of our dollar at the cash register wouldn't be wasted on fruitless study's on breast cancer by scientists with influence from big industry.
  24. Haha your welcome, and i do mean soon. The group said they're trying to find it "untainted" a.k.a. the english that we KNOW they are speaking. I'll let you know when I know My sweety tells me its on CCTV1, if they don't have any luck I have a T.V. tuner HD USB stick, I could record the episodes.
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