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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. I could be wrong, and have many doubts at the moment. But i had the understanding that as a K3/K4, that i would file the I-485, and the I-765 concurrently at my local office which would be either Atlanta or Charleston,SC.

    Is that not correct? I am about 1 week away from filing. We just got the I-693 (medical exam) complete. I would much rather file through Chicago, but as of now, am totally confused!



    You're right, Patrick.

    The I-485 does go to the CIS field office that has jurisdiction over one's area of residence. The I-765 is sent to Chicago for K-3 visa holders.


    My bust!... I guess I was thinking Chicago because CIS just recently transferred my wife's I-485 from the D.C. office to the National Benefits Center for "faster" processing, so they say.

    Ok, In fact. Because you are allowed to file the I-765 along with the I-485. You file them together at your district office. They will forward the I-785 to the correct office.




    ps...all it takes is a little doubt and i am totally confused by all of this :D

  2. I could be wrong, and have many doubts at the moment. But i had the understanding that as a K3/K4, that i would file the I-485, and the I-765 concurrently at my local office which would be either Atlanta or Charleston,SC.

    Is that not correct? I am about 1 week away from filing. We just got the I-693 (medical exam) complete. I would much rather file through Chicago, but as of now, am totally confused!



  3. Another thing to add is..... Chinese clothes aren't "Pre-shrunk". If you wash and dry them by machine, they will be too small for her to wear.


    I took all of the examples here at CFL and used them on my wife. I explained to her that in China, floors are made of concrete and so therefore it is ok to get water on the floor. I told her underneath all of this beautiful tile is a sheet of wood that would rot if water was left on the floor. She understood that and is very careful of not leaving water on the floor.


    The thing about Chinese ladies is.... They run on "Ever-ready batteries", They just keep going and going. My wife is busier than a "One armed taxi cab driver with the crabs", But, when she crashes, she crashes hard. She lays down and is asleep in 5 minutes, and i mean sound asleep!


    After 6 weeks here, The house is now her house. I cannot find anything where it once was. I am constantly asking her.... Darling, Where is my so and so? And, she produces it with ease. I love it though, My job is outside the house, but she is slowly encroaching on even this job. I have taught her how to use the riding lawn mower. I came home from work and the grass has been cut. Yea baby, break out the Budweiser, I don't have to cut grass today!


    My life has definitly changed, and only for the better. I cannot think of one single instance where it has gotten worse.


    oooops, The wife is calling me. Gotta go!


    Patrick :o

  4. I remember putting it off for a bit. I wasn't sure how to inform my Father. I am the last person in his family that would be able to carry on the "Family name". I was more worried about telling him that we planned on having 2 children in our new family. He took it pretty well, and seemed more inclined to worry about the Green card issue more than anything else.




  5. I am kind of lost as to what I am supposed to do next. I assumed we could get my wifes SS# but i now know that she has to get the EAD 1st.


    Is there anybody here who has gone through the K3 that can give me a list of what i will need to do now that she is here? Everything I have found so far applies to K1 and it is way different than K3.


    Thanks, Patrick

  6. We were cleaning the boat yesterday ( Pontoon ), Li grabbed something out from under a chair and a Red Wasp stung her on the finger. OMG, I never heard someone wail so hard and loud. I thought she was about to die. She said her whole body hurt. Of course at this time i was worried about an allergic reaction, but she told me that she was able to breathe without any problems, so I kind of decided to wait it out before i took her to the hospital. Afer about 1 hour she seemed to be feeling a bit better, even though it did make her finger swell up some. I decided that she would be ok.

    Found out later, This was her first Bee sting ever!

    My poor baby, I felt so bad for her!


    Patrick :rolleyes:

  7. Amazing! If you live in NC, You can file at Atlanta or Charlotte. Charlotte is up to date at May 2004. That would be a no brainer! My freaking luck though is i am from SC and i can use Charleston or Atlanta. Charleston is backed up to May 2001. On top of all of that, I live 2 1/2 hours from Charlotte, 3 1/2 hrs from Atlanta and 3 1/2 hrs from Charleston.

  8. Yes, I find that part of the Chinese culture to be somewhat strange to me, but i also realize where some of it comes from. Open sewers make you wary about germs. What i find funny is..... Even after all of the washing, She still won't eat with her right hand....hahaha!

    I also agree with Darryl, If never exposed to germs, you have no chance to build up immunities.

    Seems at least 3 times per month my wife is claiming to have a cold. Where as for me, I haven't had a cold in almost 2 years. In fact, the last time i felt even a little bit sick was in April, 2003 after coming back from China, I had a little bit of Mao's revenge. :huh:

    I will try to explain this to my wife when she is here, but i suspect it will just go in 1 ear and out the other. They can be soooo stubborn sometimes, but hey, so can I. :P :(



  9. I feel extremely fortunate to have met my wife, Almost as if it was fate.


    I remember the 1st day i talked to my wife, she stated she believed we were a "Good fit". This was based on such a small bit of information that i had given her. I wasn't as sure as she was, but i was willing to explore the possibilities. Over the course of our relationship from then to now, I have fallen deeply in love with my wife, and she with me. But truly, it is mainly because she was soooo right from that first fateful day. We WERE a good fit. Everything that she stands for and believes is why i have fallen so deeply for her. Everything that i stand for and believe is why she has fallen so deeply for me.


    I don't believe you can make "Love" happen. I mean....It just happens!

    Relationships require work, and they also require BALANCE.


    Can a Chinese woman choose a Western mate? Yes, I believe she can. But her true intentions have to be about wanting love and family, and nothing else. She must seek a man who truly wants and needs the same.


    My wife and I have often discussed how there are so many BAD people in this world. There are so many Chinese ladies who go through the motions, but in fact are only interested in the "Green Card". Just as there are so many men who lie and decieve the Chinese girls just so they can come to China for a Sex-escapade.


    Bottom line is, You have to be careful when choosing your mate.



    Good luck, Patrick

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