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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. I am so happy and relieved. But i am also so fricking upset about her sons denial.

    He was denied because he didnt have a passport! But the P3 instructions states that a child under the age of 16 years old doesnt need a passport. So my wife didnt try to get one for him. 12 hours by bus to Guangzhou, $500.00++ dollars spent, and now she will have to do this trip all over again. They told her at the embassy that he will need a passport and they would reschedule an interview for him. I am so PO'ed about that.

    Everything i have read about this states that a K4 is only a derivative for a K3. The K4 doesnt even participate in the interview. The son is 10 years old. I fired off a letter to Linda Donahue appealing to her about this, but i doubt anything will be done before my wife leaves for Nanning.


    So discusted with this whole process!


    Patrick :lol:

  2. Hey all,


    I have been in China for about 3 weeks and I am just about to leave.  We sent our P3 in late Feb and were hoping to hear something by now.  I have tried calling GZ on about 5 different days and can never get through.  Is there some secret or are they not answering the telephone?


    Anyways China is great and we are having a great time together.  SPent some time in Dazhou, Sichuan and it was a little cold but fun!!


    SO I was hoping to at least get some info before I left on the 3rd so please post any info and thank you.


    Louis & Mei (finally together for a little while)

    hehe, It is still late February.


    I think it took 4 or 5 weeks from sending the P3 in to getting the P4.



  3. LOL Dave, Thats why i aint doing squat till she gets here!


    But i can tell you from experience, I did all of the floors in my house with the exception of the carpet in the bedrooms. I layed down all the tile in the bathrooms (3), and i put down 800sqft of laminated wood flooring for the great room and kitchen area.



  4. Here is one more question about Shenzhen: To be married there I understand that I will need to show my divorce papers along with the Certificate of Marriageability and my passport. Do I need to get these papers translated? If I was married more than once do I only need to bring the most recent divorce papers? I assume if I ned these translated that I'll need to do that before I leave. Any good ideas on a place to translate legal docs into Chinese?

    I can tell you what i did, and you can go from there. I am also a K3/K4.


    I called my State department, and got them to run a check from when i was 16 to now to check and see if i had ever been married. I had not, but i needed it to be Notarized by the State saying they had did the check from xxx date to xxx date. They will notarize it and certify it. Then i sent the notarized document to the Chinese embassy in Washington, DC and they also Notarized it. That is how you make it official. Take that with you to China and it is officially the document you'll need to prove that you are eligible for marriage. Of course in your case, you'll have a divorce or 2, it wont matter. All that matters if you can prove you are no longer married now. I forget what all of that costs, it wasnt cheap by my standards. I am thinking about $150.00 including the Fed-ex.

    Oh yea, about forgot. You have to get the State department seal, and the embassy seal. Just tell them thats what you need, its included in that cost!



  5. While you are there, get the special immigration pictures. The ones where she has to pose and they get 1 ear and both eyes in the pic. I ended up needing about 6, but got extras. Take the I-129f and the I-130 forms with you. Take extra copies, get her signature on all of the copies. Take the G-325a. I cant remember all of the forms, but their is loads of info on the internet. I will get back to you and put you onto some great web sites for K3/K4 researching.




    There is a site called Doc Steens, It has a step by step instructions on the K3 visa process.

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