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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. I don't know about our "Home #@$%$# Land Security"!


    In December we received to letters from HLS. One letter was an appointment letter for our AOS. The other letter said we needed to go back to Charleston (200 miles away) because they misplaced her fingerprints. Go figure! Sooooo, Last week, we drive ourselves there and do our thing, took every bit of 15 minutes to do them. That day we get back home and inside the mailbox is another letter from Homeland security saying that my wifes fingerprints have EXPIRED and that she had to come back to Charlotte ( 90 miles away) to have them redone. I must say, I am a bit flummoxed about this.


    My question is...... Is there a number I can call to find out if this is correct?

    We are about 3 weeks away from out interview.

    All I can say is..... Sure will be glad when this CRAP is over with!!!!


    Patrick & Li :)

  2. Received our letter for interview this week.

    We moved last month and i hadnt gotten around to doing the change of address but fortunately the Post Office forwarded it to me.

    I am wondering what exactly we need to bring. It gives us a list of things that we already had sent with the I-485, Do ya reckon i need to make copies again? I am not sure I have copies.

    They also sent us a letter requesting new sets of fingerprints. I assume the others are outdated.

  3. When my wife went for her initial interview, She was told that her son needed a release from his father before they could proceed with her visa. She in fact was told that she had passed and that when she brought the release back, she and her son would be granted the Visa. So, My wife got the release from her Ex-husband, and requested the 2nd interview. They gave her the new interview, and she rode the train 16 hours from Nanning to Guangzhou to only be told by the VO there that she was now going through an additional Security Clearance, and that wouldnt be granted the Visa till that was complete. They did take the additional release and then sent her home with a yellow slip. About 1 month later she received a new invitation to come to GZ for her interview. Once again she rode the 16 hour train ride, waited in the long line to only be told she couldnt get her Visa that day but that she could pick it up on that Friday. So my wife went back to the motel, and waited till the next day. She went back on Friday to only be told by a VO there that they needed additional time to complete the paperwork. So, once again she was forced to go back home and wait, in tears I might add. Once again, they sent her another letter telling her to come back to GZ, and once again she got on that %$#@ train and rode to GZ, stood in that %$#@ line and was told that she would have to come back that Friday. She called me in tears that day, and she was actually ready to QUIT the process. I asked her to just wait till the next day. Well Lo and Behold, they finally issued her the K3 and K4 Visa.


    I am sure the answer will be that this was an unusual case, or incidence, but in my humble opinion. someone should have stepped in after tha 2nd trip and fixed the problem. Not only did it cost my wife and son loads of mental anquish, but it also cost me about $3000.00 in additional funds!


    Just wanted to get that off my chest.


    We are both happy in the USA, and life together is great, Patrick & Li

  4. Patrick


    Somehow I missed the part about the upcoming birth of your child.




    :D  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :huh:


    I look forward to hearing about your adventures with pregnancy and childbirth. Our Salina is about 13 1/2 months now. What a sweetie she is. Just like her Momma! :wub:


    Please keep us posted.


    Thank you very much Mick, We are really excited now, 8 more weeks. Just seems like yesterday that we were working hard to make this baby ;) .

    We haven't really gone into any kind of panic mode yet about the AOS because of our pregnancy. It would be real nice if we could just finally get all of this settled and not have to think about immigration issues ever again. Yea Right!! :unsure:

    I basically just lurk here now, sometimes i respond when i see someone having a problem that is identical to one i have experienced before.


    Later, Patrick & Li :)

  5. We've been living our life Carl. Dealing with the Ups and Downs as they come. Learning to meld our cultures together. It hasn't always been a bed of roses, but for the majority of the time it has been great. After 1 year together, I can still say I made the right choice in life.


    Patrick & Li :lol:

  6. Its been 1 year since i filed for AOS, Other than getting the fingerprints done last year, I haven't heard squat from them. It seems mighty unfair that different areas of the country have such different waits times.

    I filed through Atlanta, GA. Why could i not file in person, as opposed to filing by mail?


    Patrick & Li

    Join the Club!, Patrick.

    As they say, " I may not be number 1, but I'm way ahead of the guy in 2nd place!"....................................... :P :P :P


    Hey! I've been wondering about y'all! How did the I-130 meeting go back in february?

    Hey all, I shudda posted while it was fresh in my mind. It wasn't actually a I-130 interview. The officer gave me sooooo much conflicting information that i just decided to let sleeping dogs lie. But the meat of it was..... They wanted to know why I had filed the I-130 for my son when i had originally included it in my Wifes I-130. I did it because of everything I had read about being on the safe side. He said i had wasted my money and that the Gov't wouldn't be re-imbursing me. Damn cheap bastages!


    Li and I are doing great. She is pregnant and due 9-4-2005.


    Patrick & Li :D

  7. Its been 1 year since i filed for AOS, Other than getting the fingerprints done last year, I haven't heard squat from them. It seems mighty unfair that different areas of the country have such different waits times.

    I filed through Atlanta, GA. Why could i not file in person, as opposed to filing by mail?


    Patrick & Li

  8. I see nothing in your timeline about CIS approval of the I-130. When was it approved? Or has it been approved? A k-3 visa holder must submit a copy of the I-797C CIS I-130 approval notice when filing the I-485 to adjust status. Could this be the reason? Only asking to narrow things down. It is a curious situation. One that I haven't heard before.

    Are you absolutely sure about that? I filed the AOS based on the fact that she is here now. I have received a letter stating they have my AOS paperwork. I hate to say it, but i am flying by the seat of my pants here, and doing what i have read from here and many other sites. I have never found anything that was "Cut and Dried", Have you?


    Ok, back to your questions. The letter states that the reason for the appointment is "I-130 application"


    I would say No to the question if the I-130 has been approved, but as i thought and said before, I thought once the K-3 was approved, that superceded the I-130.


    The letter is from Charleston, SC, but the only thing i have filed there is my AOS. I filed the I-130 through Atlanta, Ga.


    I guess i'll be going, maybe they can give me more detailed info on what i may need to do for later.



    Patrick & Li

  9. I am sorry. The interview is in Charleston, SC. It says nothing about AOS, though that is where i filed for the AOS (Charleston). It says the letter is pertaining to the I-130, and has a interview date for 2-28-2005, says to bring things that are proof of relationship, ie marriage certificate, pictures of us together. I was under the impression that the K-3 visa interview in GZ superceded the I-130. I thought all we had to do now was wait for the AOS to be approved and that would pretty well be complete for all of this.

    They are real good at throwing wrenches into the gear box.


    Patrick & Li :blink:

  10. Married my wife in China.

    Came back home and filed for the I-130, and got NOA-1.

    Took the NOA-1 and filed for I-129F (K-3 visa)

    Passed inerview in China, and wife is now here.

    Filed the AOS paperwork, and EAD in July, 2004.

    Got SS#, and EAD approval.

    Got a letter yesterday for us to go to a interview for I-130 on February 28th.


    What good is the I-130 if she is now here? Do we have to do the I-130 interview and also the AOS interview?


    Patrick & Li :unsure:

  11. Kind of forgot about this after filing for AOS and EAD. I got a letter from Homeland Security in reference to our I-130 application. We go for our interview on February 28th. I am kind of thinking this might be the same as the AOS but am not exactly sure. They said for us to bring Birth Certificates, Marriage certificates, Divorce certificates, pictures of our family together, and single ADIT like pictures.

    Any K3's have experience with this?


    Patrick & Li :D

  12. Welcome Greg, to the most frustrating process you'll ever endure!


    Just when you think it has gotten bad, It gets worse. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, It gets worser still. This process will give you wrinkles and gray hair. But the wait is totally worth it. I feel as if i have hit the lottery every single day.


    Patrick :rolleyes:

  13. Li has been here 6 months now. The waiting never stops till you get your Green Card. So, she sits around the house a good bit of her day and night.

    She is absolutely addicted to the show "Combat", It is an old show, at least 40 years old, but she watches it every morning. She stops everything she is doing to watch this show. I work nights, and her favorite at night is "Cops", Bad boys, Bad boys, What'cha gonna do..................


    Patrick :rolleyes:

  14. Well................ We finally got our SS card after lots of the usual BS Gov't beauracracy.

    Also went through BS to apply for the written drivers test. Finally was allowed to take the test and my wife passed on her 2nd attempt. I was quite proud of her considering they would not allow her to use her electronic translator, and she had to take the test in English.


    Have yet to get a break when it comes to our Gov't. I keep waiting for things to start smoothing out, but every single step is bumpy with lots of mis-information and people telling us different things all along the way.


    Oh well, We are very happy to now be able to practice driving, and hopefully next year she will be able to find a job.



    Life together is wonderful, Patrick & Li :D

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