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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. 11 more days and she will be here, We can hardly contain our excitement!


    Still, So many things to do.


    I have cleaned, cleaned some more, and even cleaned some more, But i still feel as if the house is not to her specifications. She has reassured me many times not to worry about it, but i still want it to be nice for her.


    To all of you still in the process..... All i can say is, Be patient, Your day will soon come!


    Patrick :huh:

  2. I remember the 1st time i actually tried talking to my wife on the phone. She hadnt spoken English in 10+ years. So she was a lot rusty.

    We managed mainly because we were so excited to be talking to each other. We talked for maybe 2 hours with a conversation that you and I could have had in 5 minutes.

    I remember her using a phrase that just melted my heart. It made me gilggle a little the 1st time she said it, and everytime after that, I would just smile!


    Her phrase was " Just You Like". :P


    We have now been talking on the phone everyday for over a year. She asked me to help her to speak correctly. So dumbass me, told her the the correct phrase would be "Whatever you want" , Now she no longer will say "Just You Like"


    But, She now says another phrase that i just love to here her say, and i don't dare tell her or she will not use the old phrase again. :D , My new favorite phrase from her is " No this word". It means she is trying to find the proper word in her pocket translator and it will not translate for her.


    OMG, I just Love my wife so much! She makes me laugh and smile everyday!


    Patrick :wub:

  3. Welcome Wolfpack,

    Your timeline is almost 1year behind mine. You'll probably be getting your Visa approved in about 7 to 10 months.

    You will soon learn that what you originally thought was a fair description of incompetence, was in fact just a myth. Incompetence at this level has to be the all time highest!

    I hope you are a patient person!


    Patrick :)

  4. When you buy the watermelons, please send Jingwen the seeds. 0„2She can't seem to get enough of them to eat. :P

    OK Frank, we have just finished planting the graden and have several watermelon plants. I'll tell Fang Ling and she will stuff all the fish she is going to give Jingwen with melon seeds.

    Not as weird as it sounds. There's a great recipe for trout where you grind up walnuts with pepper and stuff the fish. I might want to try it with yellow croaker (Jingwen's favorite fish) and melon seeds.


    Who knows? I've had weirder things. Which reminds me. During dinner one night Jingwen informed me that I ate dog while in Zhanjiang. :P What? Never. Yes, yes yes. When? At mama's house. :D Are you sure? :D Yes. Lost my appetite and drank scotch for dessert.

    LMFAO Frank. OMG, I don;t exactly know how i would react. That was the first thing i told my wife on my first trip to China. I don't eat Dog, Cat, Donkey, Horses, Eels, Monkeys,or Snakes.

    LOL, I hope i got my point across!



  5. I was talking to my wife the other day, and we started talking about how much i like watermelon. I ate tons of watermelon while in China. :P

    She asked me how much a watermelon cost per KG in America. I estimated and broke it down into what she would understand. But, I have since started thinking about this.... I can see my wife now inspecting every single watermelon in the store to try to find the biggest one, because where I come from, Watermelons are sold as $5 a melon. Oh my, I can picture it now!


    Patrick ;)

  6. Yea, My wife perplexes me sometimes. She says she doesn't like the "Fire food". I say, do you mean spicy? But she says no! Hot? but still no!

    I suspect it has something to do with drinking the Hot water, as opposed to drinking cool water.



  7. Patrick

    Yes it does have a lot of good info. I think you are right about the copies. I can't believe how much ink has went up in the last couple of months. Its almost cheaper to buy a new printer with the cartriges in it!!


    LMAO!! That is so true!


    The last time i ran out of ink on my cheap printer, I went and bought a 4 in 1 just so i wouldnt be tempted to do just that!



  8. I have this question before...but I wonder if K3 is under the same scruinty (sp?) because K3 applicants are married.  The part that bothers me the most is the visiting part.  I met my wife while living in China.  I came home to get a job which hopefully I'll start next month.  I don't have the funds to visit her a lot nor the time starting a new job in all.  The burdeon of proof should be relaxed for K3 plus people who met their wives while living in CHina.


    What are your thoughts?

    Well, I definitly don't disagree. BUT, You are asking GZ to be reasonable. Bwahahahahaha!

    Oh, sorry! But that isn't going to happen!


    Patrick :P

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