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Patrick & Li

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Posts posted by Patrick & Li

  1. My wife filed for her EAD on Aug 18th, they said she would receive the card no later than 90 days. Mistakenly we went to the SS office and they wqent ahead and took our application. They called us about 2 weeks ago and said the SS was ready as soon as we received the EAD to bring it down. We received the EAD on Nov 16th, and immediately went to SS to let them copy them. My step-son now has his SS card, and we are hoping to have the wifes card in the next few days.

    BTW, we filed the EAD and AOS separately.



    Patrick :P

  2. Hey Tony, It only take about 90 days or less to get your EAD card, go ahead and get your SS# application started, all they will need in the end is the EAD card. I had the SS people go ahead while we waited for the EAD. It took almost exactly 90 days. After they get the EAD, it will be 10 biz days after when you get the SS#.


    Patrick ^_^

  3. My wife has now been here for 4 1/2 months. We get along famously. She tells me all of the time how happy she feels now, and i ALWAYS concur.


    BUT, We do totally disagree on medicines. Whenever our son feels sick, She always mixes up these strange concoctions for him. I learned very early on just to sit back and let her do her thing. But twice I have felt the need to step in and take control of the situation. The 1st time, Our son had the squirts for 2 days running, and she was making up all these concoctions, and like the good son that he is, he was letting her do her thing, but was getting no relief. So i run to the store and get a bottle of Immodium AD. I give him a dose, and his stomach was fine after this, My wife didn't want to admit that the Immodium was what worked for him, and she claimed that all of the medicines she had given him had finally started working. So i just let her think that, But the son knew better, and i gained his trust after that.

    Yesterday I had to get him from school early. He was complaining of an upset stomach. Once again, I let my wife do her thing. Once again, no relief for son. This morning he stayed out of school and He actually came to me and asked me for some help in his very limited English. I gave him a dose of the Tried and True "Pepto Bismal". He says he now feels better, and my wife is mad as Hell! LMAO!


    I guess that one day our cultures will totally meld together, and I will be more confident in "Some" of her chinese medicines. I just hope that one day she will admit that American medicines are also pretty darn good.


    Patrick B)

  4. Yes, The husband has to give permission before you can get a passport. The child has to have a passport to get the interview.

    I hate to say it, But..... Money talks and BS walks. I offered my wifes ex-husband 10000 yuan to give up his rights and he relented. I made him sign the paperwork in front of a Notary in China to make it all legal. But of course, there is one little difference, My step child was a "SON". You might can get out for less with a Daughter.

    K4 has to follow the K3 within 6 months if you file together. But you have till the child is 21 if you want to file at a later date.


    Good luck, and feel free to send me a PM if ya need some help.



  5. We got the yellow sheet also, In fact, we got it 2 times. Both times it said they needed additional time to prepare the documents. My wife had to go back to Nanning 2 times and wait for an additional interview to be scheduled. I don't know how long you are planning to be there, but you might be in for a long wait.



  6. My wife has experienced some Homesickness, Most of it has come due to it being so hard to adjust to the complete change.

    Bringing her son with her has helped some, just because he keeps her busy.

    I took alot of advice from others here and got her enrolled in some ESL classes. This has helped some. I also take her driving 2 or 3 times per week. She knows this is important for her independance.

    It is an everyday job, and she adjusts little by little.

    Overall she's happy, because she is here with me.


    Patrick :)

  7. At first, I thought i would be okay. But now, I am not so sure! I even sat her down and told her that i was losing my patience with it, and would she be willing to go to a Driving school? She wouldn't even consider it, She says she understands my frustration, but she wants me to be the one who teaches her. arrrrrrg!


    Patrick ;)

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