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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. They just keep on comin'. Glad you got yours. Good luck at the interview.
  2. It is my recommendation that ANY document written in Chinese should be translated into English and be done before the interview.
  3. Keep those cards and letters coming with the good news. Good luck at the interview.
  4. Sounds like it's over except for the dancing.
  5. Great news. Sounds like the US is getting ready to welcome many new wives and fiancees for the new year. Best of luck.
  6. What list? The puppy is wagging his tail. Good luck.
  7. The end is in sight. Keep on track and best of luck.
  8. Good news. Looks like the next wave is building. Best of luck to you both.
  9. Very good news indeed. Congratulations.
  10. First, make sure about the denial. Was the visa flatly denied or was she blue slipped? Your point #1 suggests a blue slip where you can submit additional evidence, but point #2 suggests a flat out denial. Second, did they take her passport when she was advised to return the next day to pick up her visa? If so, is there something in the passport that may have triggered something - like a different name or age from that shown on the paperwork? Third, take a look at http://travel.state.gov/visa/state041682.html which provides some information on what usually happens when the files are returned stateside. Find a good immigration lawyer who might shed some light on what this all means. I know this has to be one of the most disheartening events in your life, but take a deep breath and try to sort it out. Obtain as much information has you can from your fiancee and assure her that you are doing everything in your power to right this wrong. Best of luck to you.
  11. Good idea. I keep forgetting about the chat room and the few times I've checked it, it was very lonely.
  12. Scan through the timelines, and you'll get an idea. My sense is that things are improving on the US side at the service centers, but have slowed down in GZ. My entire process (2/03 - 2/04) was split fairly evenly - about six months in the US and about six months at GZ.
  13. Surprisingly, I read that this was done intentionally. By making the bills the same size and generally the same color, people actually have to look at them a bit more closely. Supposedly, at one time, this was a small aid in detecting counterfeit currency - probably not much help these days.
  14. Congratulations and best of luck. A banner day? For you, YES. As far as the job goes, I doubt it. I don't think you'll be doing much work today.
  15. To Jingwen, a coin is a coin, is a coin - they all go into the jar. Besides, her jeans are too tight for the pockets to hold them.
  16. You're right about this Carl, and this is one of the things that concerns me the most. My step-daughter may be 21 chronologically and physically, but psychologically/emotionally, she's still a child, dependent on mom for just about everything. If she decides to have the baby, I can guarantee you that Jingwen and I will have to raise him/her.
  17. Actually, he's Mexican, and he hasn't told his family yet - they live in Mexico. I'm having a "sit down" with him on Saturday to gain a better understanding of his intentions. I don't know if he's legal or not, but I don't think that makes any difference as it relates to a baby born in the US.
  18. Since CFL is also my family, thought I'd seek some advice. My soon to be 21 year old step-daughter is pregnant by a nice young man she has been dating for a number of months. He's 22. We are sorting through the various options of which I see four - marriage+baby; baby but no marriage; termination of the pregnancy; and adoption. The young man is opposed to termination and wants to get married. Currently, he's a waiter at a restaurant and is not college educated. My step-daughter doesn't want to get married right away but is leaning toward having the baby. I am also reluctant to advise marriage for these two. Jingwen wants her daughter to have the baby and is opposed to termination, but she is concerned about her step-daughter's having a baby when she is not married. From a cultural perspective, I am not sure how the Chinese view children born out of wedlock, nor do I fully appreciate their views on abortion. I think Jingwen's views reflect her own desires. I will support any decision my step-daughter makes and will help with whatever financial support may be required, but I'd like to hear from the CFL family, particularly the Chinese wives and fiancees, to gain a better understanding of the cultural influences on my step-daughter and Jingwen. I know family is of major importance and I assume that extends to the grandparents' providing for their children and grandchildren. But, in Chinese culture, to what extent would the father be expected to be involved in all of this. From an American perspective, financial support might be involved if they don't get married. From a Chinese (and American) perspective, I assume that my step-daughter would continue to live with us if she decides not to get married but to have the baby. Jingwen implies that if her daughter gets married, she and her husband could live with us (remarkably similar to how my parents got started - living with my dad's family for a while). Is this common in China? Thanks everyone.
  19. My youngest is also eight. He can be a real pain, and it has taken him almost a year to adjust to having three new family members. I suspect part of it is jealousy - dad's time is now shared among more people. And like your experience, sometimes his response is a display of anger expecially when Jingwen or her children try to correct him over some mistake. But, he is growing out of this. I figure by the time he turns 21, he'll be back to normal. I agree that gifts would be appropriate, but the cost of the gift is not as important as the giving.
  20. This is what we did, except we took the jet boat from into HK (spent the night there as well). Leaving the mainland and then entering HK was not a problem with the visa and an airline ticket showing departure within seven days.
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