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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. ALL RIGHT!!!! Congratulations. Details, man, details.
  2. Jingwen has gone the other way. She signs her name in pinyin. It's kinda funny watching her sign documents, getting about halfway through, then stopping, trying to remember the spelling, then continuing. And, one last thing. It's a good thing signatures don't have to be legible. By the same token, you ought to see the look on her face when I try to write her name in Chinese. It's all she can do to keep from busting a gut.
  3. Welcome aboard. I'd be inclined to wait a bit longer. If you believe what the CSC says they do with the files, I'm surprised it doesn't take them longer. For some light reading take a look at http://uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/scn...nal/index.htm#D http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/37.gif This will help you pass the time for the next 9-12 months. A bag or two of Cheetos also helps.
  4. Have you been able to verify whether DOS has cabled GZ with the results? Knowing this information may help you determine if the hold up is in the US or at GZ.
  5. Slow down and enjoy the ride, will 'ya. Sounds like you have the practical stuff well in hand, and it's nice to hear that some governmental agencies actually get the job done in short order. I'm sure the travel is a real eye opener as is the variety of American food. One note of caution. Be prepared to have your ear bent when she starts adding a few pounds after consuming all those banana splits. Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes to you both.
  6. I can't remember if this link has already been posted, but it gives the Chinese terms (putonghua, guangdonghua, formal, informal) for most family relatives. http://www.kwanfamily.info/familytitles/familytitle.html
  7. It should be fairly routine if she has the unopened brown envelope with her files, her passport/visa, and her x-rays (still don't know why we need the x-rays). Take a look at http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10670 The I-94 is an important document for her to complete and give the the IO and the customs declaration will also be needed. The link has pictures of both.
  8. My memory cells are falling out faster than my hair, but I recall that 1) we got the on-line approval then 2) got the hard copy approval letter in the mail then 3) got the actual card in the mail. I can't recall how long it was from on-line notice to actual receipt of the card, but it didn't seem to be too long.
  9. You'll never know the inner workings, but sending in more photos will do the trick. Hope this little delay doesn't screw up your travel plans. I agree - separate stacks for each application is probably a good thing.
  10. We did the same thing but we also called the I-800 number and asked that the computer records be updated as well.
  11. You're an old hand with the process, having already gone through it once (twice? ). Glad to hear that life is good. Thanks for checking in.
  12. Giving kudos when called for...calling b/s when needed.
  13. Wish they all went as fast as yours. Congratulations.
  14. Wonderful news indeed. Time to start looking forward. Congratulations and best wishes.
  15. Hoops and more hoops. You've jumped through them all and are still standing. It'll be over soon. Good luck.
  16. Congratulations. Mark your calendar for 21 months out so you can remove the conditions on her 2 year green card. Enjoy life.
  17. You probably already know this, but once you file the I-130 for the CR-1 visa (assuming you get married), your new wife can come over after you file for a get the K-3 visa. In many countries, the K-3 is issued very quickly so it's a nice thing, but not so in China where getting the K-3 visa sometimes takes longer than getting the CR-1 visa. As a result, whether you decide to get married or bring you SO over as your fiancee on a K-1 visa, you've got quite a wait. Welcome to Candle and good luck.
  18. Was there every any doubt about the timing? Good luck come December.
  19. Just a few comments. The more pressing issue seems to be your wife's job interview. Technically, she does not need a social security card in order to work and she doesn't need one to interview for or accept employment. Presumably, she has her green card which is all she needs to verify her identity and eligibility to work. For the time being, I would suggest that if she needs to give her SSN, she indicate "applied for". Also, take a look at the following link which talks about some of the same issues: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13896 If she actuall starts work before she gets an SSN, chances are her earnings won't be reported to SSA, and it can be a pain in the butt trying to correct this later. Also, the following link has the I-9 handbook which tells employers what the employee needs in order to verify identity and eligibility to work: http://www.osha.gov/pls/epub/wageindex.dow...20handbook' On the question of what to do now, maybe our resident expert on SSA incompetence, a.k.a Trigg, can shed some light, but this may be an instance where you congressional representative might actually be of help.
  20. Trigg and Frank, On the subject of vacaccinations. I know about the list of vaccinations required for the AOS interview (those that are required for all Immigrants) We will be doing these in China due to lower cost I have heard that as of recent, there may be a possibility that recently there has been requirement for vaccaninations against the Asian Bird Flu outbreak, for all of our SOs leaving China. This is PROBABLY a rumor. However, I just wanted to dispel this urban legend. Have either of you heard of this before? My wife is from Chengdu, and not from one of the high yellow fever area that travelers are always questioned about on entry into China. Please don't panic, everyone I believe this to be a RUMOR. I just wanted Trigg or you to have some input on it. 168593[/snapback] Don't know how current the info is, but as of 10/14/05 CDC says there isn't a specific vaccine yet: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avian/gen-info/vaccines.htm
  21. Good to hear from you Bobby and congratulations on the upcoming addition to the family. In case you haven't heard, some AOS cases are being approved without interviews. It seems the California Service Center has them which may be good news for you and Cai Yun. Take a look at http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13494
  22. Yep, what Trigg said. K-3 visa are considered non immigrant visas and don't require vaccinations. This differs from immigrant visas like the CR-1/IR-1 visas which do require the vaccinations.
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