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Dave G.

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Everything posted by Dave G.

  1. Whatever you do will be changed. And changed again. And again. Again. Keep your money in your pocket and have your SO make the changes needed so she feels the house is hers too. Michael posted something very profound about this...something I too learned the hard (and expensive) way.
  2. Here are some questions if people can help me understand this all... 1. Why do both the National Customer Service Center and the local office process APs? Why couldn't I apply locally? 2. Who is processing our I-485? On the National timelines, no I-485 is listed, but it is listed for the local service center? Do I use the local service center's date as a guide? Of interest, the National center is processing APs as of April 23. Our date is March 24. It is now Aug. 7. I called last week to inquire but the woman said I had to wait "until 30 days had passed." I said they had come and gone. "Not on the processing dates, they haven't," she replied. I have to wait until the next update on processing dates before they consider the the thirty day inquiry rule. Off by one day!!! What? Has the USCIS found a way to manipulate the space-time continum? Their 30 days surely aren't my 30 days.
  3. Driving update: JM has done really well. She handles the drive to Ben's school well and has even branched out to more challenging places. Yesterday, tho, was a bit of an adventure. I've learned that the more I "teach," the more tense (and dare I say angry?) she becomes. I really try to bite my tongue and let her figure it out. When we drove out of the garage yesterday, she had a very near miss. She didn't see the car turn the corner and almost plowed into they guy. That affected her driving the rest of the trip. Hard accelerations, hard braking, and hard turns. Things were flying around the car and I finally begged her to calm down. She couldn't. With all the rough driving, I came home car sick. Car sick!!! I never get car sick! I wanted to hurl so bad but knew if I did, she'd feel awful. So, I ate dinner and went to bed, praying I wouldn't puke. I didn't, but JM knew I was sick when I went to bed at 7:30. And, she knew why. Alas, I fear she's lost confidence. We'll fix that in the AM...no problem. We'll get her back on that horse and teach her --gulp-- parallel parking. This'll be fun. Driving test on the 11th....will post the results.
  4. Honestly, I don't remember. Just go to this site and follow the letter of the law. Be obsessive in the detail by providing more than they ask for (passport and visa photocopies, etc.) Worked for us, it seems. Chengdu Visa Instructions BTW: Both Robhon and I can attest to the great service in Chengdu. They never...ever...failed us. In fact, they've bent over backwards to help us in our unique time of need. JM's dad went there, and once again, did right by us.
  5. Hey Rob.... Great seeing ya again. Great pics too. I almost missed you cuz I really only hang out in the RR these days. Why, I don't know. I'm getting my butt kicked. And, I know not to ask you...of all people...for help. Keep in touch. Congrats on #2. It explains why the long absence.
  6. JM was on the phone with her father yesterday. It was a long chat. I figured they hadn't talked in a while so they were catching up. But, NOOOOOOO...... After the conversation, JM said he got his visa. WHAT???? What visa????? JM has this little habit of always changing her mind and our plans. The last idea was for her to go to the consulate with her father and help get the B2 tourist visa. Seems the papers I sent were in order so he went on his own. The process worked much like the K-1 visa. They took his papers while he waited outside. Then, he was called in for an interview which lasted five minutes. 1. Are you married? Why isn't your wife going with you? 2. Have you ever traveled outside China before? 3. Do you have money in the bank? Who will pay for your trip? 4. Who will you visit in the US? 5. Do you own a home? BLAM! Six month tourist visa in hand two hours later. Just amazing.
  7. Hey, Carl....why not tell the rest of the story? "Kum Ba Ya, my friends..." (insert big toke on fat joint) "Kum Ba Ya." (insert smokeless exhale) O h, t h e c o l o r s
  8. EXACT thing happened to us. We returned it the next day. I figure we lost a month in processing....but only lost one week for the scheduled interview. I was neck and neck with tywy and got an interview a week later despite the mistake. Don't worry....you'll be fine.
  9. Hong Kong movies about ghost stories are great!!!!! Don't know any titles, but they're always campy but delightful!
  10. Anyone want to share what China-isms they have for sex??? I don't want to be the first....
  11. medicine = anything for body, plants, teeth, swimming pool, etc. eggies = eggs. What's meaning? = What do you mean? Looks like = it's like... Petrol = gasoline more later.........
  12. In the last two months, JM needed two deep cleanings (with novacaine), one tooth pulled (rotten), and started the crown process today. She needs four. JM will be finished with the treatment plan in three weeks and she's thrilled. Total cost? $3700. I'm happy her mouth will be "stable" and she now swears by Western dentistry. It helps that her DDS is from Taiwan. When all is said and done, she'll need to think about an implant vs. a bridge for the lost tooth. Since I've never lost a tooth, I don't know what's best. JM's smile is so perfect (she has lots of caps) so I want the outcome to be the most perfect and comfortable. Any thoughts???
  13. OH BOY have we ever have Dave. The question is how do we get rid of him??? Mail me a receipt showing you voted for Bush...and I'm HISTORY!
  14. Don't get me started. I've already got profiles for LMark, Patrick, Kim...and, of course, Trigg. (Made ya look!)
  15. Well RMark, I can't speak for anyone else but you have always been a mystery to me. Heck...RMark is easy. No mystery to be found. He's a horny conservative drunk who loves softball and volleyball based on his recent postings.
  16. Very interesting...it said you are lucky to have me around here.
  17. Damn you, Don. I did. Today, she drove to the DDS' office. I didn't know how much like a "girly man" I can be (no offense to my liberal friends). "Honey...you see those two white lines? Try to stay between them." "JM...you see those cars driving 45 MPH? See if you can get the speed past 25." "Sweetheart...you see that thick white line by the intersection? Thirty feet and you're right as rain." Bless her heart, she had to negotiate three "round-abouts." Even regular drivers screw them up. JM did okay, but she tended to drift from the inside of the circle to the outside. "Dave, are they honking at me?" In 20 minutes, we'll go pick up her son. Nice knowing ya'll............
  18. Let's us know if you need any help.
  19. Thanks, buddy. You're right about lost control. I think it began Nov. 4, 2003.
  20. God, I am so proud of JM. The sound in her voice just now on the phone was pure music to my ears. But now, of course, comes the dreaded loss of my control when she's behind the wheel. If you never hear from me again, you'll know why.
  21. Jim... First suggestion: Be obsessive about detail and don't be afraid to be redundant. It will serve you well. When I filed in 11/02, I sent a thick binder with information not needed until later in the process. I figured that eventually I'd need the information...so why not get it now (then). I was happier with them throwing papers away rather than asking for more evidence. For me, it worked just fine. I submitted a binder which comprised of three sections. I added a coverletter and included a check sheet for the INS to easily verify all the docs were there and easily refer to them. It also helped me stay organized. Here is the checklist...hope it helps. However, your binder will be different for the embassy because of the different forms involved. Here's what I provided for the I-129....hope it helps K-1 Visa Checklist Immigration and Naturalization Service Forms & Fees: Cover Letter with Pictures [1-1] Fee: $110.00 to Immigration and Naturalization Service [1-1] Form I-129F: Petition of Alien Fiancé(e) (Dave & Jing Mei) [1-2] Form I-134: Affidavit of Support (Dave) [1-3] Form G-325A: Biographic Information (Dave) [1-4] Form G-325A: Biographic Information (Jing Mei) [1-5] Intent to Marry/Proof of Relationship: Letter of Intent to Marry (Dave) [2-1] Letter of Intent to Marry (Jing Mei) [2-2] Supplemental Information to Verify Relationship: Copies of Passport Pages Showing We Were in Hong Kong simultaneously (Dave) [2-3] Copies of Passport Pages Showing We Were in Hong Kong Simultaneously (Jing Mei) [2-3] Email Lists [2-4] Copies of Phone Records [2-4] Copy of Visa to China [2-5] Copy of Plane Tickets to China [2-5] Immigration/Legal Documentation: Passport Information (Dave) [3-1] Birth Certificate (Dave) [3-1] Passport Photo (Dave) [3-1] Passport Information (Jing Mei) [3-2] Birth Certificate (Jing Mei) [3-2] Passport Photo (Jing Mei) [3-2] Passport Information (Dai Qing) [3-3] Birth Certificate (Dai Qing) [3-3] Passport Photo (Dai Qing) [3-3] Divorce Decree (Dave) [3-4] Divorce Decree (Jing Mei) [3-5] Translated Divorce Decree (Jing Mei) [3-5] Supplemental Employment History (Jing Mei) [3-5] Supplemental Criminal History Information (Jing Mei) [3-5]
  22. So, we studied (again!) last night and are gearing up to go out today. Damn test...it really is tricky. JM's questions yesterday dealth with starting a car with a flooded engine. "Honey, how did the water get into the engine." Grrrr.......
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