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Dave G.

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Everything posted by Dave G.

  1. hi Dave... I did the 'something else' ... but it seems will take much longer time than I thought... ... I am teaching him Chinese now, so he can be 'something elsed' more completely. Enight... Never seen you so frisky before. Your husband is a lucky man.
  2. Have you been talking to Xiahong? That's what she does to me. Brainwash? We call it something else here. PW'd.
  3. This ain't the place to ask this...but I have no other means to post right now. If I knew the Internet better, I'd create a site for CFL members exclusively to continue the RR. Like many have posted, this place just ain't the same. If taken out of the hands of PJ and Don but somehow linked to this site, would that preserve the special place CFL is? I think similar rules should apply. No profanity, no personal attacks...just fun debate and fun topics. Anyone game? If so, create a paypal account and I'll be more than generous in my contributions. But, I'd still be interested in only chatting with CFL members. Is this possible?
  4. I was at the University of Utah when that poop first hit the fan. Chase Peterson, UofU president, was a neighbor and even taught a class I took. Talented man...but, oh how quickly he left dodge after the so called fraud was discovered. From what I remember of it, cold fusion is possible but still far beyond our grasp. Perhaps some day.........
  5. One of our favorite "fights" is when to brush teeth. My wife/step-son believe you should brush after waking up and before you eat breakfast. Of course, I say you brush before leaving for work/school. I think the toothpaste ruins the flavor of food but they say it's important to clean the teeth before eating. Anybody else have this "battle?"
  6. In JDP's defense... He's new here. Doesn't know the culture yet. He'll figure it out. <Edit> It's a long, hard road...pre AND post visa. It was horrible for me pre-visa. Once they get here, you face challanges NEVER expected. But, when there's love, you can always get past those bumps. I have stories yet to post. Amazing, scary stuff. We got through it, though. But, it wasn't easy. There were times I thought it was "game over." But, I've learned through the process that each of us are sincere and committed to each other. That's the key to survival.
  7. So, I've been whining about my wife's AP. I also whined when we got the RFE for my step-son's AP's pictures. Well, it's time to whine again. I went out to do some things and came home to an email from the USCIS. My step-son's AP was approved! His notice date was June 11th; my wife's is March 24th. What the??? So, I called the call center and asked how that could be. The woman said she'd be happy to start an inquiry but needed my wife to provide certain info. Dang...wife is out of town until Thursday. I reminded the lady (who was very nice) that as the USC, I did all the paperwork. She didn't care...needs to talk to JM. I did learn something I've been fuzzy about. The AP is good for one year for any country for multiple trips. That's cool....at least I won't have to go thru this again until next year. Of course, one of the messages I got while waiting on the phone is that the original AP must be provided when petitioning for a new one. What...another seven month wait????
  8. Hero was pretty bad, I saw this in China when it came out about a year ago. It seemed the director was trying too hard to make a "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", without the plot... Beautiful cinematography though. Okay....just figured it out. I got tricked. Hero is presented by Tarantino. Not produced or directed by him. Sneaky....sneaky.
  9. You're right. I think JM and her son will get a kick out of him. Like a charactor out or a bad Hong Kong flick...but, oh so entertaining. Loved how he treated Darryl Hanna. Glad they answered that question.
  10. I could have sworn I saw it announced. Maybe I confused it with Hero. Isn't there going to be #3? Love the show so far.
  11. JM and the kids are in San Fran this week so I have lots of time to play. I finally saw Kill Bill II last night...and loved it! Darryl Hanna was great. But, David Carradine stole the show! He should get an academy award or something. Has anyone seen KB III? Seems the show ended after KB II, but I can think of lots of other directions it could go. If you've seen KB III, is it any good? Also, has anyone seen Jet Li's movie Hero? That looks awesome too.
  12. This is a very, very tricky topic. I advise caution.
  13. JM went to the DDS. We're $5000 into the process (for the family) and still not finished. Two deep cleanings, one extraction, and three crowns. All four wisdom teeth are full of cavities; two of which are impacted. The DDS has referred us to an oral surgion to have the wisdom teeth extracted...no point in saving them. Then, she needs one implant. On top of all this, she got caps on all her front teeth long ago. Her smile is breath-taking. But, as a kid, she was given tons of tetracycline so her teeth turned grey. The caps were colored accordingly and not well fitted. Seems they might need to be replaced too....questions exist about decay under the caps. Not to worry...I don't think I'm getting ripped off. I've seen all the X-rays and the DDS pointed out all the obvious problems. When all is said and done, I think we'll be into it for 10k. Bummer...but JM's smile is worth it. Hopefully, she'll get her AP soon. She said she'd have the wisdom teeth taken out in China. I put my foot down and said no. I just don't trust them regarding infection and the such.
  14. John... Just make sure when you have a spat with Hai Yan that she produces facts to substantiate her position. JUUUST JOKING......
  15. I just checked the USCIS site and viewed my portfolio list. JM's AP was updated yesterday. It stated: "Application Type: I131, APPLICATION FOR BCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT Current Status: Your I131 APPLICATION FOR BCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT was received on March 24, 2004. We mailed you a receipt with information about processing. It is taking between 30 and 60 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete." Does that mean we'll get a letter soon? Does it mean more processing was done? Will the portfolio note when a petition is approved? I swear...this process has been a joke.
  16. Driving stories? I agree...how timely. After JM got the learner's permit, I've been doing the instructing. JM loves saving money. At first, I was a wreck but it's getting better. The other day, she said I make her nervous/angry when I freak out. She forgets that the cars about to hit us are coming towards me on my side of the car...which is also where the baby sits. And, if we wreck, she has NO clue how expensive/time consuming it is. I've let go of control and try to stay calmer. It's working. JM went and took the driving test last Wednesday. Didn't pass. The gal that gave the test was a sweetheart when giving feedback. Everything was great, except turns. JM stopped at a green light when turning right...and almost got rear-ended by a FedEx van. When turning left on a small street with no center line, she entered the opposite lane before turning. Oops! Then, there was the "drift" to the right while looking over her left shoulder....for five seconds! And, leaving the DMV to test? Took 10 minutes just to get out of the parking space, almost clipping both cars on either side of her. How these DMV folks survive their jobs, I have no clue. JM tests again on the 30th. More time to practice....more time for me to seek a Valium prescription.
  17. We're both "nothing." We hate going to church/temple and believe time is better spent with family. Good values can be taught in the home based on traditions we learned in our upbringing...and it sure is a lot cheaper. No money plates to fill...no tithing to pay...no extortion from clergy.
  18. If you've read my post about AP issues, you saw I got a RFE about my step-son's I-131. We received it today and it was no big deal. Sort of.... USCIS received his application on June 11th. We received a letter today dated August 3. The RFE only requested two pictures that followed the "ADIT style photos." So, even though we filed before any changes were enacted, we are still affected by the new regulations. I'm posting these regulations, along with what's required for each application we might file, for your edification. Hope it helps everybody in the future. New Photo Regs
  19. Bad to worse? I don't know. I was just checking out the USCIS board. Something odd struck me....something didn't look right on the dates. Then I realized....the email was RFE for my step-son's I-131...not JMs. I just told JM about it. Me thinks I'm still in the dog house. As far as processing dates moving....I-131s didn't budge after yesterday's update. Still can't call requesting them to track the status. What service!
  20. Chinese music? Love the music...hate the screeching women when they sing. I'm surprised glasses don't break when they do.
  21. I'm shocked you all forgot the best of all Country songs of all times! "I Shot My Dog After She Had My Twins" Country? Only when I'm really drunk...and no one else is watching.
  22. Yup...I was right. JM is pissed. At me! "Why do you tell them so much? Why do you tell them I go China for house? It's not their business. Just tell them I want to see family." Well...maybe I was right or wrong, but I figured asking for AP right after her arrival just to see family wouldn't "look right." Silly me....I told the truth. My bet is that they want to see our deed to the house. We'll see...........
  23. Oh great...just as I was looking at more info about APs, I got this email: "*** DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL *** The following is the latest information on your case status Receipt Number: MSC************* Application Type: I131 , APPLICATION FOR BCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT Current Status: On August 9, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283. If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please contact the National Customer Service Center. National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283. *The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice that you received from the USCIS. *** Please do not respond to this e-mail message. Sincerely, The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)" So...when they get the evidence, how long will it take for USCIS to consider it and make a decision. JM is now out practicing her parallel parking. She'll be pissed (disappointed) when I tell her the news. Hell....getting her dad a tourist visa was easier than getting the AP. Grrrrrrrrrr...........
  24. Here's another question: JM's AP should be here in two weeks....I hope. When can I apply for the next one? Does the first have to be used before using the next? She'll want to go to China next summer....and the first has already taken 8 months and still isn't in hand. I'll have to start soon on #2 to have it by summer '05.
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