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Everything posted by tkgert

  1. Thanks guys this is pretty much the answers that I thought I would receive. Now would this be a bad thing if she was denied for a B2 visa, I know this probably all stays in her file.
  2. Trying to obtain a vistor visa after a K1 denial, Is this something that is totally out of the question, or are there ways or certain things different for this process?
  3. Welcome home Tsap and your new family. I know you have many adventures planned for them and many things for them to see, If your ever down the ole eastern shore way let me know. Glad your journey for your happiness has come home to you where you belong and you will show these two the time of there lifes. Best to you Tsap
  4. Have a good trip home. Take good care of that little lady up in them mountains. Long time coming but your almost home now, Best to you both and I hope you have a very happy and long life together. TK
  5. Best of luck to Carl and Kyle, This site would be lost without guys like you . Also my best to Don in your new adventures.
  6. Congrats Bob, My best to you and the little lady
  7. Best of Luck to you Tsap. Now is time to bring the lil rabbit on home to the mountains of Pennsyltucky.
  8. Happy Birthday Mick, And many more
  9. My condolences to you Tony, May she rest in peace,, TK
  10. Hot damn buddy,, Now you are getting some action, I think you already have the rest of this journey planned out, go get your wife and son and enjoy the rest of your life, long time for you Tsap but you hung tough thru it all.. My best to you and your new family.. TK
  11. Davy, Yes this is very true, there are many of us that feel the same pain and anger, and also know very well about Guz Hell.The wait is hell in it self, hang in there,, TK
  12. If time is an important factor in determining your bon afide relationship, than my god man, you of all people should have had your wifes visa along time ago. They sure have not made your journey easy my friend and just keep dragging you along, Tsap your wait is drawing closer to a end everyday and soon this long fought out battle with these A holes will be over.Hopefully your wife and son will be interveiwed together , are these people really that dumb that they cant put this together, really makes you wonder sometimes what the hell really goes on there
  13. Your time is coming brother Tsap, Vermont knows you well by now,
  14. Hopefully your wife,s P2 is soon to come, everything will be put together and you can get on with your life. A long time coming for you my man, you and her deserve this, I would have to say that what you 2 have been thru and put up with from these ass holes, now is there fuc@king time to give you what you been waiting for.. best to you Tsap
  15. I would think last known should take care of it, plain and simple
  16. Congrats, Wish you all the best
  17. Hopefully your long journey and wait will be over soon.Best of luck to you
  18. How about American men? Sometimes I think my husband is overprotective. He's not too wild about my having male friends or talking to/about them. He argues he trusts me 200% but he doesn't trust the guys. "believe me, I've seen too much when I was in the Navy". Is that just him or it's pretty common ? As would be the same for American men,, they are all different..
  19. There you go Carl, real Chinese food and you can be healthy, skinny and HOT!!! On the serious side my son was diagnosed with type 2 15 years ago. As a teenager then I watched him trying to deal with this and trying to keep his sugar under control. This was very hard for him and took many years to realize the importance of keeping his sugar under control. I have wittnessed many times the effects that low sugar and high can do to your body and the way it makes you act, I got to the point were I could tell everytime that something was wrong. My son is a very big boy (not fat) and with super strentgh when his sugar was extremely low, many times I would have to call for help for him. Over the years he has gotten a handle on this and learned how to keep things under control.All my best to you Carl .
  20. Shit and some of us get to pay the fees Twice
  21. Yeah they like to stick it where it hurts, either in your a$$ OR pocket
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