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About kowalski22

  • Birthday 05/23/1967

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    Dundas, Minnesota
  1. Hi Smokiessky, How is your relationship going now? Did you have some of the same concerns as I do early in your relationship and now those concerns are gone? What are the BIG "fight" issues?
  2. Very good advice Tim. As for her shift times. It seems that they are always changing. I would think that she would be able to tell me via email fairly easy. There are times when I do not hear from her for 2 or 3 days... When I don't hear from her for a while, the second guessing begins...
  3. Have you been intimate ??? If not, then , just forget about this . Why dont you learn Chinese ??? when I first met my wife , I only spoke a few words of Chinese, but I quickly learned it and become fluent . She has not learned much English though because she can communicate well with me. I become Chinese ! Emotionally we are intimate in our writings. Physically, just holding hands.
  4. I would like for us to Skype more than once a week but she works at a hospital on 3 different shifts at different times. I never know what shift she works or when she is availible. She also has a 3 year old daughter that takes alot of time of hers. Typically she calls me on Skype when I am writing her a letter before bed.
  5. Hello all, I have a question regarding communication. Myself and Lili have known each other for just about 1.5 years. I flew to Nanning and met her last April. We communicate by email every day. We chat and Skype about 1 time a week. Lili's English is poor but has been going to classes in Nanning. I have seen some improvement. When I email I sometimes ask questions but she doesn't really answer them. Even when I would ask her about her favorite color, she really wouldn't narrow it down to one. When we use the webcam, I do most all of the talking and chatting. When she stumbles on a word, I encourage her and ask her to type it. Most of the time we just move on. All of the interaction is driven or initiated by me. Is this common or is this a red flag?? Please give me your insight... Thanks.
  6. Hello All, I am in the process of waiting for my NOA2 from California. So far it has been 153 days since the NOA1. Hopefully any day I should get the good news. My question: While reading many posts, I come across the name Mr. Yang. Looks like he helps people with there Visa experience in Guangzhou. Can someone fill me in and get me his contact information? Thank you... Paul
  7. I guess you are right. Who really knows anybody?? I am in the same boat as you. I was happily married for 16 years, then I was surprised as well. I live in a smaller community that has a smaller Chinese population. There are three Chinese restruants that employ mostly Chinese people. I work with a bunch of Cambodian people that eat much of the same food as my fiancee eats and they are looking forward to meeting Lili and becoming friends with her. I am willing to do anything so Lili and her daughter are happy here. I hope they can tell me exactly how they feel, but I fear that they will have a difficult time telling me and eventually just give up.
  8. Hello, I have posted here on and off. I have met my love a little over a year ago. I have visited her once in China and Skype her twice a week and email daily. I feel that I am in love with her but am a little uncomfortible because of the limited one on one contact. I have started the process of the Fiancee Visa but I am nervous about it. Is this normal? How did you guys feel at this step? Now that your wife is now here, can you communicate your DEEP feelings to each other with language and Culture standing in your way? Does you Chinese wife feel alone and isolated here in America? By networking, I have met some local Chinese gals that were married to a American citizen and now are divorced. They felt they were in love and had no motive to marry just to stay in America. They ended up feeling alone and did not connect with their American husband. They could not tell deep feelings, and also could not grow together, even though she still loves him very much. How do you overcome something like this??? As you can tell, I am a planner and I worry about some of the obstacles that will have to overcome mostly by the Chinese wife to be truely happy. Please give me some of your thoughts and experiences. I feel that I am in love but how do you really know???? Thank you. Paul
  9. Hello, myself and Lili communicate through email and Skype. Will China's crackdown on Skype users stop me from communicating through video chat? Thanks.
  10. Thank you all for the advise and the support. It helps that I know many people have done this before me. My adventure with this process is just beginning and you all will here from me now and then. Thank you all again.... Paul
  11. Hello, first of all, I want to thank everybody for this forum. My Story. I met my gal via Match.com November 2009. I traveled to china to meet her in April. I took many pictures and kept all receipts. We had a wonderful time together and really hit it off. Our relationship has grown and have decided that we would like to marry. We are going to start the Fiancee Visa process but from what I am reading, we are just about gauranteed a denial on the first try. What advice can you all give me? Should I travel to China again to marry Li Li? Should I wait longer to file my fiancee Visa to show that our relationship has a longer history? I already have a 12 inch pile of email records and a 10 inch pile of chats but I don't know how much history documents is enough. Any advice is really appreciated. Thank you.
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