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Everything posted by mchina34

  1. Wheew! I guess I got lucky or the Chinese just like me. I even got away with bringing roses through their customs. Just told 'em they weren't for planting.
  2. http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/guide.html The Washington state handbook is a good idea for any of us - the Chinese version is a page-by-page translation - making it very easy to follow along with the English version. bravo!! xie xie
  3. The biggest reason my wife isn't bored is that she found a job not long after arriving and has been there over a year now. She is not happy when she isn't working and gets bored, plus the fact that she socializes at work with teachers, students and co-workers has really helped her acclimate to America. She has made some good friends who visit us and call her on the phone and her conversational skills have really improved. good point. i was going to ask people to state whether or not their wife works(to see if there's any correlation between boredom and house wife) though that is still only one slice of the boredom pie.
  4. My concern was her having to sign the returns and me providing information about her income. I will file single. More importantly, I think I have to show myself being married on the tax return she will take to the interview, for safety sake in my situation... I didn't know I should have done it before or I would have. My wife actually brought this up to me... She talks on 001 quite frequently. But you aren't single. I think you'll be ok though, but if they ask for the tax returns and see you file single, dunno what they will think. My SO didn't get asked for any financial docs at all, so maybe you will get lucky and not get asked either.
  5. Let me guess, your laopo arrives tomorrow and you are burning the midnight oil cleaning the house You lucky dog dude, more like a couple Henry Weinhard's hefeweizen.....
  6. Ok, I was tired last night, so that's my excuse. a visa is only good for a specific period of time, 30/60/90. You have that alloted time even if you enter the day before the expiration date. for some reason (remember i said i was tired), i thought he meant if he stayed past his 30 day alloted time, not if he stayed past the last day of allowed entry. my bad.
  7. My wife asked me the same thing, and because she read the same site. We don't have the time, but I wouldn't make her do it anyways. she can drive fine, so i'm confident she can the easy 20-30 question test, and the driving test with no problem.
  8. Anyone heard this one yet? I felt that way when I got to China myself. On my last job I spoke to a contractor in Dallas who was originally from Singapore and he said the same thing. Now my wife says:" the girls on xyz forum are saying it will be exciting the first few days, but after that it is boring". Now I know it all depends on the person, their expectations, their interests, and maybe most importantly, where the petitioner lives. However, in general, I can see why I thought this and others do. Our society is more structured in that you don't have e-bikes whizzing by, and buses and taxes just clipping you, even while you are in the crosswalk! The threat of getting run over in a crosswalk is next to nill, not so much because we don't have crazy drivers, but we mostly don't walk anywhere. The journey of getting anywhere in China is an event in and of itself. Whereas here we simply drive to the parking lot, go in, come out, and go home. Real cut and dry. We also don't have karaoke bars on every corner. I know, that's such a huge loss. Or people doing Tai Chi in the parks and street corners. I'm in a new a state since I made my first trip to China and no longer hold these opinions. But I wonder what some of the SO's are saying out there, especially the ones that are living in cities with little or no Asian influence, or just small town period. Or ones that are living in large cities with East Asian influence would be interesting to know tpo. Anyone care to tell us what your SO has experienced, and maybe even why.
  9. You may enter, but you are expected to leave when you are supposed to, which is before it expires. what will happen if you don't? probably nothing. though maybe they won't give you a new visa next time, but i highly doubt it. the first time i was there they took an extra long time reviewing my passport when i left, and told me 'to not do it again'. so i haven't i stayed just 3 days over. You do not have to leave before the "last date of entry" expires. i was told by the chinese customs when i left the country that i had to. just telling what i was told. Did you stay for longer than 30 days? i had a double entry visa, with each entrance good for 90 days each time. i was on the first entry and stayed apprx. 93-94 days. he said, after taking forever, 'why did you stay past your visa date'? i told him my long story, which was true. he said 'do not do it again'. exactly what happened. i thought i was going to get the bamboo shoots up the finger nails, but that only happens to brad pitt i guess.
  10. You may enter, but you are expected to leave when you are supposed to, which is before it expires. what will happen if you don't? probably nothing. though maybe they won't give you a new visa next time, but i highly doubt it. the first time i was there they took an extra long time reviewing my passport when i left, and told me 'to not do it again'. so i haven't i stayed just 3 days over. You do not have to leave before the "last date of entry" expires. i was told by the chinese customs when i left the country that i had to. just telling what i was told.
  11. if you file married file jointly (MFJ), you will have to furnish proof of her income. that's what i was told if i were to file that status. if you get audited you certainly will have to. additionally, she will have to sign the federal tax return, in addition to the W7. however, she can print off a W7, send her ID to you, and then you only have one way document traffic. if you file MFJ, you will have to mail her the federal tax reutrn to have her sign it, then have her mail that and the W7/IDs/proof of income. instead i filed married filing separately (MFS), and did not have to furnish proof of her income. i called the IRS and asked since we filed MFS, if she still had to file for herself. they asked how much she made, then said no, she doesn't if she makes under X (forget the value). she also did not have to sign the federal tax return this way. i already had her IDs, so it wasn't a problem there. the MFJ would've gotten me about 200 more bucks vs the MFS.
  12. You may enter, but you are expected to leave when you are supposed to, which is before it expires. what will happen if you don't? probably nothing. though maybe they won't give you a new visa next time, but i highly doubt it. the first time i was there they took an extra long time reviewing my passport when i left, and told me 'to not do it again'. so i haven't i stayed just 3 days over.
  13. alright buddy!! that's great news! wish you good luck!
  14. \ 1) not sure, but it sounds like you would do a seperate i134 for each employer. 2) you are right, sir. she 'might' be asked for these financial documents at the interview. all p3 does is tell her to tell you what docs you need to start getting prepared for your actual interview, but NONE of these should be sent to guz with p3 as they will be thrown away. good luck, you are almost there!
  15. Buddy, that's just a plain bad idea. Don't you want her to see your beautiful country, your family, your favorite restaurants/tourist sites/etc? You already went through the long haul, so I think you should finish it off. Equally important, doesn't SHE want to see and experience all those things with you? good luck with whatever you choose.
  16. I'm not sure of your point?? They are not required to ask the beneficiary for financial evidence... they've received paperwork concerning the USCs work history. They ask for this if they feel it necessary.. They ask for pictures more than taxes, if you ask me... That's because I write in pseudo-english B) do i have a point? yes, but i don't remember what i was going on about when i first wrote the post. probably that it's fine to get all the extras, but you probably only need the basics: i134, taxes, paycheck stub, letter from employer. not land deeds, life insurance, etc.
  17. NOTHING, but the documents she was sent. It says so explicityly:"All document will be destroyed", meaning all docs sent except the ones they sent you in packet3.
  18. look at my sig and there's a link to an example that i used. however, in 25 minute interview they never asked for any financial evidence from her.
  19. Hot dang! She just picked up her visa from the post office and is on her way back to her home town in just a couple hours, then on to the USA Friday(china time). time to put away the porn and throw the beer box house i've been building away.
  20. hey whatever man, mine WAS the black pearl and that's the bottom line.
  21. mchina34

    We passed

    Thank goodness...I was wondering since you took quite a while to respond. make sure you post when you actually get the visa. did theyt ell you how long? also, was yours orange or pink? mine says orange...but chinese sometimes describe colors differently (my experience anyways).
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